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MAYRA'S POV "Barbie doll, why are you not coming to clinic these days?" At Vishal's question, I slowly shifted my eyes to Rehan who was busy on his office laptop. I closed my eyes for a few second and with a small smile I returned my eyes back to Vishal, who sat next to him. "Sometimes priorities do changes." I replied. "Wait a second, since when?" Vishal shoots a challenging smile. "Some questions are better left to be unanswered." Vishal looked at Rehan after hearing my statement and with a deep sigh, he gave me a tight smile. I wish that Vishal won't ever find the truth. I am adjusting myself the way Rehan wants me to be. I know I was wrong to accept all his commands. But not every relationships are bound on the edge of perfection, some are simply bloomed on the sprinkle of compromise. "Since when you started spending time in my bedroom?" Rehan taunted. "Am I disturbing two love birds?" I flushed at Vishal's idiotic comeback. I wonder that how pleasurable it would be to look at Rehan laughing and behaving casually. That's the day, I am waiting for. "I am going to order dinner, what would you like to eat, Mayra?" Vishal asked. "Anything would be fine as long as it isn't non- veg." I replied with a smile. "Sure." "Rehan, what should I order for you?" "Anything would be fine as long as it isn't veg." My eyes instantly met with him and he just raised his eyebrows in a questioning way. I pushed saliva down my throat in nervousness. Does he really repeated my sentence or was it just a misunderstanding? I somehow dusted off that thought and came back to reality. "You two are completely opposite and as they say opposite do attracts." Vishal muttered to himself, earning a dark glare from Rehan but like every time he simply shrugged his shoulder. "Tara was also opposite of you. Do opposite really attracts?" "There's nothing between me and Tara now." Vishal whispered and rushed out of the room. "You shouldn't have said that." "So now do I have to take your permission every time before I speak?" He asked me in a cranky voice. "Vishal is a sentimental fool." "Maybe he's just hurt." I whispered without looking at him. "What's the difference Mayra?" He said, closing his laptop and took a deep breath. "I am sorry Mayra, I have an urgent surgery to attend. I'll have my dinner with you two, some another time." "Barbie doll won't you give me a hug?" I raised my eyebrows but instead Vishal pulled me into tight friendly hug. "Looks like your husband is getting jealous." He said in my ear. A strange fear ran down my spine and I instantly pulled myself away from him and awkwardly returned to bedroom. As I reached, I sat on the bed and clenched the bed sheet tighter in between my fist. "Come let's have a dinner, baby." "Baby?" My lips automatically questioned the idea of him calling me baby. "Let's have our dinner." By ignoring what I said, he placed the tray full of food in front of me. "Let's see what Vishal had ordered for us." He said with a smirk and grabbed a seat next to me. "Would you like to taste something new?" He rolled out his words near my neck resulting into enormous amount of butterflies in my belly. "Eat." His stern voice ran into my ear which clearly indicated that he was angry. "I said eat." This time he changed his tone a bit and my eye went down over the food only to realize that what exactly he wants me to eat. "I can't." I muttered in a barely audible voice and didn't even dared to look up into his eyes. "I don't eat this." After a long pause I added and mentally prepared myself for the things which were about to come. "I don't care if you eat non- vegetarian or not but tonight you are going to eat this." He calmly said, gesturing me to eat. "I SAID EAT." All of sudden he yelled and my whole body started shivering in fear. I pressed my eyes shut and with trembling fingers I put one bite inside my mouth. As soon as the food came in contact with my taste buds, I felt bile rising up to my throat. I tried hard to compose myself but couldn't and directly ran towards the bathroom. I quickly locked the door and all the bile came out of my throat. After few minutes I rinsed my face thoroughly with cold water and fixed my eyes at the mirror. I had never tried non- vegetarian but today I did. It isn't like I have any problem but it is not easy for anyone to adapt something new in one stroke. I splashed more water on my face and sat down on the floor with my knees closed to my chin. Tears gathered and without thinking much, I let them come out. Which sin I had done to deserve all this? I asked myself but without any answer that question faded away when Rehan's face appeared in my mind. With a weak smile I wiped my tears away and after one deep breath, I came out of the bathroom. I turned around only to get collided with a strong chest. I gasped in surprise and bite down on my lower lips. And here goes my heart accelerating when his eyes met mine. Warm and beautiful feelings started surrounding and my breath almost hitched up. He kept on looking straight into my eyes and once again a small smile crept on the corner of my lips. Now in this moment, my every doubt went away. "You are smiling?" Shock was clearly evident in his voice. "I tried something new today, so I guess-" "What are you doing Mayra? Stop all this." His voice comes out in a defeated tone. "What should I stop?" I asked worriedly but without replying me he just encircled his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His touch generated electric currents to run through my whole body. "Stop behaving like this, I want you to hate me." I blinked several times to register his words inside my mind. I want you to hate me. Why does he wants me to hate him? "I thought you are the one who hate me." My very first thought came out of my mouth and after listening to them he let out a humourless chuckle. "I would never be able to hate you." I said with a smile and after placing a kiss on his temple, I escaped from his hold and turned away to leave. Wait. Did I actually kissed his forehead? What's wrong with me? "Only because you don't know about me." He whispered to himself in a barely audible voice. I quickly turned back and with a smile I said, "So let me know about you but still I know that I will never be able to hate you." "I'll make you to hate me." He said in a flat tone and all I did was to smile. "And what if you'll not?" I challenged him. "Then whatever you say." "Will you then stop drugs and alcohol?" I asked in a hope and he just gave me a surprised look. "Are you out of your mind? You could have asked for divorce." "Why would I ask for something which I don't want?" "Don't worry you will want that too." "I've read somewhere that however you let yourself to look like, there's always a side of you no one knows about and only because of that, everybody deserves a second chance." I said while remembering the exact words. His eyebrows get arched up in confusion like he needed further explanation. "It's not only about that second chance but apart from that I am ready to give you infinite chances. So tell me, how am I supposed to hate you Rehan?" With a smile, I completed my sentence. "Just ask yourself Mayra exactly how many times you've cried after our marriage." For few seconds his words started sounding cruel and true but the very next moment when he smirked after looking at my uneasiness, I felt a smile when I remembered the reason of marrying him. A doctor would never be able to hate his patient and here that doctor is wife too. "I better count that exactly how many times you have smiled after our marriage." I said. His smirk instantly dropped down but instead a small smile curled up on the corner of his lips. His eyes lightens up and without saying anything, he walked out of the room.   
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