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MAYRA'S POV I passed a bright smile to Rehan, interlocking our fingers together. Our fingers connects perfectly with each other like they were meant to be. Well...maybe they were meant to be together because otherwise I don't think any other reason of being 'us' except from destiny. Destiny do plays a great role in entangling two paths together which were once completely opposite. "Err...Mayra." The unsure voice of him brought me back to reality. I raised my eyebrows gesturing him to say whatever he wants to. But instead of saying anything he just stared at me with various emotions reflecting from his eyes. I shuddered under his intense gaze and looked down at my lap where our connected fingers were placed. "Can I ask you for something?" He asked in a serious voice, making my eyes again fixed on him. I nodded slowly and mentally started debating that what he's going to ask. Kiss? Maybe. I blushed and passed him an assuring smile. In a next moment, he pulled me on his lap and sighed slowly. My breath gets hitched up and at an instant rate, hundreds of butterflies burst into my abdomen. Till now it has been quite time but still like the first time, his touch sends my body to another level making weird tingling sensation to rush all over my body. "Give me today." He said, hiding his face in the crook of my neck. His warm breath danced over my neck's flesh like I've been drowned into the pool of enormous pleasure. "I know you've planned this day and trust me I don't want to spoil it but please just give this day to me. I want to live this day with you in my way." He added in a husky voice, slightly inhaling over my neck. I frowned at his words. He wants me to give him this seventh day after all the planning I've done to make it special? Biting my bottom lip, I untangled our fingers. "But Rehan..." I whispered feeling reluctant and pressed my eyes shut. He didn't said anything next, just wrapped his arms around my waist and nibbled over my neck's warm flesh with his teeth which felt cold and so beautiful. I clenched my fists and clearly understood that he's doing all this just to distract me so that I can give up and at last agree to him. "P-Please." I shuttered feeling something weirdly intense and tried to suppress my moan. "We can negotiate it." He said and at the same time his fingers moved up to my collarbone, creasing my flesh tenderly. "No." I replied and felt my body molding under his touch. "How about you give me today and I'll give you every single day of my life?" Suddenly his teeth stopped their delightful action over my neck and he said his words in a dead serious voice taking my breath away. He didn't meant that, right? "Really?" I asked hesitantly, turning my face to him and searching for the answers in his eyes. His eyes were calm which were looking back at me like he meant every single word. His face was shining in happiness. I realized that maybe he do wants to have this day in his own way. Well, Rehan if that's what makes you happy then I am fine with it. After all the planning which I have done were only for the purpose of making you happy. He nodded with his lips curling into lopsided grin. "Okay then." I added and placed a kiss on the tip of his nose. He once again gave me his billion dollars smile and stood up with me in his arms. "Put me down. I can walk." I muttered with my eyes shut and lips trying hard to hide the smile. He shrugged his shoulder and walked towards the car with a constant cheerful whistle coming out from his lips. I looked at him in awe that how much gorgeous he looks when he's happy and carefree. Like every melody has dropped into his smile. Heat rushed up to my cheeks which I ignored by wondering that where is he taking me to? When he reached near his car, he slowly put me at the front passenger seat and after adjusting himself, he started driving the car. "Where are we going?" I asked feeling the new thrill inside me. "You'll see." He replied with a grin and then fixed his eyes on the windshield. I let out a deep breath by understanding that he's not going to tell me a bit that where and why are we going. Maybe Rehan loves to generate curiosity in me. After 20 minutes he parked his car and directed me to come outside. I stepped out, looking everywhere, trying to get the idea that where we exactly were. "We are here from where everything has started." He said playfully and grabbed my palm. We walked forward inside a huge hotel and then only it hit me that this was the same hotel to where Rehan had taken me after his success party when I had bruised feet after that glass incident. Why he has taken me here? This was the same place where I had spent best night of my life, the same place where I had spot Rehan kissing Tara and also the same place from where I had realized that I love him. This place for sure has some bittersweet memories but why now? Why we are here? "Yes Sir. Everything's ready." Suddenly I was snapped back to reality when the receptionist said something to Rehan with a soft smile. Then her eyes landed on me and like earlier she smiled warmly at me, making my mood lift up so that I can return a soft smile to her. "Come." Rehan said and I nodded, following his steps. When we reached near the same room from last time, my confusion and curiosity were at peak level. "Now close your eyes Mrs. Malhotra." He said. But without saying anything I just followed his words into action and when everything turned black, I felt his arms around me and in a next second all I felt was being lifted up in his arms. Electric current shot up near my spine and I clutched his shoulder for support. Next I heard the clicking sound of insertion of card and opening of the door. My body was welcomed by warm air when he stepped inside the room. Then he placed me on the bed and I felt the other side of it slightly doping down, maybe he lied next to me. Every nerve in me itched to open my eyes and look around but I know I will not do so till he say. "You can open your eyes now. I bet your curiosity was at its best." I laughed at his comment and