Chapter 6 Help You Clean Up

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Lisa stood still with a sinking heart. She couldn't take even a single step. He looked at Lisa for a few seconds, and then impatiently knocked on the table, his tone serious. "Don't just stand there. I'm paying you to work." At that moment, August connected to a video call about business negotiation. A stranger's face appeared on the screen, and the other party was speaking a foreign language. August listened for a while but couldn't fully understand, so he turned to Lisa and said, "Aren't you here to apply for the translator position? Please demonstrate your skills." The sexy and beautiful Lisa stood there, stunned by August's sudden request. 'Forget it. She doesn't look like she understood a word.' August frowned, regretting what he had just said. "Never mind. Go get someone from the foreign affairs department." "No, boss, please trust me." Lisa stepped forward with a confident smile to better hear the other party. After a brief greeting, the Spaniard on the other end began discussing business, and Lisa interpreted every word in real time. She seamlessly conveyed both the complex professional terms and the occasional jokes. Meanwhile, she relayed what August said precisely to the other party. August started to relax, watching her with growing admiration, somewhat lost in thought. Realizing he'd been staring at her for a while, Lisa checked herself for anything out of place and then asked, "Anything else I can do?" August snapped out of it, noticing the video call had ended, and the client had sent over a Spanish document. He instructed Lisa again, "Translate this for me in writing." Lisa nodded and said, "Sir, I need to print it first." August pointed to the computer beside him, indicating she should do it herself. Lisa walked around the large desk and came to his side. Since the computer was on the other side, she had to lean over him to use it. As she bent down, her neckline opened slightly, revealing an alluring cleavage. August was staring at her, and he felt his heart skip a beat. 'Damn it! She's so irresistible!' "From now on," he said, "dress more appropriately." Lisa looked down and saw her partially exposed chest, and then she met August's gaze filled with desire. She let out a cold laugh. "Boss, the company has no dress code. If this is a personal issue, please address it yourself." Faced with her unapologetic retort, August instead smiled. 'Well, what a rose with thorns.' Lisa finished printing, picked up a pen, and began translating the document. August admired her professionalism but didn't appreciate her sarcastic tone. Did she take him for some kind of pervert? "No one has ever dared to tell me to behave," August said, his voice filled with both pleasure and malice. "Especially not in my own office." "What?" Lisa looked up. The moment she saw the scene in front of her, her eyes widened in surprise. August had removed his jacket, loosened his tie, and unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his muscular chest. Seeing Lisa's reaction, he started undoing another button. "It's a bit warm. Mind if I unbutton?" August's voice was low and seductive. Lisa's eyes were fixed on his abs. 'Damn... Why doesn't he just take it all off?' "Hey, your pen's leaking on the document," August reminded her. Lisa's face immediately turned crimson. August took off his shirt and tossed it to Lisa. "Keep it as a souvenir," he teased. Lisa instinctively caught it. She should've thrown it back, but the warmth from the shirt made her stuff it into her bag. "Thanks," she replied. In a flash, August had his suit back on and handed her a new document. "So now, will you consider dressing more appropriately next time?" Lisa, annoyed, took the paper. "Got it, boss." Without a shirt underneath, August looked even more attractive, but at least he wasn't distracting her from work anymore. Lisa quickly looked away, patted her flushed face, and decided she'd wear a blouse to work from now on. The bastard, he played her at her game. She looked at the document with anger and finished the translation with full speed and accuracy before handing it back to August. August reviewed it and was very pleased with Lisa's efficiency and quality. "The Spanish businessman from the video earlier will be coming to our company for a meeting with his team tomorrow. I need someone fluent in Spanish for this project. You'll participate in all the important meetings by my side." Lisa was thrilled to hear this. She raised her brows and asked with a confident smile, "What about the remuneration?" August replied, "If the project goes well, I'll give you a 200 thousand dollar bonus as per the contract. If it fails, I'll still pay you an extra 20 thousand dollars on top of your monthly salary." Then he added, "However, none of my projects have ever failed." Lisa smiled slightly. "Good luck to us working together!" Just then, a knock on the door reached them.
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