Chapter 2

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Ava Cold chill ran down my spine when Luke's cold black eyes met mine, thinking she should not have offended such a dangerous person yesterday.  “Come closer!"  he barked but I was too weak to move away from the spot I was in. One of the Wolf Warriors pushed me hard, I staggered into the center of the living room. Losing balance, I fell to the ground at Luke's feet. When my hand accidentally touched his spotless handmade leather shoes, he frowned slightly and kicked me away as if I was a piece of dirt that dropped on his shoes by mistake. A sharp pain buckled in my chest and I clenched my  fists in response to it. He was going too far! Even though he had a noble status and looked handsome, he should not arrogantly bully others like this. The women who liked him must have masochistic tendencies. I was trying to suppress my anger, but he seemed to havr caught the rage in my eyes. he looked like he was questioning my boldness with his eyes. In Blue Moon Pack, I was the first person who dared to look into his eyes so recklessly. Many people often discussed how they were so scared of the Alpha that they could not look him in the eyes. At a time,  I heard that it was a taboo to look at him in the eyes, even servants, warriors and the maids that were with them didn’t dare make eye contact with him. Suddenly, his handsome face obviously became colder. I wondered what was going on in his mind. He raised his foot, stepped on my slender fingers, narrowed his eyes, and said in a cold voice, "Why did you do that? Do you hold any grudges against me?" I felt the piercing pain in my fingers , her face turned pale. I quickly restrained the sullenness in my eyes, lowered my head, and responded in a hurry, "No, I hold no grudges against you, Alpha." A wise woman knew when to retreat. This was his territory, if I angered him, he might kill me. Arguing with him will not do me any good, I should agree with everything he says and think of how to escape this place. Luke grabbed my chin with his beautiful fingers, looked down at me, and said in a cold voice, "Tell me! Who sent you here? What's your purpose?" Of course i couldn’t tell him who. I felt my jaw was about to be crushed, I winced in pain and said.  "Let go! You are hurting me!" Instead of letting go of me, he  put forth more strength and I felt like my jaw could break at any moment My face became paler, and I didn't dare to struggle anymore, so I endured the pain and said with difficulty, "Alpha Luke, you are extremely handsome and imposing, and many rich and most beautiful women in Blue Moon pack are obsessed with you. Someone offered a high price to buy your sperm. I just wanted to make money. Don't get me wrong! I have no intention of harming you. I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. Please spare me and let me go." I cherish my life very much, so I spared no effort to praise him and apologized without hesitation.  I made a very believable reason so that I don’t implicate Ella. But when he heard my  answer, his face became gloomier, looking indescribably horrible.  Luckily, he didn't doubt the reason because he was a hard man to please. With a terrifying smile on the corner of his lips, he gripped my neck fiercely and said in an extremely cold voice, "You just wanted to make money?" I slipped into the terror of suffocating. My neck felt like it was about to snap and I had difficulty breathing. "Let... go.” I tried to pry his fingers up, intending to pull his hand away from my neck but his hand was as solid as iron, I wasn’t able to break free at all. When I thought I was going to die like this, a man suddenly came over and said respectfully, "Alpha Luke, your  Father demands your presence.”  Hearing this, Luke let go of me, leaving me to lie on the ground weakly, gasping for breath like a stranded fish. "Lock her up!" Luke gave an order, got up, and walked in the direction of the study. Hearing his words, I shook with fright and immediately raised her guard. Was he going to imprison me? He had almost killed me just now. If he locked me up it meant I would end up dying.  I was frightened to death, so I crawled to his feet, hugged his long legs from behind, and said sincerely, "Mr. Graham, I know I was wrong. I will never do this again! What's more, I failed yesterday and lost my virginity to you. You have punished me, so you have already evened the score. Please don't lock me up! Can you please let me go?" “I have already evened the score?" Luke turned his head back and repeated my words as if he heard a big joke. He looked down at my ugly face, sneered condescendingly, and said slowly in a cold voice, "In my opinion, my loss is even bigger." Hearing this, I was taken aback. His loss is even bigger. So, he thought he had suffered a loss after sleeping with me? I gritted my teeth and said bravely like a martyr, "Even if you suffered a loss after sleeping with me, can you tell me what I can do to let you release me?" After Luke heard my words, his face suddenly became colder, and then, he kicked me away and left without turning his head back, saying, "Lock her up!" "Yes!" The warriors answered at once. I panicked as the strong men walked toward me aggressively. I wasn’t going to die this way,I would take my chance to run away when I can. I gritted her teeth and charged at Luke like lightning. I had been holding a sharp shard of the bowl under my sleeve, and now, I pressed it against his throat and shouted sharply, "Let me go! Or I'll kill you!" When I put the shard against Luke's neck, a dozen or so pitch-black muzzles instantly aimed at me, and the wolf warriors soon surrounded me. Seeing the smile on his handsome face, he looked more terrifying than when he wore a cold face. How could he fearless when I am threatening to slit his throat? I inexplicably felt panicked and pressed the shard against his neck harder. "Hurry up! Let me go if you don't want to die!" I have to get out of here as soon as possible. My hands were slightly trembling now, I knew I  couldn't hold Luke hostage for long. "Woman, you have successfully annoyed me!" I didn't know what he had done, but when I came back to my senses, I had been slammed to the floor and felt sharp pain all over as if my body fell apart. "Take her away!" Luke walked away without hesitation, while I was thrown into the small room where I had woken up in the morning, and some wolf warriors were watching over me strictly.
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