VIII – Bitterness

1080 Words
Maurice In the school bathroom, I was surrounded by the chatter of my friends — Elvie, Jasmine, and Justine. We were engaged in the usual routine of retouching our makeup, a moment of respite from the monotony of the school day. Little did I know that the conversation about to unfold would leave me seething with anger. As I carefully applied a fresh coat of lip gloss, Elvie, always the provocateur, couldn't resist stirring the pot. She tilted her head in my direction and said, "Maurice, have you noticed anything interesting lately?" I glanced at her through the mirror, my eyebrows raised in curiosity. "What are you talking about, Elvie?" She grinned mischievously. "It seems like the Alpha's sons, Zoro and Zake, are getting quite cozy with Crystal these days." I paused, my hand frozen midair with the lipstick. Zoro and Zake? Cozy with Crystal? The mere thought was infuriating. I shifted my gaze to Elvie, demanding an explanation. She continued, clearly reveling in the revelation, "Zoro has apparently stopped bullying Crystal, and Zake... well, he's been approaching her gently, making her look like some damsel in distress. Word on the street is that the other students are starting to follow suit, treating Crystal with a newfound respect." Jasmine chimed in, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I've heard the same. Zoro has become surprisingly quiet around Crystal, and Zake, well, he's practically her knight in shining armor." Justine, always the one to add a sarcastic touch, laughed and said, "Maybe the twins have a little crush on Crystal. That would explain the sudden change in their behavior." The mere suggestion of Alpha's sons having a crush on Crystal was preposterous. My fists clenched as I fought to maintain my composure. I couldn't let them see how much their words affected me. "Shut up!" I snapped, unable to conceal the anger in my voice. "Zoro and Zake have nothing to do with Crystal. Stop spreading baseless rumors." Elvie shrugged, a sly smile playing on her lips. "Well, Maurice, whether you like it or not, the dynamics seem to be changing. Crystal is no longer the target she used to be." Jasmine added, "And if the twins really have a soft spot for her, it's only a matter of time before Crystal becomes the darling of the school." I glared at them, my frustration mounting. "This is ridiculous. Crystal doesn't deserve any special treatment. She's just a nobody, and the Alpha's sons can't possibly be interested in someone like her." Elvie chuckled, "Maybe they see something in her that we don't. Who knows? Love is a strange thing." I rolled my eyes, dismissing the notion. "Love? Please. This is just a ridiculous rumor, and I won't have any part in it." Justine, with a teasing smirk, added, "Well, Maurice, denial is the first sign. Maybe you should keep an eye on those two lovebirds and see for yourself." I couldn't stand the insinuations any longer. "Enough of this nonsense! Crystal is nothing, and the Alpha's sons are not interested in her. I won't let her steal the spotlight." Elvie leaned in, her voice dripping with mischief. "We'll see about that, Maurice. But from the looks of it, Crystal might just become the new queen bee of our little high school drama." As my so-called friends continued to speculate and tease, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling settling in the pit of my stomach. The idea of Crystal gaining popularity, especially with the Alpha's sons, was intolerable. I needed to find a way to reclaim my position, to ensure that the attention remained on me, where it rightfully belonged. Over the next few days, I observed the interactions between Crystal and the Alpha's sons with heightened scrutiny. Zoro's sudden change in behavior was undeniable — gone were the taunts and jeers, replaced by an unusual quietness around Crystal. Zake, on the other hand, seemed to approach her with an inexplicable gentleness, a stark contrast to his usual demeanor. The other students, influenced by the perceived change in the Alpha's sons' attitude, begin treating Crystal with a newfound respect. It infuriated me that she, of all people, was becoming the center of attention. I couldn't fathom what they saw in her, what made her worthy of such consideration. As the days passed, the rumors continued to circulate, fueling the narrative that Crystal had somehow captured the attention of the Alpha's sons. It was maddening, and I couldn't stand the thought of being overshadowed by someone I considered insignificant. One afternoon, as I passed by Crystal in the hallway, I couldn't resist the urge to confront her. "What game are you playing, Crystal?" I hissed, unable to hide the venom in my words. Crystal looked genuinely surprised, her eyes wide. "What do you mean, Maurice? I'm not playing any games." I scoffed, unwilling to believe her innocence. "Don't play dumb. What did you do to get the Alpha's sons' attention? What's your secret?" Crystal shook her head, confusion written all over her face. "I haven't done anything. Zoro stopped bullying me, and Zake has been kind. That's it." I rolled my eyes, dismissing her explanation. "Kind? More like they're smitten with you. You must have used some sort of trick." Crystal sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "Maurice, there's no trick. People can change, and maybe they've realized that mistreating others isn't right." I couldn't accept her explanation. "Well, I don't buy it. This is just a facade, and I won't let you steal the spotlight." Crystal shook her head, her expression a mix of sadness and disappointment. "I'm not trying to steal anything, Maurice. I just want to go to school without being bullied." As the days turned into weeks, the rumors persisted, and the narrative surrounding Crystal and Alpha's sons became more entrenched. It seemed that no matter how much I denied it, the spotlight was shifting away from me, and I couldn't let that happen. One day, as Elvie, Jasmine, and Justine continued to discuss the ongoing drama, I couldn't hold back my frustration any longer. "Enough of this nonsense! Crystal is not some queen bee. We need to put an end to these rumors." Elvie smirked, enjoying the turmoil she had stirred. "Maurice, denial won't change reality. Crystal is becoming quite the sensation, and there's nothing you can do about it." I clenched my fists, seething with anger. "We'll see about that. I won't let her ruin anything for me."
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