She won’t

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Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 14 By, baby favour Naoh pov It is a beautiful morning with the sun showing its beauty up high. Damn I feel like staying in bed more,I have never believed in love till I met her,even though our first meeting was not pleasant but it looks funny to me. How can a girl be fierce,sassy, cool and hard working all together to crown it all she's beautiful. Yesterday night was an amazing experience It is a night I will never forget. Flash back to yesterday night…. "After every one giving gifts I mean to kinky I gave her mine too, I brought her white Teddy bear which she is already in love with. She carried it all around since I gave it to her. She even hugged me surprisedly. We sat down and ate the food prepared by Amelia. I get to discover her name is Amelia after frequent calls from guests. Later on, we sat down round a table Chatting and playing together. I felt happy and enjoyed the moment. "Okay guys let's dance,'' Eva said, waving her hands in the air. She turned to a friend of theirs, which I got to discover that his name is Lucas. I could remember he was the one proposing to her at the nightclub some days back. I'm not sure if she rejected or accepted the proposal yet but I prayed silently that she didn't. Lucas who is at the music box played the music and everyone went to the dance floor which is their sitting room to dance it large enough for the dance after all some guests have left just a few us remains. Sadly the ladies are wearing masks. I will have been lost staring at her beautiful face. "Even on a mask you have devoured her," James whispered behind me. "She has a perfect body, don't mind me she's irresistible" I gulped down the red wine served. "Someone is trying to kill you with an eye" He whispered back. "Who?" I asked back. "He" I traced his eye direction and it fell on him,the guy named Lucas. "I will do more than that if she's my woman," I replied. "She's not his woman, she rejects him," James said. "Really?" I was surprised. "I guess he is still fighting to win her heart fast or he will take over" James said and left to trouble her friend again I guess. I picked up the glass cup of wine and walked towards her. She bent down to her daughter's level and wiped ice cream from her mouth corner. "Pretty" I called and bent to her level. "Mr handsome thanks for the teddy i love it" she said with her cute dimples on display. "Am I really that handsome?" I asked. "Yes, really handsome," she replied. "Oh thanks beautiful princess" I burst out laughing together with her mom. "Thanks you are also pretty just like your mom" I said flatly. "I inherit cuteness from my mom but I love her eyeball than mine I want my daddy to be handsome as you" "Kinky!" Her mom called. "She's a kid, let her be," I replied. "Pretty lady, let 's dance," she said. "Okay my pretty princesses" She replied while the little kinky dragged her to the dance floor. Excuse me she said as she dragged her off but I followed her to the dance floor. "I hope to get a dance too. '' I whispered in her eye. She nodded her head innocently with her butterfly mask adding to her beauty. I wink and head to my seat. "Boss I think I will take my leave now thanks for inviting me" Daisy said. Looking at her looks familiar to kinky's Mom but she is using a neutral mask with feathers designs. "Boss" she called and I jerked back to present. "You can go," I said faintly. Few minutes later. Amelia came to me and we headed to the dance floor. "Amelia the dance is for me" I heard a voice from behind us. "Lucas, you never asked for one," she replied. "Well I'm asking now" He replied. "Sorry but he said first" she faced me and walked away. We just danced slowly and sweetly,that moment I lost it. I was lost staring at her cause she removed her mask already. Once our eyes meet she will smile and look away. She's pretty,we left the party a few minutes later.. Present… "Naoh!! He yelled. "What?!" I yelled back at James who looked like he saw two horns on my head. "You are in bed by this time of the day smiling cheaply like you won the lottery?" He asked. "It's not that late what's the time?" My eye flew to the wall clock. "Holy God of Brown!!" I rushed off from the bed. Flower girl feed; "It's been a long time since I came here," Kinky said immediately as they walked in. "Yea,you will be following us here till I get a School suitable for you baby" Amelia replied as they walked hand in hand to their office stairs. "Welcome ma'am" the workers greet as they walk