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"Nero! Give me the ice pack!" As I heard my wife, Eleanor, I hurriedly grabbed the ice pack from our refrigerator and ran upstairs. I saw my daughter trying to ease the pain. "Here." "Elena, what happened?" "I----I remembered something, Mom. I was sitting at the beach." The beach? "Mom, do I have lost memories?" "No dear. Why will you lose your memories?" Lost memories? Eleanor shook her head and I sighed. "Your Mom's right. And you have never been on the beach since you were a child. You are afraid of the open sea, remember?" She's been afraid of the beach since she was a child. We left her to rest in her bedroom. While we were walking downstairs I grabbed Eleanor's arm. "Hon, let's talk." She nodded and we went back to our room, but we tried to make sure that Elena was sleeping. I locked our door and she sat at the edge of our bed. "Eleanor---" "Don't Nero. We've already talked about this." "We can't just leave the past, hon. Time will come Elena will remember everything." She stood up and faced me with her teary eyes. "Now what do you want me to say to her? Nero, I am also afraid to lose our only child, our only daughter. I don't know what will happen to me if she knows something." This time she cried and all I could do was hug her. "Sshhh, it's alright. We can't just hide it, we will tell her little by little." "No. If we can hide it, just keep it that way, Nero. We left our home, our work, and our place just to stay away from people who destroyed our daughter's life. Who destroyed our daughter's future." I hugged my wife tight. I know how she feels because I feel it too. Seeing my daughter miss the one-half of her life makes me an irresponsible father. But I know for sure, we can surpass this. "I need to go to talk to someone." "Where?" "I don't know where. He will message me the address." "Another client?" I nodded at her. I fixed myself and went out of the house. I saw a black bag in front of our door. "Hon!" She went to where I was and I showed her the bag "Elena used this a while ago. Maybe her friend dropped this." She got the bag from her hand and waved at me. "Be careful." "I will." I went to my car and drove it. I need to talk to him. He needs to do it before it's too late. ********* After my husband left, I looked at the bag he found in front of our doorstep. Elena used this a while ago, but why it was left here lying outside? I shrugged, maybe her friend left it there. I sat on the kitchen chair and massaged my temple. What happened a while ago, is that it or another memory will occur. No, please don't make my daughter suffer. I know what happened to her two years ago was my fault. I am not a good mother to her. I am not a good listener and adviser to her, that's why one-half of her life was taken away from Elena. I am selfish and I did not notice that my daughter was suffering. I closed my eyes and tears kept on falling. Please, just this once. Give me a chance to be a good mother to her. And I promise you that I will protect my child from that person. ****** I reached the restaurant where our meeting was taking place. I saw him waving at me so I went to him. "Please take a seat, Mr. Jang." I accepted his offer and I sat with him. "What do you like for lunch?" "We are not here for lunch." He smirked at me. "Patience Mr. Jang. Uhm, waiter!" A waiter went to us and the man in front of me ordered our lunch. "Beef steaks, vegetable salad, young pork ribs, and a red wine. And please make it two." "Yes sir." The waiter went to the kitchen and this man faced me. "Let's talk after lunch shall we?" ****** It's already seven o'clock in the evening but Nero is not yet home. He called me that he'll be late because of an appointment. So I did not bother to disturb him. He is a real estate agent, while, I am managing our small bakery business. I finished cooking our dinner and I decided to call Elena. I went upstairs and knocked on my daughter's door, but she was not answering. I opened her door and I saw her sleeping peacefully. I went beside her and I brushed her hair with my hand. "Elena, be strong my child." She smiled, maybe she was having a wonderful dream. Next month will be her graduation day and she's a graduate of the course Business Management. One month to go Elena and you'll be the queen in your castle. I will let you live your life in your own will and I will not stop you in every decision you make. ********** After eating lunch he ordered a dessert for both of us. "Mr. Jang, it's been two years since the incident happened. What do you want to clarify?" "I know, but I won't stop until justice prevails Jefferson. We both know that it's your family's fault." "Don't talk about justice Nero. We both know that we are in the same situation right now. We are suffering too." I slammed the table and it made him smirked and he wiped his mouth with a table napkin. "Relax Nero. Well, I think that's it for now. Extend my regards to Eleanor and Elena. Let me take care of the bill." He stood up and placed the money on a billing statement and he left me. I formed a fist. They are too much!
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