quickly part my eyelids to be welcomed by hundreds of fake plastic illuminating stars shining from the ceiling. My breath hitched up in surprise. I looked around to found that whole room's light has turned off making it clear dark. Only source of light were from the colorful candles which were burning near the corners. Whole room was mesmerized by the illuminating plastic stars and candles. A big smile danced over my cheeks and I gasped in surprise. I sat on the bed and admired the eye catching sight I've in front of me. The room was smelling like something sweet and tender. That smell was beautiful. "Wow Rehan!" I exclaimed in happiness and excitement. I heard the melodic sound of his chuckle. Although his face was not visible in this low light but still I could tell that his eyes were smiling too. "Now. Just lay down and relax." He murmured and I nodded, reclining on my back, facing the ceiling which was shining with stars. He shifted closer to me and took my palm in his and finally rested them on his stomach. Everything around us was drowned into beautiful silence and the sight of the ceiling was enriching every nerve in me with relaxing feeling. He ran his thumb lightly over the back of my palm in a comforting way. His touch made various emotions inside me and then biggest one of them was that of attraction. Attraction of being closer to him. "You must be wondering that why I brought you here, right?" I smiled at his question. "Mayra the last time we were in this hotel, since then I've realized that what exactly you meant to me. And today I want to have restart of everything including us." He said and I listened to him with my eyes fixed on the ceiling and he also did the same. "Let's play a game. We will ask questions to each other and then at last we both will confess from which mental state we had gone through in last few days." He added still creasing his thumb lightly over my fingers. I arched up my eyebrows at his idea of the game and wondered that whether this all was actually happening or everything was just a beautiful dream. "Mayra I've learned from you that words has enormous power and sometimes few sweet words and a beautiful smile like you can change a nightmare like me. So let's share our stories which were locked in our mind from so long." He suggested but I noticed the sad tone in his voice when he called himself as the nightmare. I held his palm little tightly and tapped my finger softly over it. He sighed deeply. "You know what Rehan. Both dreams and nightmares are part of sleep. Without bad nothing good can ever come. In the same way both darkness and light are part of one's soul and it's up to us that which side we are going to reflect from our personality. I've not changed you. You've changed yourself. It was not my words but your instinct which told you to do what was right. So, don't give me every credit because it was all your efforts." I smiled after completing my sentence and waited for his response. "You are perfect Mayra and I am glad that you're mine to hold, mine to kiss and mine to feel." His response was so much intense that I couldn't stopped myself from blushing hard. "And never call yourself as nightmare because you are the most beautiful dream for me." I murmured softly with a little smile to which I heard the chuckling sound coming from him which was like a drizzling bliss to my hearing. "Okay so now my first question. How does it feels to you whenever I kiss you?" My jaw dropped at his question and at that time I realized that the playful and mischievous version of Rehan was back. But instead of avoiding his question, I planned to tell him the truth. "Like bliss. A beautiful bliss. My whole body went through spark and all I want is to melt in your kiss." He didn't said anything but I sensed him sighing in relief. Huh? "Why my body carves for your touch?" I blurted out accidentally but mentally face palmed myself. How could I be so stupid to ask such embarrassing question? "Mrs. Malhotra that is simple. That carve is named as lust." He answered in a husky voice and my eyes went wider. I snatched my palms away from his hold and rubbed my fingers together in nervousness. It couldn't be. Rehan was wrong. "Relax okay? No big deal after all you couldn't resist such a hot husband, isn't it?" He took my palm again and said casually. I flushed in embarrassment but then something clouded over my mind. A smile crossed my lips. "Not l**t but something pure." I said sternly and then he burst out laughing. "Okay. Okay. As you say." He said in between his laugh and came closer to place a light kiss on my temple. "What was your thought when I pushed you on the broken pieces of glasses? Hatred or anger?" He sounded weak and low from his question. I stiffen at his question but soon composed myself by interlocking our fingers together and blinking twice whilst staring at the stars which were shining bright. "Not hatred nor anger. For once I thought that may be you were difficult to handle but then I realized that those were just your actions and I couldn't judge you on the basis of them." I replied the genuine answer. "You were right fire couldn't be calmed by the fire. If you weren't this calm and gentle than maybe we were not here, like this." I smiled. At that moment I thought if I will ask him something about his past. What will happen? Well no. I couldn't. I just couldn't take the risk. What if he'll get angry? No. "What was your thought when you first saw me?" "Don't get angry but I thought you were gold digger. I know it was so stupid of me to think something like that but I-I...." I laughed cutting his words in between. "It's okay Rehan, I won't mind. You had no idea about me at that time." I added softly. "But at the same time I also found you extremely beautiful." He muttered under his breath but I heard him clearly and instantly blood rushed up to my cheek. "Now enough. Let me tell you what exactly I felt in last six days." He said and I just stilled to listen what's coming next. What he felt in those six days was all I wanted to hear.   
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