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I heard birds chirping and I know it was time for me to get up. I stretched my arms and yawn. I went beside the basement door to observe what was happening outside. I think no one's here. I went out and went upstairs to my room. I was about to lie down when I heard the bathroom door open. I quickly hid under the bed, hoping he wouldn't notice me. I waited for him to finish putting on his clothes. Suddenly his phone rang and he went beside the bed and sat. Damn! "Yes, hello?.... Oh babe where are you right now?.... Okay, let's meet up... Okay. Love you." I smiled. My brother is in love? It's good for him. I sighed because I really couldn't see what he looked like. I heard the door closed, maybe he went out. I got up from hiding under the bed. I went inside the bathroom to clean up myself and pick up the clothes I was about to wear. I went to my bed and lay down. I need to sleep again on my comfortable bed. *ding dong*ding dong* I opened my eyes, who could that be? I went out of the bedroom and slowly walked downstairs. I looked outside the window to see if the car of my brother already left. When I was sure that he was gone, I went beside the door but I doubted if I would open it or not. I hold the doorknob, I put my ear by the door suddenly I hear the person sigh. Elena? I quickly opened the door and she looked at me. And again we just look at each other, looking at each other's soul. But it's me who broke the silence. "Elena..." I looked at what she was holding. She is carrying a bag. She looked away and I smiled, she always acted cute. "Uh----I am sorry. It's---It's nothing. Bye!" She turned her back on me, and I knew it was important because she waited for almost two minutes for me to open the door. She was about to take one step away from me, I decided not to hold her arm so I grabbed the bag she was holding. "WAIT!" She looked at me, and she was idling again. "Elena, are you okay?" Suddenly she cleared her throat and nodded at me. "Yes, I am okay. I---I brought you omelets and milk for breakfast because---" "Thanks. I appreciate it so much. Come inside." She followed me inside, I was about to enter the kitchen door when I saw her looking at the pictures. She smiled, and I was pretty sure that the guy in the photos was me. I went inside the kitchen and prepared the breakfast she gave me. "Elena, come sit here with me." I offered her the chair and she sat down. I opened the lock it Tupperware and I saw four omelets she made. She put mayonnaise at the top. Hmmm, it looks delicious. I look at her watching me transfer the omelets on the plate. I smiled because I knew she was waiting for my feedback. "Wow, you made these?" She looked at me and then I smiled at her. She smiled back and nodded. "Yes." I cut the omelet using the spoon and tasted it. She looked at me and I refrained myself from smiling because the food tasted good. She cooks well. "This is the first time I taste something like this Elena, that's why I don't know what to say. But can you make me some of these next time? I kinda love it. " "Really?" I patted her head and nodded. I smiled at her again. "Yes really." I cut another omelet and offered it to her. "Say ahh." She looked at me with her question look. She shook her head. "No, it's for you." "Don't be shy Elena, we can share this. Don't make me sad, say ahh." At first, she hesitated but because I insisted she accepted my offer. She opened her mouth and I fed her. I smiled when she suddenly drank her milk. I saw her blushed, too cute. "Thank you for the breakfast." She smiled at me as she replied. She tapped her fingers on the table so I looked at her while eating the last piece of the omelet. "Junho, just a while ago I saw a car outside your house. Do you have a visitor?" As I heard her ask me that question I got scared because I didn't want her to get involved yet whenever she encountered one of my family members. "Did you see who's behind the wheel?" "Uhm, no but I am pretty sure it's a guy." Oh good. I nodded at her. "It was my---cousin visiting me." I know I lied. "Hmmm." She helped me clean the utensils and we went to my backyard. She was amazed to see that I have a garden and a pool, well me too. We went inside the pavilion with flowers and snakes in every corner of it. "I like your place Junho." "You can come anytime. But just don't come every Friday." I don't want you to be bothered. I looked at the pool. It's clean, maybe I can use this later. "Why?" Because... "We have a family gathering every Friday." "About your lost memories, how is it? Are they coming back?" I already saw my parents last night but--- "I----no. It's not coming back. I don't remember my parents' faces or my friends. I am happy that they come here every Friday to visit the house----and me." "Maybe I can help." I looked at her. She will help me? "I---I mean I can gather information about you from Klio." "You will help me?" "Ahuh, we're friends so I will help you. I will help you remember who you are." I don't know what's gotten into me but I smiled at her and held her hands and again a weird feeling ran in my veins. Why does something like this always happen when I touch her? "I don't know how to thank you, Elena." She pulled her hands from me and looked away. Damn, I made her feel awkward. "I'm sorry I did not mean to----" "It's okay. I can help you on Monday." "Okay, I will wait for you in the same place." She nodded at me and smiled at each other. I need to think of something to erase this awkward feeling between us. I cleared my throat. "How did you take that omelet to the next level Elena?" "Oh, it's easy. You need to mix carrots, potatoes, onion rings and leaves, garlic, and sliced cheese into the battered egg. And then instead of the coconut oil use butter to enhance its flavor ---" I just looked into her eyes while she explained the mixture of the ingredients. I smiled at her, she had these irresistible lips and eyes. She always makes me smile. Do I know her from a long time ago? Did we cross paths before I lost my memories? Elena... "----rolled it and then use the mayonnaise at the top. Well, I know mayonnaise is not that necessary but I remember egg and mayo are used in the burger so I think they'll match." "Well, I will try to use your method then. Thank you for the lesson, Chef Elena. But I think the omelet you made is more edible than mine." "Don't lose hope, Junho. Fighting!" I smiled at her. "I think it's time for me to go now." "Oh, thanks again, Elena." I led her to the door and she bid goodbye. I sighed, now I am alone again. I think I need a rest now. I felt dizzy again. I went upstairs to my bedroom and lay down. Elena will help me gain my lost memories. I can trust her to keep her word. I need someone who can help me. I can't just show up myself to Klio, not now because she still hates me. With a little time, I know I can fix this. Whatever I do, I can't fall asleep. I decided to go to Elena's house. I can show myself to her parents so that they'll know that I am a friend she was with yesterday. I nodded and went downstairs. Luckily I saw the bag she carried here so I picked it up. I walked out of the house and ran straight to Elena's house. I was about to knock when I heard someone shouting inside. "Nero! Give me the ice pack!" "Elena, what happened?" "I----I remembered something, Mom...I was sitting at the beach." Could it be? Does she lose her memories too? Beach? A sudden image showed up in my head. "No! Stop! We're gonna crash!" "Ahh!" I hold my chest because it hurts like hell. I dropped the bag outside their door. I managed to run back to my house. I kneeled and held my head because the pain became strong. "Ahh...Stop! Ahh!" My mind went blurry and everything went black.
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