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MAYRA’S POV “Ma’am, it’s okay we are fine.” James, one of Rehan’s personal bodyguard mumbled with a blank face. I pressed my lips together. Both James and Ron were dripped into sweat and blood but still they stood as if they were completely okay. “Ma’am, it was just a small accident.” This time, Ron said with a proud tone and tried to plaster a hollow smile. “Plus we are here for your security, not for taking rest.” He added calmly. I bite on my lips and averted my gaze towards James who moved his head in agreement. "You work for Rehan, right?” I asked and they both nodded. "I am his wife, right?” I asked again and they nodded. "So it’s my order that you both are coming inside the house.” I said in a strict tone but couldn’t help myself from smiling. Their facial expression instantly changed from plain to defeat and without saying anything, they stepped inside. I sighed in relief and directed them to have a seat on the couch. ”This is not a good idea.” James muttered to himself. How could they act perfectly normal when their physical condition looks like they are completely exhausted? "I am sorry but it’s for your good only. I know that you both are not going to ER, so that’s why I asked you to come inside.” I said with a smile. "Mr. Rehan will not like all this.”  Ron pointed. He will kill me. I removed that thought and focused myself here, in the present. "You both know each other personally?” I raised my eyebrows and James nodded. "Since college days.” "So, what would you guys like to eat?” I asked and they both looked at each other in worry. "Come to dining table.” I said, ignoring their reaction. After serving the food to them, I also grabbed a seat next to them. "No one cares for anyone like this ma’am.” Ron flashed a genuine smile and for the first time, I saw him smiling. "You both are not anyone and please call me Mayra." "Mr. Rehan is lucky to have a wife like you.” I bite my lips at James words and shifted uncomfortably. Rehan, doesn't even want me to be his wife. “This food tastes heavenly. It's been so long since I’ve tasted home-made food.” "You both are welcome here at any time.” “You both are like a brother to me.” I added and a big glow flashed in their eyes. “Our pleasure to have a little sister like you.” They both said like a child in unison. How strange! Reality is always different than perceptions. They both are so cold and distant but somewhere they still are the normal human being. I wish it was this easy to c***k the walls of Rehan. I handed them painkillers. "Mam - err I mean Mayra you are psychiatrist, right?” I nodded. “Sorry it’s not my place to ask but aren’t you planning to continue your profession?” I closed my eyes shut at his question and without saying anything, I just shook my head. “We should better leave, it’s already half past ten.” “Will you both do me a favour?” I asked with a hope that they might say yes. “Your wish, our command ma’am.” Ron said dramatically. I laughed at his actions and James just smiled. “Please visit doctor for a check-up.” I slowly rolled my words out and to my surprise they both started laughing. “As you wish.” They walked to the door and as soon as James stepped out, he turned around. “Now I believe that Mr. Rehan will be happy.” He completed his words but I just stared at them. I started feeling exhausted. It’s been an hour since they both had gone but still I feel content and happy. My mind drifted to Rehan. What will be his reaction when he will find out that I let James and Ron, inside the house? I dig nails on my thigh and started pacing back and forth in room with my eyes fixed at the clock. I will tell him by myself. There's no point of hiding anything from him. But what if he gets angry? My body froze when I saw him. “Oh, my beautiful wife is still awake?” He commented in a cranky voice, throwing his blazer aside. “I want to tell you something.” I nervously moulded my words and his eyebrows shot up. Then only I realized that how much tired his eyes were; craving for sleep. His lips dried and his face holding no emotions. He do needs a proper sleep. Should I tell him or not? No, I won’t. If I do so, he might get upset and not sleep at all. “You’ll have your dinner here or come downstairs?” I quickly changed the topic. “I am not famished at all.” He replied and entered into the bathroom, closing the door behind with a loud thud. I felt my stomach grumbling in appetite. Soon he came out of the shower, dressed only in sweatpants. Water dripping down to his chest.  My belly began forming twisted knots but quickly I shifted my eyes. “You had dinner or not?” “Yes.” I lied but my stomach decided to betray me by making that grumbling sound again. I clenched my fists and for sure my cheeks must've turned red in embarrassment. "I guess now I am hungry.” His voice was plain but the look in his eyes told me a different story. He was trying his best to not laugh at me. After serving the food, I stood next to him. “Are you planning to eat or not?” He asked. “Why do you care so much about everyone?” He added out of blue. “You were going to tell me something, right?” Again he put pressure on his words and this time, my legs automatically took a step back. “Tell me damn it.” He locked his jaw and took a step closer to me. My heart started pounding faster. I don’t want to accept but his sudden change in mood does scares me. Soon I found that my back almost hit the wall, I tried to take few more steps back but only in vain. “Why you brought them in my house?” I closed my eyes tightly shut. He already knew. “I-I am sorry.” With stammering voice, I tried to apologize but he trapped me with his hand between him and wall. “Why do you care, so much?” I inhaled sharply and pulled up my eyes to look straight at him. “Why do you wanted me to eat, are you sure it wasn’t care?” This time, I questioned him back and a smirk formed over his lips. His finger played with my hairs locks making me shiver. His body leaned more closely and this time, I was able to feel his warm breath. “Do you care about me?” I smiled. “Will you do anything for me?” He asked again and I nodded the second next. “Kiss me.” I flinched slightly and my eyes went wider. Gulping down my saliva in nervousness, tried to read his facial expressions that whether he joked or what but he was serious. "This was your care?" He asked bitterly before pulling himself away from me. You don’t even know Rehan that how much I care about you. I can do anything for you. I closed my eyes and after one deep breath, I walked to him and without thinking twice, I brushed my lips on his cheeks. “You haven’t said that which kiss you want.” I added with a smile and his face changed to amusement and then finally to satisfaction. I flushed and stared at the floor, trying to control the smile which was ready to dance on my lips. Next to my surprise I heard a strong and beautiful sound of Rehan’s laugh and it didn’t took a rocket science for me to realize that he was laughing at me. His perfect white teeth flashed forming a cute dimple on his cheeks. And this time, I couldn’t help but smiled. “Your smile is contagious.” He said to my uttermost surprise. 
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