while they smile and bow to the elderly ones. "So where will I stay when you leave for today's delivery?" Kinky asked. "Stay with uncle badmus and Aunt Vanessa okay?" Amelia replied. "Don't cause trouble okay?" Eva said. "I won't make a trouble pinky promise," she replied. "Eva please get our uniform so we could change. I will be in the change room" Amelia said. "Stay with them, don't play rough, you know you are not strong yet" she warned and sat her on a stool. "Of Course pretty lady" she pecked her forehead and left. Few minutes later. Daisy walked into the restaurant well dressed in black skirt and completed it with a sun shade glass which she removed when she got in. "Good afternoon," she greet facing the Badmus "Damn she looks like my mom, '' Kinky thought. "Where is my mom? She must see this,"Kinky asked Vanessa. "She already left kinky," Vanessareplied. "She left already?" Kinky pouted her mouth. "Don't worry she will be back here soon" Vanessa said and left to attend to the new customer trouping in. Flower girl feed Van: "Wow just the hell yesterday was cool" Eva said happyly. "For real? Cool indeed I have debit lines of my card Eva!" Amelia said with a scoffed. "Thank goodness I had enough savings we will have close down the Cafe" She added. "We are all happy last night having fun now you're complaining? Gosh I can't believe this" Eva murmurs looking outside the window. "I didn't say I'm not happy about last night but will be smiling with my teeth visible when I have a lot of debit to cover" She gronaed and turn the left hand side of the road. "The rock first,gold and mill next,Haven villa after, c**k mill next, The Brown next..wait! Amelia said stoping Eva for going further. "What time are we to deliver to the Brown?" She asked. "01:30 here,Eva repiled going through the list in her note pad. "I thought the Haven villa cancel our deal?" Amelia asked. "Badmus told me they renew it when we are not around and to think our customers mutipled" Eva said, looking at the list which filled up to the next page. "Wow" Amelia said looking at the list. "He did a good job" Eva complimented. "He has been with me as a chef right from when we are just a restaurant" Amelia repiled. "So we have to be faster to meet up with the time of this list" Eva said buckle up her seat belt while Amelia step on the gas. THE BROWN CO 08:00 Noah walked into the company with his best smile plastered on his face. He still made it early to work after all. "Good morning sir" Daisy greeted and started walking behind him. Supprizely He repiled her with a smile which amaze Daisy. "He is more cute when he smilled" She thought as they both enter the elevator together his driver passed his suite case to Daisy and left. "What's my schedule today?" He asked. She was about reading it when he raise her his hand up to stop her. "I mean is it going be a hectic or normal?" He asked definitely. "Kind of hectic,looked like you have been piling this up for long sir" she replied honestly. "You're blunt,Anyways look into every file before you bring them to me in other way I need only the important ones on my table" Noah ended is statement and walked into his office. She drop his bag and left immidately. He walked to the curtain and drag it apart,light ray filled in and he smilled at the nature scent. He kept staring at the movement of workers from one place to another. Cars coming in and out of the compound. He wish James is here so he would have keep him working.looks like he is useful after all. He draw back to curtain and took his seat after removing his outer suite jacket and had hung it. He picked is pen up and start working. FEW HOURS LATER. She got down from the van,her Snickers make her look like some bad good girl with her flat tommy viable for eyes to see. She packed her hair in pontail and open the van van door where the deliveries are kept. Eva started bring it out while she continue counting them as she packed them in. "f**k! Her figure and expose flawless skin is driving me crazy!" Noah said diving his hand into his hair, swiping them backward. "Holy s**t!" He screamed when she bend her ass shoot out. Not light she's the only one in the compound but right now,He is seeing only Amelia. He close his eyes to control himself but he'll it's not working. Who is she to make me feel like this? Her walking steps,her waist,her figure,the way she dress up her cute baby face and her lips the most temptation he had ever come across. Automatically there's nothing she wears that doesn't suite her. Naoh didn't know when he left his office and walked toward