VI – Am I Jealous?

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Zoro When I found Crystal trembling and crying, I was momentarily stunned, unable to fully process the sight before me. The pitiful state in which I found her send a shiver down my spine. Her distress was palpable, and her vulnerability struck a chord I hadn't expected. Before I could speak or offer any assistance, Zake, my twin brother, pushed past me and took charge of the situation. He gently but firmly guided Crystal out of the bathroom and draped his jacket over her trembling shoulders. The protective gesture from my usually reserved brother left me utterly speechless, my frown deepening. Zake turned to me, his eyes steady and unwavering. His voice was filled with quiet determination as he addressed me. "Zoro, it's time to stop humiliating someone who can't fight back." His words hit me like a tidal wave. It was as if he had torn away a mask, revealing a reflection of myself that I had been avoiding. I had been the one tormenting Crystal, the one who had taken advantage of her vulnerability. My actions had been a source of suffering for her, and it was now glaringly clear. My chest tightened with a mixture of guilt, shame, and self-disgust. I couldn't find the words to respond, only able to watch as Zake continued to provide comfort to Crystal. Her sobs had lessened, but the emotional wounds ran deep, and her tear-stained face bore the scars of my past cruelty. I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched Zake make his move on Crystal right in front of me. It was as if a storm had suddenly swept through my heart, leaving me feeling all sorts of emotions, but most notably, jealousy. I felt an urge to confront them, to let them know that I had no hand in this situation. But before I could say anything, my heart and mind were entangled in a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. "I," I finally managed to mumble, "I-I wasn't the one to lock her in, or order that." I couldn't hide the jealousy that was gnawing at me as I watched Zake casually place his hand on Crystal's shoulder while they walked. I had no idea what their relationship was, but the mere sight of them together filled me with a sense of longing and frustration. I decided to follow them, needing to be close, even though it was tearing me apart inside. I caught up to them just as they reached the parking lot. Zake, with a confident and self-assured demeanor, gently pulled Crystal towards the car. It was like I was invisible, as though my presence didn't matter at all. I had to know what was going on, and my jealousy pushed me to confront the situation. As we continued the car ride, my jealousy had reached its peak. Zake had his arm around Crystal, and she was sitting in the middle. The tension in the car was palpable, and I couldn't help but feel like an outsider. I needed to say something, to express my feelings, but at the moment, I couldn't find the words. Zake, seemingly oblivious to my inner turmoil, turned to the driver and asked, "Can we drop Crystal off first before heading home? She's had a long night, and it's getting late." The driver nodded in agreement, “Yes, sir.” I frowned and remained silent, unable to find the words to express my feelings. I just looked at Crystal, who was clearly frightened by the tension in the car. My heart ached for her, but I couldn't bring myself to speak. Crystal, caught in the middle of the tension between Zake and me, remained silent as well, her eyes filled with fear and uncertainty. It was clear that the situation had become increasingly uncomfortable for her. My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. The jealousy and frustration continued to eat at me, and I couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. As we approached Crystal's stepfamily's home, I couldn't bring myself to speak. The car pulled up to the grand entrance, and even from inside the vehicle, I could see the opulence of the Rogers estate. The guard and servants were visibly stunned to see the car of the Alpha's sons, and I couldn't help but wonder what kind of reputation they held in this affluent community. Crystal's stepmother, Marla, and her stepsister, Maurice, noticed the commotion and rushed to the entrance to see what was happening. The grandeur of the mansion contrasted sharply with the tension inside the car. Zake and I stepped out, and I watched as Marla and Maurice approached, their expressions a mix of curiosity and surprise. Maurice, always one to enjoy attention, greeted us with a flirtatious smile. "Well, well, if it isn't the Alpha's sons gracing us with their presence. Are you here for me, handsome?" She directed her words towards both Zake and me, clearly relishing the attention. Zake chuckled, playing along, "Sorry, Maurice, we're not here for you. We have more important matters to attend to." I remained stoic, my gaze fixed on Crystal as she stepped out of the car. The sight of her seemed to momentarily stun everyone, including Maurice, who was expecting a more romantic rendezvous. Maurice, with a hint of disappointment, shifted her attention to Crystal. "Oh, Crystal, what are you doing here? Did you bring these handsome gentlemen to see me?" Crystal, looking uneasy, shook her head. "No, Maurice, I didn't bring them. They offered me a ride home." Maurice's eyes widened with surprise, and she glanced at Zoro and me as if trying to piece together the situation. I finally spoke up, my tone serious and direct. "Maurice, were you the one who locked Crystal in the bathroom earlier?" Maurice, attempting to feign innocence, put on an exaggerated shocked expression. "Lock Crystal in the bathroom? Oh, my! Why would I do such a thing?" I narrowed my eyes, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Crystal was locked in the bathroom earlier. Are you telling me you had nothing to do with it?" Marla, sensing the tension, intervened, her tone dismissive. "Boys, why don't you come inside? We can discuss this matter in a more private setting." Zake, always composed, nodded in agreement. "Yes, perhaps we should. Crystal, are you okay with that?" Crystal hesitated but eventually nodded, her eyes avoiding mine. We followed Marla into the mansion, the lavish surroundings contrasting sharply with the uncomfortable atmosphere. Once inside, Marla directed us to a sitting area, and we all took our seats. I turned my attention back to Maurice, my suspicions still lingering. "Maurice, we need to know the truth. Did you lock Crystal in the bathroom?" Maurice, maintaining her innocent facade, scoffed. "Why would I do something like that? I have no reason to harm Crystal." I couldn't shake the feeling that Maurice was hiding something, but without concrete evidence, I couldn't press the matter further. Crystal, sensing the tension, finally spoke up. "Zoro, Zake, I appreciate your concern, but I don't want to cause any trouble here. Let's just drop it." Zake nodded, respecting her wishes. "Alright, Crystal. If you say so." I glanced at Maurice one more time, the doubt still lingering in my mind. With that, Zake and I took our leave, leaving the opulent mansion behind. As we walked back to the car, I couldn't shake the unease that lingered from the encounter. Maurice's innocence seemed dubious, and the mystery of what happened to Crystal at the party remained unsolved. My protective instincts were still on high alert, and I couldn't help but wonder if there was more to it.
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