9: Revelation 2

1166 Words

As Gwax was led to goodness knows where, he thought he should be rest assured. Gae wouldn't let them do anything to him. She was only scared at the moment. She would soon return to her senses. She needed him to get to the throne. If she didn't come for him, he would break free on his own but there would be blood on his hands and regret for the royal family. But she would come, he thought. * Gae sat on the floor, sobbing, her face buried in the bed until she heard her bedroom door shut. "Alright." She sat up sharply, startling her ladies a little. There were exactly twelve of them, that was more numbers than before her father gave her the freedom to discard the presence of maids. The women had a similar thin build, pale skin and tiny appearance. They had their hairs pinned back in a bun

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