the elevator. "Sir Are you going somewhere?" Daisy asked with a file in her hand. "Huh? He blinked his eyes twice. "You're heading to the board meeting right? Tell one of the workers at the reception to call me the lady who deliver food to the staff" He said and walked back to his office. "Okay sir" Daisy said and walked inside the already open elevator. "Right,?It will look insane if I go and meet her in the public" He said and took his seat tapping on his leg furiously. He looks like someone waiting for his wife in the labor room right now. He is sweaty, nervous and happy he will get to see her face more closely. "Wait what will say is the reason I asked her to come?" It's suddenly hit him and he paused. "What do I say think!" He said subconsciously at same instance someone knock on his door. "Jeez! Come... come in!" He said and cleared he throat. "Good morning sir" She greeted. "Please stop using sir for me" Noah said with a little smile. Amelia knew immidately he had called her here for no reason than to flirt with her. "Mr Brown you called me for something right?" Amelia asked. "Have your seat first" Naoh said pointing towards the chair infront of him. "I don't have enough time to sit down because I have alot of place to be at the moment" She repiled sharply. "I'm Noah by name so I will preferred you called me by my name rather than Mr Brown" He replied again. Amelia is trying her possible best to keep her calm right now because he is seriously wasting her time. She only nod at his statement. "I know you're busy so I will just go straight to the point" He said. "Yes please" Amelia said with the least of patient in her. "The normal routine you serve to my staff I will like you to add energy drink to it" Naoh said gladly happy he atleast has something to tell her. Who knows maybe she would have break bottle on his head if he had called her here without having anything to tell her. "No problem sir you could have just tell your staff to deliver that to us instead Mr Brown I will have my staff come renew the contract tomorrow" She explained and turn to leave. "Wait,Can you bring the contract... yourself?" He asked. "Okay!" She said more meanly and dash out immidately even if he should called her back right she will behaye as if she never heard him. "What the hell keep you that long?!" Eva yelled immidately she got back. "Safe my ears the scream please tell that to Naoh" Amelia said. "Scream?? All thanks to you we have only ten minutes to get Landsford and who the hell is Naoh?" She asked with raise brows. They are already on the main road. "Mr Brown" She repiled Makin a U-turn. "His name is Naoh? Wait how do you get to know" She added. "Stop questioning me please he want us to add energy drinks to their company delivery" Amelia said. "It's a normal thing he can always tell his workers to tell us that" Eva said. "I agree, something seems fishy about him he even told me to call him by his name" Amelia said bluntly. "Really? He did?" Eva asked and she nod her head in reply. "Holy s**t! I swear it down the guy likes you" Eva beamed. "Wait what are you happy about?" She asked taken back with her expression. "Nothing" She repiled almost immidately. "Better be!" She scoffed and packed the van in front of landsford. "We made it just in time" Eva said and jumped down. "I forget to tell you Lucas told me he is now in landsford" Eva said immidately the start packing in. "I can't believe I'm just finding out,very soon he will say he loves me" Amelia scoffed marking their goods delivered. "Seriously I love you" Lucas said coming out of nowhere. "Oh stop giving me such excuse" Amelia repiled. "Seriously I wanted to tell you but you know it's was during kinky's operation and I couldn't share the good news then" He said and started cleaning the sweat on her face with his handkerchief. "Still you should have tell me congratulations anyways" She said slowly and close the van. "You look more beautiful under the sun baby" Lucas said and gave her a peck on her forehead. "Seriously everyone here would thought you guys are dating,do you want her future husband to see a ugly wecko kissing his wife all over? " Eva said disgustingly from where she's standing. "I told you to start minding your business" Lucas scoffed. "Mark my word she can't date you not even in hell" Eva said and stick out her tongue on him before running inside the van. "Don't be ridiculous Eva, He already knows that stop bringing it up" Amelia said wink at him. Eva smirked and smilled at him before they drove out. TBC
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