Chapter 3

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Luke  In my study, I turned the computer off and leaned back in the chair, closing his eyes to refresh myself. After calming down and thinking about what happened carefully, I admitted it was an enjoyable experience last night. I recalled her tender and silk-like skin, soft groans, and beautiful eyes… He had thought that he was going to hurt her but she was enjoying every single part of it. Suddenly, I was turned on from thinking about it, so "Damn it!”  he couldn't help but cuss in a low voice, “I have always been an ascetic man, but I was turned on by such an ugly woman!" "Alpha Luke!"  A voice called before knocking on the door.   My Beta came and  said anxiously, "Alpha Luke, that woman ran away!" "What?" Hearing this, I sprang up from the chair I was sitting on  and glanced at Beta and the lead warrior that came with him coldly, saying, "A dozen men actually failed to guard a woman! You're useless!" The warrior was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat but my Beta retained his composure. He lowered his head and stammered, "She is too cunning. She said she needed to go to the bathroom but could not move because her body hurt. When Julie entered the room to help, she was knocked unconscious and tied up. Then, the woman escaped in Julie's clothes, so we.." "Stop talking nonsense! Twenty whips! Go to take the punishment yourself!" I scolded and walked outside. When I came to the room where Ava had been imprisoned, a pretty n***d maid whose four limbs were tied up was lying helplessly on the floor.. "Mr. Graham... It was my fault... I was too careless.." Julie said in a choking voice while trying her best to cover her body, but she had "inadvertently" revealed her plump breasts. It was the maid that often served him.I turned around without giving her a second glance and said, "Untie her! Find the whereabouts of that woman immediately!" I wanted to know who she was! The mysterious lady that came to turn his home upside down. She keeps messinf with me I would not let go of her easily! Ava At the same time, in the restroom of Blue Moon’s grocery store, I  hurriedly took off the maid's outfit and put on a T-shirt and jeans that I had bought for 20 dollars at a booth in the store. Then, I took out my makeup remover and cotton pad from my bag and began to remove the makeup in front of a mirror. I had just escaped from that dangerous place, I looked slightly flustered and feared that I would be caught again. That was my nightmare right now. I did not heave a sigh of relief until I saw my delicate real face after the acne and pockmarks were wiped away. Suddenly, someone walked in. When I  looked up, their eyes met in the mirror. And I noticed that the person at the door of the restroom was not wearing a skirt, I froze almost immediately. What? Did I enter the men's restroom? The young man looked at me, who was "fixing my makeup", in front of the mirror in surprise. he stared at me for a while before looking at the outfit on the sink. “You are a maid from the Alpha’s household or you are pretending to be one?” I couldn't help feeling sullen. "Mind your business and I am not a maid.” After finishing speaking, I left the bathroom angrily, leaving the young man in confusion. I soaked myself in the bathtub after I got back to my home. The red marks on my  tender and fair skin looked shocking, reminding me of  how intense the s*x last night had been. It was my first time and it felt so good too. I shouldn't be thinking like this. I closed my eyes to reminisce about the night properly, myr best friend Ella’s crying face appeared in her mind. "Ava, I love him! I really love him, but he's hiding from me. What should I do? He must be mad at me because of what happened before. Three years ago, I shouldn't have left him and gone abroad for my career. I know he still has feelings for me. Except for me, he has never dated any other woman for the past few years. He loves me, but he was unwilling to forgive me. Luke likes children the most. He told me before that he wants to have a lot of children with me. As long as I get pregnant with his child, he will definitely forgive me, and we will get back together. Ava, can you help me? You are my best friend, and only you can help me." Ella's crying face overlapped with Luke's sturdy body, and her sobs were laced with his heavy gasps… When the two images and sounds were mixed, my mind instantly became messy. I pulled my hair violently and Cursed, "Ava, you are a fool!" I had gone there to help Ella get her ex-boyfriend's sperm to help them get back together. But unexpectedly, I slept with him. How could I face Ella in the future? Speak of the devil! Suddenly my cell phone placed beside the bathtub rang I felt guilty and uneasy, but after a while of hesitation, I still answered the call,  "Ella, what's up?" I said calmly into the phone. "Thank goodness, Ava! You finally picked up the phone." Ella didn't hear the abnormality in my  tone, so after she breathed a sigh of relief, she immediately asked, "How is it going? Have you gotten Luke's sperm?" "Sorry, but I failed." I didn't dare to tell her what happened, I could only say I  had failed. Hearing the bad news, Ella said annoyedly, "You failed? Didn't you send me a message after you drugged him? Why did you fail?" I  bit my lower lip and said, "I did d**g him, but when I was about to get his sperm, his men suddenly broke in, so I..." Hearing this, Ella asked nervously, "Are you OK? Did they hurt you?" When I glanced at my  body dotted with red marks, I felt the dull pain in my lower body. And my hands, neck, and back had all been injured by that bastard. But I still denied without hesitation, "No, they didn't hurt me. Fortunately, I ran away fast, otherwise, I would have gotten in big trouble." Ella breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank God. Are you available to have dinner with me tonight? I want to quell your fears. Don't worry! Your makeup skills are excellent, so he will not recognize you even if he meets you. We'll make a better plan during dinner." Hearing the invitation, Ava smiled bitterly and chose to refuse, saying, "Sorry, but I'm a little tired. Can I take a rain check?" It is summer now, so I have to wear thin clothes. It would be hard for me to explain if Ella noticed the red marks on my body, so we could not meet today. Ella paused for a while and said, "OK, have a good rest! We'll meet when you feel better." "Okay."  After hanging up the phone, I climbed out of the bathtub with difficulty, grabbed the towel beside me to wrap myself up, and walked out of the bathroom. When passing the full-length mirror, I subconsciously glanced at myself in the mirror. My legs were tender, slender, and straight, looking beautiful. I had fair skin and a graceful neck, and my collarbones were delicate, but my   body was dotted with red marks that had been caused by that ruthless man when we had sex... I look charming and sexy now! Suddenly, the door of my bedroom was violently slammed open with a loud bang, and her face immediately turned pale!
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