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Kinky's Dad Love on fire Chapter 13 By, baby favour ★★★★ Amelia sat down at the hospital reception, her head bowed down and her hand holding her jaw. "I can't even bring myself to do it" she muttered slowly. "Stop it please, you don't have to cry again," Lucas said beside her. Eva and the doctor came out of the ward with the TV reporters too. "We will put on the show once we get to our company," one of the reporters said. "Okay Thanks very much" the doctor said and they left. Amelia, Eva, they both called at the same time hugging each other. "Thank you very much," she said, crying on her shoulder. "It's okay Lia, she is my baby too," she replied. "We will find a donor soon and everything will come back to normal,she will be back to school and we will go back to work" Eva said. "Yes, everything," she replied. "Let's hope for the best for now," Lucas said. "Yes" Eva said and they both sat down. Flower girl feed: "Vanessa, are you okay?" Her working mate asked her. "Yes I am, ofcourse I am" she replied. "Okay" she said and left for a customer order. "Don't stand there, attend to the customers!" Badmus shouted. She almost stumbled and fell but she struggled and stood stable carrying the order leaving. "Mr Brown so good to see you" Mr Badmus. "Where is your boss?" He asked. "Sir something happened and she really had to attend to it for now our boss is unavailable" badmus answered. "Let's go to the office or we will be late Naoh" James said. "Okay when she gets back, just inform her that I branch by and she should see me," he said. "See you?" Badmus asked, surprised. Vanessa walked past them and Lucas followed her immediately. "Yes, just tell her, Mr Brown," he said. Badmus replied but his eye is solely on Vanessa and James. "Hi," James said. Vanessa looked back surprised to see him. This is the reason why my uncle did that to me. I should ignore him or he might be worse tonight. I am sure he is watching me right now, Vanessa thought. She drops the order in her hand and turns around and there he is watching her. "Hello,a few minutes please," James said. Vanessa looked between him and then his uncle with the way he is looking at him she is sure this will have a bad ending. "Please excuse me" she said and walked away. "What's wrong with her?" He asked his eye Tracing after her. "Dude let go," Naoh said, leading the way. "Who was that?" Naoh asked as they both entered the car. "Huh? Nobody" he replied. I love tough girls, James scoffed mentally. (THE BROWN 9:00) "Oh my the girl is Young" "I heard it one of her classmate that pushed her" "If am her parent am going to sue who ever it is that pushed her" "Oh my she is the daughter of Amelia?" One of the workers said. "You know her?" Another asked. "Of Course have seen her with her once and she told me she is her daughter," she replied. "Oh my I pity her" "The boss is here" one of them said and they all went back to work. "Good morning sir," Daisy said. "Oh you are here" James said, trailing his eye from her eye to office dress. "You are hot!" He said. "Huh? "What? Daisy and Naoh said respectively. "Nevermind, just follow us," he said and she followed behind them. "Today's atmosphere is not friendly," Naoh said. "Maybe because of the news in the air one flower girl feed daughter blah blah" Daisy said. "What about flower girl feed?" Naoh asked. Daisy gulps down gently looking at him that the first time since they have been walking he is going to give her his attention. "I literally don't know but you can check it online,it's all over the news," she finally replied. They walked into the elevator and he brought his phone out,it was the first news that popped on his news feed. "What the heck!" He said and quickly pressed the stop button on the elevator. "I will be back" he said and rushed off. "So you are Daisy?' he asked. "Yes thanks you are better than him if he is my boss I will die of not talking" Daisy said. "Actually he is your boss and is just his friend," he said and laughed. "Oh my am not going to last on his bed" she groaned. "Last on his bed?" James asked, surprised. "Oh no,I mean, gosh! Don't think of me like that, I'm just a dirty talker" she replied, bowing her head in embarrassment. "Wow,I love you already we are just same but I think mine maybe worst than yours because I can't survive without p*ssy" he said. "Really? Oh my god finally found the d*ck to my p*ssy" Daisy replied and they stock hand walking through the passage hall. "Daisy this is Tonia out secretary and Tonia this is Daisy out new personal assistant" James introduced. "Hello," Daisy said. "Hi," she said grumpily. "I love tough b*obs she said and wink at her before they head to the office. (Hospital) "Amelia you have to go home and take your bath and eat something, it 's been three days already" Lucas said beside her. She raises her head and looks at Lucas strangely. "Wait, are you okay? Or are you high?' she asked with curiosity. "My daughter is in there fighting for her life and we,the doctor and everyone here have not found a solution to help her keep fighting so she will