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"I miss you too." What? He misses me too? "Elena, you are idling again." I blinked three times, and I pinched myself. "I am not dreaming, Junho's in front of me. He is here!" I shook my head refraining from thinking of something hilarious again. "Huh?" "Are you okay Elena?" "Yes, I mean what did you say? The last line." I may sound weird but I want to hear it again. He looked at me with a serious face. "I asked you if you missed me." Oh, so he never said 'I miss you too.' God, I'm at it again. Hearing things, I am not crazy, right? "Come inside, Elena. I think you are not alright." I was in the middle of composing myself when he grabbed my hand and pulled me inside the house. He led me to the living room and I sat on a gray sofa. He went to the kitchen to get something. I saw his pictures placed above the fireplace. I stood up and looked at his pictures. The same photo is in Klio's phone. He looks so handsome in this kind of hairstyle. Brushed up, and black shining hair. What makes him think about changing his style? He looks like a businessman. He looks like a terror boss because he never smiles. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. But still, his looks are admirable and precious. "Found something interesting?" I gasped as he breathed in my ear. I gulped twice and slowly turned around. He is smiling and he is holding a glass of water. "Here, drink some water." I accepted his offer and I went back to the sofa. "So what's your answer?" I looked at him while I was drinking the water. "You missed me? You mean it?" *coughs* "Careful. Are you okay?" *coughs* I nodded and drank a little water to stop myself from coughing. He is weird, really weird. After drinking I put the glass on the coffee table in front of me. I cleared my throat. "Where have you been?" "It's a long story." He looked away to avoid my gaze. Something is bothering him. I just looked at him. Is this the right time to tell him about Klio? "What is your favorite sport?" He questioned me out of the blue. We looked at each other. Sport? "Sport?" He nodded at me. "Uhm, football." He nodded again. "Favorite food?" Okay, this is weirder. "Ice cream." And again he nodded at me. "I think you are okay now." He once again grabbed my hand and led me to the pavilion. He offered me a seat. "You like this part of the house so I led you here, to make you relax and drop the awkwardness between us." I smiled at him and nodded. I think he needs to know. "Junho, about you and Klio..." I played with my fingers because I was kind of nervous. I don't know if he is ready. "Hmm, what are your findings?" "I saw your photo in Klio's phone." He stopped for a while and looked me straight in the eyes. "Really?" "Ye---yes and when I asked her about you she said---" I recalled what Klio said that time while we were at the library. "My boyfriend." "Everyone knows him, Elena." "She said you are someone special to her." I saw Junho's reaction and he looks so happy to know Klio still loves him. "Thank you so much, Elena. Did you ask her who I am? What I am?" I looked down because Klio's mouth was shut and she was not interested in sharing Junho's information with me. I shook my head and I saw Junho's sad face. "Don't worry, I will try my best." "I know you will, Elena." He smiled and patted my head. He seems happy to know about Klio. Well, I am more happy to see him being happy. "It's almost lunchtime Junho." He looked at his wristwatch. Hmmm, it's a G-Shock color black. He likes black and shiny colors. I looked at his wristwatch but the time says eight o'clock. I looked at my watch and it says eleven thirty. "Junho, your watch---" "Ah, don't mind it. What do you want for lunch?" "Huh?" "Let's eat together. I will cook for you." I shook my head. "No. Let me cook for you." I left him hanging, and I went straight to the kitchen. I crossed my arms while I looked inside the refrigerator. "How about an omelet?" I turned around and I saw him by the kitchen door resting his back on the wall while his arms crossed too. "You love omelets now, huh?" "Somebody made me do it." "Yeah, yeah." I took out the ingredients I'll be needing for the omelet. I turned around to see that he was not there anymore. I shrugged and went back to preparing. I cooked a small amount of rice and I prepared orange juice for both of us. "I feel comfortable when I am with him. Maybe sometimes awkward feelings occur but I like his company. Junho is the perfect guy that every lady could wish for." After all the foods were cooked I prepared the table. I placed the two placemats, two plates with spoon and forks. I took out the rice from the cooker and I placed the omelets and the juice. "Why does it feel that I already did these before?" "Elena..." "Huh?" "What is it?" I'm going crazy again. "Nothing Junho, I was about to call you." Junho went to his chair and seated. I followed him too. I saw admiration in his eyes. "Wow, I miss the omelets." "Let's eat?" He nodded and smiled at me. I envy the omelet. Junho missed them. I joined him in eating but I noticed that Junho was not eating his rice. I just looked at him eating the omelets. "Try it with the rice." "Huh? I just love eating an omelet. I'm sorry but my appetite only wants the food that you offered, that I love and it's the omelet." I nodded at him and I continued eating. Junho's became weirder and weirder. Maybe he is really like this kind of guy. Always on a diet. We did not talk that much while eating. I washed the dishes and cleaned up the table. Junho went to the backyard so I followed him. "Do you have plans for tomorrow?" I looked at him. He is looking at me. Sometimes it's hard for me to look at him because of his height. 1.87 meters is no joke. "Nope. Tomorrow is Sunday so it's still my free day." "No family occasions?" "Nope. My Mom and Dad got work to do and they don't like parties." "So tomorrow you're free?" "Yes." "Will you go out with me?" What?! Go out with him? It means it's a date right? Silly Elena, stop thinking stupid things! "I---uh--" "Hm?" "Do you mean---" "Let's date." Hell yeah! It's a date! Oh my gosh! I don't know what's happening to me but my intestines are shaking! I felt the heat running on my nerves. I can hear mermaids singing when he says that word. It feels like I am flying and dancing with the clouds. My heart keeps on beating fast like a horses racing. I can't breathe and only I can hear is the beating sound. Like drums played at the parade. I only see him smiling and looking at me, with those eyes of him. It feels like my soul has been lifted. I am-----exaggerating the situation. In short, butterflies in my stomach! "Let's date Elena." I nodded at him. "Okay, Junho." He smiled and patted my head. "Good. I'll pick you up at eight sharp tomorrow morning." "Okay." "Be yourself, Elena. Be who you are when you're with me." Those words are simple yet so meaningful and like music to my ears. I nodded at him and I decided to go home. I still can't set aside why Junho was gone for five days. Where did he go? Come on Elena, stop messing up the mood. You need to be fresh because it's your first date since you were born. And so lucky that it has to be Junho. A date with Junho is so exciting! What will I tell Mom and Dad? "Let's date Elena." I jumped on my bed and hugged the pillow beside me. I like Junho, and I don't know why!
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