I am 100 percent sure about this

1179 Words

Gamaliel was the first to wake up , he looked down at her , as her full hair fills on his pillow on his bed , he didn’t want to wake her , he saw that she was sleeping so soundly, he kissed on her head , slips into the shower for a quick shower , had a change of clothes, then he went out to go ask about what’s been prepared for breakfast. At first he didn’t see any of his staff or even any of his made Where was everyone As he got near the kitchen , he could hear voices now , He looked into the kitchen , most of the staff were there . But they all stopped they were doing or saying once they noticed he entered. “What’s going on here ? ” Lady Franca came forward to face him “We were debating if we should wake you up or not , you didn’t come down for dinner last night , also this morn

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