Chapter 5 What a Scheme

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After escaping from August, Lisa went straight to her new residence, took a shower as quickly as possible, and changed her clothes. Today was her first day at HE Enterprise. Dressed in a professional suit, Lisa appeared at the company. After she updated the receptionist about her position, she was escorted to the executive floor where the CEO's office was located. Fennie was on the phone when she noticed Lisa approaching with confident and graceful strides. Out of her surprise, the phone almost slipped from her hand. "What are you doing here?" Fennie asked, her voice tense as Lisa came closer and finally stopped in front of her. "What do you think I'm here for?" Lisa leaned in close to Fennie's ear and whispered, "To tell everyone how you tried to meddle in your best friend's marriage?" After saying this, Lisa gave Fennie a sneer. Fennie thought Lisa was there just to cause trouble. But Lisa didn't bother to explain. Instead, she turned away with a smile to another secretary. "Hi, my name is Lisa. I will start to work here from today." The secretary, maintaining a professional smile, responded, "The CEO has briefed us about your arrival. You may see him right away. Please follow me." "Thank you, after you!" Lisa nodded politely and followed the secretary toward the CEO's office, not sparing Fennie another glance. "My gosh, she is stunning!" "Wow, she's so beautiful! She must be popular among guys!" The surrounding compliments toward Lisa made Fennie's face turn gloomy. Lisa was indeed strikingly beautiful, with a bold and aggressive allure that Fennie had always envied. It was just that Fennie hadn't expected Lisa to actually start working here either. She clenched her fists, filled with resentment but maintaining a composed facade. She reminded them, "Just go back to your work. If the Secretary-General sees this, you'll be in trouble." Hearing that, the onlookers quickly dispersed to their respective positions. Just then, the Secretary-General, whom Fennie referred to, had just finished reporting and was coming out of the CEO's office. He happened to see Lisa at the door. "Claire?" Lisa was surprised. Claire was the ex-boyfriend of her close friend, Blanche. "Come with me," Claire said, calm and composed, while nodding at her. As he pushed open the door to the CEO's office, he added, "I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm the Secretary-General here, and we'll be working together moving forward." Since Claire was pretending they didn't know each other, Lisa saw no need to show excessive passion for him. She replied with a smile, "I look forward to working with you!" As the door to the CEO's office swung open, the fabled face of the CEO of HE Enterprise came into view. Lisa stepped back, eyes widening in disbelief. How could it be him?! The shock and astonishment Lisa felt upon seeing him exceeded the surprise of encountering Claire by a thousandfold. There, in the large chair, sat the man in a dark gray suit with a black shirt underneath, his physique nearly perfect. Even more striking was his perfect face. He was looking at his computer screen with a serious expression. The silver-rimmed glasses perched on his straight nose added a special allure to his appearance. Lisa stared at him for a few seconds, and then turned to leave. But accidentally, Claire closed the door from the outside just then. In the vast office, it was just the two of them left. Lisa stood rooted to the spot, her palms sweaty with nerves. She sneaked a peek at August, who continued to review documents at his desk with his head slightly bowed. It seemed that he was oblivious to her presence. There was a peculiar charm about him when he was engrossed in work, bespeaking him as someone in a high position. Lisa found herself mesmerized. "Need more time to enjoy my charm?" August's voice, deep and magnetic, suddenly broke the silence. It turned out he had caught Lisa staring at him like a smitten schoolgirl. Lisa's face flushed in an instant. How embarrassing it was... "Didn't you say you never wanted to see me again?" he scoffed, adding, "And yet here you are, scheming to interview at my company? What a scheme." Lisa lost her tongue. "I... I..." She tried to defend herself, but the words wouldn't come. Then it hit her—this scheming guy had known all along that she was coming to work at his company, and he had been waiting for this exact occasion to tease her. Amused by her discomfiture, August gestured to her with a crook of his finger. "Come over here."
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