You just have to love me

1568 Words
Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 15 By, baby favour Unknown Mansion; He stood on the couch opposite them puffing out smoke from his mouth and nostrils. The man went flat on the ground with his wife beside him in tears,they couldn't cry anymore,right now they are not even begging to live,they are just weeping for what has befall their daughter, she's innocent. She didn't know anything about this! Her mother had cried out her lungs even at that tears continue rolling out continuously. Not too far from them,her body lay on the floor unconscious. She's just eighteen and they rape her till she lost her consciousness,if only one of them it will have been better but they all go up on her. It's too much for them to bear. "just kill me!" The mother whispered staring at her daughter. "Baby mummy is sorry" She said. Her husband couldn't say anything since, it's like he lost his voice since her daughter passed out in that state. He drop the cigrate and shot twice. The bullet flew to the man and his wife head. "Have you check the documents and cash?" He asked the guys behind him. "Yes boss!" They respond. He stood up and buckled of his trouser before walking out laughing as he went. "Noah!!!!" James called louder again. His laughter stop and he wake up. "What's wrong with you Noah why are you laughing from your sleep?" James asked breathing out in relief. "Laughing? Wait I had a dream" He said trying to remember but he couldn't,the sound of his laugher keeps echoing in his head. "Dream?" James asked surprizely. "I can't remember,wait where have you been since last night?" Naoh asked. "Huh? Me?" James shifted back. "Don't you dare act dump,I saw you with,,, what's her name again?" Naoh asked sitting up. "Seriously,Noah you can't remember the name of your personal assistant?" James asked surprised. "What wrong with that? Not like she's someone important to me and have you thought of her looking like Amelia" Noah said going to bathroom to brush his teeth. "I have thought about that also, she's someone who is just getting here for the first time and did I tell you she's sweet!" James said winking at Naoh from the bathroom entrance. "Seriously? Don't tell me you f****d my personal assistant?!" Naoh yelled. "What's wrong with that? Beside she's is not someone important or is she?" James smirked. "Seriously her work is over! How can she start work just week and f****d with her boss Friend? Girls are just cheap" Naoh said disgustingly. "Well not all of them,I told you she's sweet not that I f****d her fool" James said with a scoffed. "What then do you mean by she's sweet?" He asked relaxing into the bath tub. "She's a sweet girl and I'm thinking of,," he stopped on the track and wink at Noah. "Gross we are not compatible honestly just close the door please" Naoh said and started scrubbing his body. "Why didn't you call your maid?" James asked after closing the door but he didn't reply. "That crazy dude" he said and went to his wrist watch watch with a smile. Amelia resident, "Get up!" Amelia yelled at Eva for the third time. "Just thirty minutes more" Eva said sleepily rolling to another side if the bed. "Seriously that was what you said and hour ago before I went to cook" Amelia scoffed standing in akimbo,She smirked when she thought of something and went to the bathroom coming back with a bowl of water. "What the hell!" Eva yelled at the top of her lungs. Amelia sprinkle the water more on her face and drag the bed spread from her body. "I hate you!" She yelled going to the bathroom. "You mean the opposite" she said and left the room to kinky's own. "Pretty baby it's time to wake...up" Amelia drag the last word pulling the duplet off her face slowly. "Pretty lady" She gronaed rubbing her cute lashies. "Guess what?" Amelia smiled cutely. "We are moving to big house?" Kinky asked. "Huh? No,you want us to move to another house?" Amelia asked. "Yes momma,I want my room be decorated in all pink just the way you love black" Kinky pout. "Baby we can't move to a new house now but I promise you something okay?" "What's that?" Kinky asked. "It's a surprise pretty baby it's not more a supprize if I tell you, now smile for pretty lady" Amelia smiled. "Okay momma" Kinky said and pecked Amelia cheek. "Now let get you ready for your new school" Amelia said. "Oh my!!" She jumped down the