finally survive this and all you are thinking is me going home to eat?" She asked, tears pouring out of her eyes. "You can't starve yourself," Eva said beside her. "I..we found a donor" the doctor caught her word short, the nurse pushing kinky to another ward "We will start the transfusion as soon as possible," he said and left. "Oh my God!. Restaurant: "Please bring something delicious to the office. I need to fill my belle table for two," Eva said. "Yes ma'am" she replied and left to take their order while they walked to Amelia's office. They both work into the office taking their seats. " Just take a look at those files. It looks like I went for a month and it's just days". Amelia said. " Let's keep piling up for now, that work for another day " Eva replied. Vanessa entered with a tray in our hands after her badmus, following closely. "welcome back ma'am" badmus greet. "Oh bad badmus,how is the work going you don't have to worry we'll make it up to you soon" Eva said " It's okay ma'am kinky everybody is Joy" he replied. "Thanks, Budmas," Amelia replied, giving him her full attention. "So any news so far?" Eva asked. "Mr Brown, he keep coming and asking of you for like 2 days now, he will eat and go but I still think he's here because of you maybe you should just see him" He explained. "When was the last time he came here?" and asked. " He's in the VIP section with his friend. right now" He replied. "Nessa,go and set the dining table with them. We will be there in a short while" Eva said. "what are you saying?" Amelia asked. "Come on just eating with them,it won't kill you. We can just chat while eating too. We won't have to meet them another time," she explained. "Gosh! I'm thinking of my daughter now and you are thinking about meeting with some god damn people, whatever let's just go" she replied with a groan. "You don't have to worry I will make it fun,after all the doctor said she will be fine so just chill baby"Eva said and led the way outside. "Vip section, "You mean they are coming here now?" James asked. Vanessa ignored him a little and continued setting the table. "Pretty eye I'm talking to you right?" James asked. "Yea they are coming" she replied and left for other tables. "Good evening here" Eva said, coming in with Eva. "Long time no see madam" James replied. "Guess we will be seeing each other more often" She replied and sat across from him while Amelia sat across Naoh. "Most have been hectic" Naoh said looking at her, in just two days she have grow thin just what the hell. "Yes I guess" Eva replied. "If you don't mind I'm talking to her" Naoh said with a little smile on his face. "I'm sure she's not in mood of talking I force her down here Mr" Eva replied and with a scorn. "So what did the doctor say about her?" Naoh asking facing Amelia still. "She will be fine and awake tomorrow" shrle finally replied chewing her food slowly. "Don't let that take your thinking she will be fine eat good food l'm very sure she won't be happy waking up and seeing her mom grown thin" He said. "Never thought of that but she won't be happy" Eva repiled. "So just grown big for her be her strong pillar" He said. "Never new you could be fit for motivational speaker quite good" James said after gulping down a large amount of water. "Must you always be crazy?" He asked. "I guess I'm not the only one seeing it then" Eva said. "When we are talking always mind your business ma'am" James fired. "Just why are we here? To argue?" Amelia asked pissed off. "Sorry about that,the two seems like same have attitude" Naoh said. Amelia continue eating her food without replying her. "So what are you planning when she wake up?" Naoh asked out if the blue. "Like planning?" She asked not getting his point with raise brows. "Like a welcoming party you know she excape and you need to show you missed her so much" He explained. "I will think about that later for now I just want her to wake up and hear their nothing wrong with her from the doctor" she replied. "Nothing will happen to her I believe" He replied. "Thanks for coming" She said. "It okay dear" He replied. "Make sure you invite us over" James said. "Invite you over for what?" Eva said. "The welcoming party ofcouse" Noah replied. "We will see about that later like I said earlier" Amelia said plainly. (Next day... hospital) "Is she awake?" Amelia asked immidately she step in fully dressed up neatly with a lunch box in her hand. "Not yet ma'am but she will any moment from now on" the nurse replied "Okay thanks" she replied and they find their way to kinky ward. "She looks cute more this morning" Eva said immediately they enter and settle beside her. "She should just wake up" Amelia said and hold her hand in hers and place her head on her hand "Pretty lady" they head a weak voice… "My baby" Amelia replied standing on her feet holding her face in her hand holding in her tears from Falling. "Water," she said with a little smile. "Call the doctor," Amelia said to Eva while she brought out the water from her bag, giving it to her slowly. She's really thirsty, Amelia thought as she gulps the whole water down. "Easy baby," she