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I stretched my arms and I got out of my bed. I did my morning exercise. Jog for almost five minutes, and stretch your arms and muscles. Stretched legs and swat. Exercise my neck--- *knock*knock* "Elena, breakfast's ready!" "Yes Mom, I'm coming!" I wiped my sweat using a towel and went downstairs to the dining table. As usual, I saw my Dad reading his newspaper, and Mom setting the table. "Good morning." I kiss Mom and Dad. We are having rice with sunny side up, hotdog and orange juice and--- "Mom, I am fine. I don't need soup right now." "Just eat it, Elena. Mother knows best, remember?" Even though I didn't need the soup, I still ate it. I was in my third spoonful when something caught my attention in the sink. The black bag and the lock it Tupperware. Wait a minute, I did not bring it home because I forgot about it. I left it at Junho's place. "Mom, where did you get that?" I pointed to the bag and the Tupperware. "Oh, that. Your Dad saw it yesterday on our doorstep. I think your friend dropped it." Did Junho come by our house yesterday? It means, what I heard yesterday was not just my hallucinations. I came back from a deep thought when Mom held my hand. "Sweetie..." "Hmmm. I mean maybe he was here yesterday." "He did not bother to knock?" I looked at my Dad with a suspicious look. "Dad---" "Or he is shy to show himself to us. Is he your boyfriend?" "Haha, funny Dad. He is not. He is like a best friend to me." My Dad is something. "Next time tell him we want to meet him." I nodded at my Mom and smiled. I continued eating while I wondered why Junho did not bother to knock. I shrugged and just ate. After breakfast, I decided to make another omelet for Junho. "This is the first time I taste something like this Elena, that's why I don't know what to say. But can you make me some of these next time? I kinda love it." I smiled as I remembered what Junho said to me. And because I was too busy smiling I did not notice my Mom was watching me. "Who makes my daughter smile and blush?" I looked at her and then I looked away. "Mom! I am not!" She went beside me and hugged me. "You're visiting him again?" "Yes, Mom." I giggled. It always makes me happy to see Junho. I prepared the omelet with the same ingredients. I took out two orange juice and I put it together in my bag. "Mom, I have to go." "Okay, dear." I smiled as I went out of our house. I reached Junho's house. I pushed the doorbell two times but after two to ten minutes Junho's not answering me. 'Where could he be?' I went back to the house and ran upstairs to my room. Maybe he went somewhere. It's Sunday maybe he went shopping? Well then, I can see him tomorrow after school. The next morning, Monday. My Dad drove me to my university. I was about to open the car's door when my Dad spoke up. "Elena, take care." "I will Dad." I kissed my Dad on his cheeks and I went out of our car. I waved at him and he drove away. I took a deep breath before entering. Why do I feel scared? I hold my chest because my heart keeps on pounding. I shook my head and ignored this odd feeling. "Hey, Elena!" I turned around to see Lenka, running towards me. She is smiling and waving at me. "Lenka. Why are you running?" She holds her two knees and tries to catch her breath. After two minutes of composing herself, she tapped me on my back. "Let's go?" I rolled my eyes at her and smiled. This girl. We reached our room and I saw our classmates busy talking with one another. I walked to my chair beside Klio. I looked at her and she was busy tapping her phone. I need to talk to her later. I promised Junho to gather information about him. I reached my chair and was about to sit when Klio put down her phone and I saw a familiar face! I picked up her phone and stared at it. "Hey!" She tried to get it from me but I shoved her hand away. It's him! It's--- "Junho. Klio---" "What do you think you are doing?!" She snatched her phone from me and everyone in our classroom was looking at us. Oh, just great! "Uh, Klio. The guy on your phone, it's Junho. Right?" "Why do you ask?" She gave me her cold stare and crossed her arms. "It's because---" "Why do you even care? Do you know him? Did you meet him?" "I---" She ignored me and she swapped chairs with Lenka. I let out a sigh. I did not know she had that temper. The class went well, and all I did was think about Junho in Klio's phone wallpaper. Junho was right. He and Klio know each other. But why did he think that Klio and him were done? I think Klio still has feelings for him. The whole day Klio ignored me, and I couldn't talk to her about Junho. I went out of our gate and glanced at the waiting shed. Junho's not there, maybe he is late? I decided to wait for him to come. I need to tell him what I saw from Klio's phone. Fifteen minutes passed no Junho showed up. Did he forget about our plan? Or he is waiting at his house? *honk!