bed happily rushing to her bathroom "Becareful baby" Amelia said taking her towel. Few minute later, "You look pretty" Amelia said showing her the mirror. "Just like you,I want you to be bathing me inside of Aunt Eva" kinky pout. "Why?" Amelia asked. "She doesn't always tell me I'm pretty" Kinky said blinking her lashies and Amelia laughed. She took her hand and lead them to the sittingroom. "Seriously baby,you know pretty lady can't be there every time" Amelia said and put on the chair before leaving for the kitchen. "Eva!" Amelia yelled. "What?" She asked with her mouth filled up with milk. "Why will you drink that?" Amelia took the cup from her. "Just a little,I didn't drink much" Eva whinned. "I should have know you can't overcome the temptation of milk" Amelia scoffed and carried kinky lunch bag and her with another glass of milk. "Pretty lady I want chocolate instead"Kinky pouted. "You promise to always drink milk sometime so you have it today" Amelia winked at her. "Help feed her I will go take my bath" Amelia said and went upstairs. "Should I prepare chocolate for you and you give me the milk?" Eva rushed her words in whispered. "No!" Lucas said barging in. "Uncle Lucas!" Kinky called. "Pretty baby" Lucas said rubbing her hair after gaving her a peck on her fall head. "What are you doing here?" Eva asked rolling his eyes at him. "Please I'm not here for you this morning" Lucas said. "Like I have strength to either" Eva said. "Where's is Amelia?" He asked taking the stairs. "She should be in bathroom come wait for her here" Eva said but he is already gone. Inside Amelia room,Lucas sat down on the stool. He could hear the splash of water in the bathroom so he knew she's still in there. She finally came out of the bathroom dripping hot. Lucas eyes roamed on her body,from her wetted hair to her face,her lips his biggest tempetation. The towel add another trouble by stopping on her thigh. "Lucas?" Amelia called him back his sense but he's far gone. She walked to him and tap him on his shoulder. "Huh" He said blinking his lashies twice. "When did you came in?" She asked but the only thing Lucas is seeing is her moving lips. He drag her to himself making her fall on him,Her soft ass sorted on his laps. That contact only make his d**k twisted. "Lucas?" Amelia called in shock. He slammed his lips on hers eating her lips up,He bite on her lower lips and she open up which gave him the asses to her mouth fully. Amelia forcefully disengaged the kiss and stood up from his leg. "Amelia" lucas called in whispered. "Do you know what I will have done to you right now?,,,,do you f*****g know what I will have done to you? I would have slap you several time,why can you just stop this nonsense? " Amelia asked her voice getting more louder. "Amelia I love you" Lucas said with broken voice,he is seriously hurt. "I told to get ride of your feelings for me,I don't love you Lucas,I don't have that kind of feelings toward you" Amelia said. "I can't get ride of it Amelia have tried it but it just,,it's just not working, can't you just love me? I can make it work Lia . We can make it work together" He said as his tears finally rolled down his eyes. Amelia turned his back on him. "Get out!" Amelia said. "Lia!" "Get out!!" Amelia yelled this time and he walked out. "I'm sorry Lucas,I don't just feel a thing beside I'm not ready for this" Amelia said in a whisper and walked to the dressing room. "Breakfast serve in bed" Eva said and laughed. Lucas stared at Eva like he is just seeing her for the very first time. "What are you seriously?" He asked staring at her strangely. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She scoffed. "Have you ever fall in love?" Lucas asked "What's that?" She asked back and laughed out loud. "Aunt Eva what's love?" Kinky who had been looking at the two asked. "Love is,, don't you dare!" Amelia stooped Eva from the stairs. "Let go pretty baby" Amelia said carrying kinky in her hand and left the house,Lucas run after her. "I will take you guys" Lucas called after her trying to take kinky from her. "Lucas,stay away from me for now,,,please" Amelia said and walked away with kinky. Eva came outside and wink at him,She enter the restaurant van and drove out. *Amelia you have to love me* Lucas thought and also enter his car before driving out. T.B.C
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