Chapter 7 Her Spanish Teacher

887 Words
"Come in," replied August. Fennie, Claire and another two secretaries walked into the office. "Sir, we're here to report our work." August replied with just a nod, and Lisa immediately said, "I'll leave you guys to it, boss." "Wait, Lisa. Stay here." Lisa stopped walking, turned to look at August, and waited for him to assign her a task. However, August only instructed Claire and Fennie, "For the next week, Lisa will be the central figure of the project. You two must assist her in completing all the work." Lisa wanted to say that these translation tasks were easy and she didn't need any help. But August didn't give her a chance to speak and told Fennie, "Fennie, take Lisa to her office." "Sure." Fennie led Lisa to her exclusive office. Glancing at the black shirt Lisa casually placed aside, Fennie questioned, "Lisa, can you really handle this translation job?" Ignoring Fennie's doubt, Lisa remained immersed in the joy of her generous salary and didn't get angry over such provocation. Lisa replied coldly, "Fennie, thanks for bringing me to the office. Now, I need to start working. Could you please close the door on your way out? Thanks!" Fennie's curiosity remained unsatisfied, but Lisa didn't want to chat further, so Fennie had no choice but to leave disappointed. On Lisa's desk was a thick stack of documents printed in Spanish. She pulled out a contract and quickly spotted translation errors. Frowning, Lisa dialed a number. "Who translated these documents on my desk? Send that person to my office." The call was answered by Fennie, who instinctively wanted to refuse Lisa and embarrass her. But Lisa spoke quickly, not giving Fennie a chance to argue before hanging up. Furious yet unable to defy August's orders, Fennie had to comply. Half a minute later, a blonde, round-faced girl nervously entered Lisa's office. "Hello, Lisa. I translated the documents." Holding the contract, Lisa said sternly, "Ruth, our Spanish client is arriving tomorrow, and time is tight. Please translate this contract again before lunch." Ruth took the contract from Lisa, which was filled with a mix of admiration and surprise. Seeing Ruth hadn't left, Lisa asked, "Any other questions?" Ruth said, "Lisa, you are completely different from what I thought. Fennie said..." Lisa's stern look made Ruth hesitate, realizing she shouldn't speak ill of Fennie in front of Lisa. But Lisa smiled. "Did Fennie say I'm incompetent and got this job by sleeping my way up?" Ruth shyly nodded. Lisa continued, "I think a smart girl like you can tell the difference between truth and lies. Now, go ahead! Remember to have the translated contract on my desk before lunch." Ruth left Lisa's office and returned to the secretary's workplace. Seeing the thick documents in Ruth's hands, Fennie approached her desk with exaggerated concern. "She's just a newcomer. How dare she bully you like this!" Ruth didn't have time to respond to Fennie, as she had promised Lisa that she would translate the documents by noon. But Fennie wouldn't leave Ruth alone, saying dramatically, "Ruth, don't be afraid of her. Even if she slept her way to the top, as long as you find mistakes in her translations, I can help you deal with her!" Ruth frowned and interrupted Fennie's rambling, "Fennie, you are wrong. She didn't get this job by sleeping her way up. She did the translation better than me, and even our company's best translator isn't as good as her." Fennie looked at the dense Spanish text in Ruth's hands and felt a headache coming on. Even with Ruth's assurance, she refused to believe that Lisa could handle HE Enterprise's most challenging translation tasks. Ruth worked diligently and managed to translate the document before eleven-thirty, nervously handing it over to Lisa. Lisa took two minutes to check the document. During those long two minutes, Ruth's heart pounded with nervousness, and sweat beaded on her forehead. Finally, Lisa nodded and smiled. "Good, your work is up to standard." Seeing Lisa smile, Ruth finally relaxed and joked, "Lisa, you're even stricter than my Spanish teacher." Lisa smiled and said casually, "That's because my Spanish teacher was Daniel. He was like a devil when he taught me Spanish." Ruth covered her mouth in surprise, her voice trembling with excitement. "Is it the Daniel I know? He's fluent in Spanish, Italian, and German, and he's also a philosopher..." "That's him!" Lisa remembered Daniel and felt a warm surge with her. Daniel was not only her teacher but also her first love. Lisa smiled and said, "It's lunchtime now. You should take a break. We'll continue in the afternoon." Ruth managed to suppress her surprise and admiration and then left the office. Over lunchtime, Lisa got August’s shirt cleaned at a dry cleaner’s. After the shirt was clean, Lisa's stomach growled. She was about to buy lunch when she received a message from August with the location of the upscale restaurant downstairs at the company. Lisa didn't think August would kindly invite her to lunch. She muttered to herself, "Do I even have to work during lunch?" However, Lisa was optimistic and positive, so she quickly stopped complaining and headed to the restaurant. When she arrived, she saw someone familiar. Curiously, she came up to him and softly asked, "Daniel? Is that you?"
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