said, rubbing her back gently. "I'm sorry mom I won't fight again" she said. "Shusss!" Amelia said, placing her finger on her lips. "It's okay baby just be strong for mummy okay?" "Okay mummy" she replied. "Hey baby girl" The doctor called immediately. He walked in. "Hey doctor," she replied. "Wow you are strong now?" He asked. "Yes, very strong for a mummy" She replied, showing her arms in the air. "Good girl" He said and started checking on her system. He put on a small touch moving it on her eye while her eyeball folllow the direction of the touch. "Kinky" the doctor called. "Can you try and move your legs under the bed spread?" He asked. She move her leg for me to see. "Good girl now you have to eat okay?" He said and she nod in reply. "Make vegetables more in her food" he said and face Amelia. "Okay doctor thanks very much" she replied. He left with the nurse after jolting something down on her note pad. "I cooked your favorite" Amelia said bringing out a lunch box. "I love you pretty" she said and sit up immediately. "You just forget me?" Eva finally said. "Aunty Eva" she called. "Don't call my name am angry with you" Eva said. "I will apologies once I finish this" Kinky said and huge Amelia to feed her. "Like seriously I can cease that food" Eva said. "I will go back to sleep for three days" she replied immidately and Amelia burst out into laughter. "Like seriously kinky have missed you" Eva said and engulf her in a bone crushing hug. "My bone let me finish eating so we will both crush each other bone" kinky said feeling on easy in her hug. She release and deep her hand into her hair slowly. "Thank you Eva" Amelia said while feeding kinky. "I can spank you right now she's my baby too right kinky?" Eva said facing kinky. "Yes mom" she said bring out her set of teeth. "Kinky" Lucas called immidately he entered. "Uncle Lucas" she called happily. "I'm going to die" kinky said amidst the hug. "Just why do you guys want to break my pretty baby bone?" Amelia said. "That because we miss her ofcourse don't worry we going to celebrate your returning home" Lucas said. "Guys with their stupid ideas" Eva said. "Shut up" Lucas replied. "Please don't start now after all it not only him that said it have you forgotten Naoh also said it" Amelia said. "Who is Naoh?" Lucas and Eva asked at the same time. "Eva! Mr Brown ofcourse" she replied. "The Mr Brown I know?You guys meet each other?" Lucas asked. "He is our customer have you forgotten?" Eva said. "Oh how did he know?" He asked. "Fool it all over the news" Eva said. "Don't start!" Lucas replied. "What did I start? Like you don't know it all over the news" she replied. Lucas face kinky and pull her cheek playfully. "Guess what am going to give you?" Lucas asked. "You are buying me gift?" She asked surprised. "Ofcourse baby and me too" Amelia said. "Wow I will just be sleeping for days in every week" kinky replied. "Kinky!" Amelia called and they all burst out into laughter. Thompson mansion; "Aunty Eva this one is okay" kinky said. "No baby we will be having important visitor and I want them to see how pretty my baby is" Eva replied and return the dress bringing out another one. "Like who?" Kinky asked "Your pretty lady boyfriend" she whispered. "Really?" "Yes don't tell mummy I said so okay?" Eva added. "Okay I won't is your boyfriend also coming?" She asked in a whispered. "My boyfriend? Wait what is a boyfriend?" Eva asked. "Someone that kiss you and take care of you if you are a girl" she replied. "Omg where do you learned that?" Eva asked. "School,the girl that pushed me over the step we fought because she called my friend her boyfriend" she explained. "What the hell kinky!" Eva gapes. "Don't tell me pretty lady or I will tell her what you also said" she said folding her arms on her chest. "Hummn secret right?" Eva asked. "Yea secret" she wispered. Few minutes later, "Wow aunt Eva I love this" kinky said in a whisper checking out her self in the mirror. Alittle make up which didn't cover her natural beauty that much,a butterfly pendant neck chain green ball grown and a zip up arsh coloured Snickers. "My class mate are they coming too?" She asked as they walk the the door. "Yes baby and I think your boyfriend is also coming" she wisper to her ear. "Aunty Eva I don't have a boyfriend" she defend. "But you like the boy" she replied and they both giggles. "Seriously Eva need to start tutoring you on what and what not do" Eva added as they walk down the stairs. "Pretty lady" kinky called immidately she sight Amelia amidst the crowds. "My beautiful love" she replied and carried her in her arms. "Wow you look really beautiful young lady" Amelia said and she covered her cheek which has turned into red berries. "Oh my, she's blushing" Eva said. She put her down and her class mate run to her. "You look beautiful" they all chorus. "Thanks" she replied. "Kinky I'm sorry for pushing you I won't do that again" Sofia the girl who pushed her said. "It's okay l'm fine now" she replied. A boy walked to her and she started feeling nervous. "Hey" he called TBC
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