I want you too

1302 Words

“I want you to kiss me “ just like that was the very go ahead he was waiting for , quickly sat up , took her head between his hands , they enjoyed a very hot and demanding kiss for like forever, he was dying for this very thing , he wanted her so much. “ hmm “ a moan slipped out of her mouth , she would not also deny that he was as tempting as he thinks she is , she had tried so hard to resist him but it was nearly impossible. “ I have been thinking about what you said to me, I really do not want you loosing your trust for me , I want you to be able to tell me your secrets, whatever makes you happy or whatever makes you sad, I could not sleep , I could not get it off my mind, you can trust me anytime , I just want you to know that. I want you as much as you want me , I’m not going to

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