* I looked up and saw my Dad waiting for me. Maybe he is sick. I walked towards our car and went home. On our way home we were stuck in traffic because of the accident. We passed by the two cars crashed on each other. I felt something strange, something showed up in my mind but it was blurred. "Stop this!" What? "Elena!" "Huh?" "Are you okay Elena?" I looked at my Dad, shaking my shoulders. What was that? I held my head and glanced outside. We're home. "Elena, what's wrong?" "I---uh--I'm okay Dad." I tried to wear a smile in front of him to lessen his worries. "Are you sure?" I nodded at my Dad and we went out of the car. I looked at Junho's house. It's dark. "Dad, you go first. I need to check on someone." I did not wait for Dad's answer and I went straight to his house. I pushed the doorbell four times but no one answered. "Where did he go?" ~~ At school... I was tapping my phone for some news. I have an application called Rappler. It helps me provide ideas about what's happening in the world. This is a new application. I kept on scrolling when a name caught my attention. "J. Park Company?" I kept on scrolling. "The new CEO is going to build a new building as the main branch of the company. The CEO named---" "Hi, Elena." I suddenly dropped my phone causing it to turn off. Klio quickly picked it up and handed it to me. "I'm sorry Elena for startling you." "Oh, it's okay Klio." I smiled at her and she smiled back. "About yesterday, I am sorry for yelling at you. It's just that I have a problem and you did something, that's why I burst it out on you." "Don't worry I understand Klio." She nodded at me and went to her seat. I tried to turn on my phone but it's not working. I put it inside my bag and waited for the class to end. Breaktime I decided to head straight to the library. I saw Klio reading a book. I need to talk to her. I went beside her and occupied the vacant seat. "Oh, Elena." "What are you reading?" She flipped her book and showed it to me. "Chronicles of Narnia The Last Battle. Good choice." She smiled at me and continued reading. "Klio?" "Hmm." She answered without facing me. Where will I start? "Uhm, about the guy in your phone. If you don't mind, who is it?" "My boyfriend." Boyfriend?! "She is my ex-girlfriend. That's all I know." Junho lost his memories and he saw Klio in his dreams, and all he knew was Klio's ex-girlfriend. "Why do you ask?" This time Klio looked at me. "Uh, nothing he looks familiar to me." She smiled at me and closed her book. "Everyone knows him, Elena." She smiled and left. "Everyone knows him?" After our class, I ran outside the gate hoping for Junho to show up but I failed. Where is that guy?! Seriously? I went home with the same thing I did yesterday. I knocked on his house but no one answered. Maybe he went abroad with his family? "Without even telling me?" Right, who am I to him? I am a friend who promised to help him recover his memories. Five days passed Klio always changed our topic when it came to Junho. Five days passed and Junho disappeared. Maybe he went on a vacation? Junho is 25 years old and independent. Maybe he went to find a job? Yesterday Friday, I saw three people inside his house. And just a while ago two they went out of the house. Maybe his parents and his sister. I went to his house and I made sure that they were already gone. I knocked three times hoping for Junho to open the door but again there was none. I let out a deep sigh. "I miss you Junho." "Really?" My eyes widened and I looked up to see that the door was still closed. "Elena..." That voice gives me goosebumps. That deep voice that I've missed. That voice coming from my back was from him. I slowly turned around to see him smiling at me. "I miss you too."
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