Chapter 4 Principal Ailsa

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Ivan woke early the next day. Full of optimism, he put on a smart business suit and gelled his hair before admiring himself in the mirror.   What a handsome guy he was!   He smiled as he picked up the mobile phone, "Dude, since you are so powerful, I need to give you a name. I’m going to call you Andy from now on. That’s much cooler than Apple, Samsung and other stupid mobile phone names."   The phone screen instantly flashed. Ivan was overjoyed. The phone had responded, telling him it approved of its new name!   Putting the phone in his pocket, he picked up his briefcase and left his apartment with a smile on his face.   At the top of the stairs, Ivan bumped into a girl carrying a bag. She wasn’t looking where she was going and the coffee in her hand almost splashed over him.   She quickly apologized.   Ivan was just about to comment about her carelessness when he recognized her. She was the girl from the apartment next door. Recalling the lovemaking scenes he had watched last night, Ivan’s heart began to pound and his face turned crimson.   "No problem. Have you been out to get breakfast?” he asked, too embarrassed to look her in the eye.   The girl smiled, "Yes. Are you off to work?"   Ivan nodded and looked at the girl. She wasn’t particularly pretty, but she was in good shape. Her tight dress accentuated the curves of her body and she wore a light perfume.   "I'm Ivan, your next-door neighbor. Just give me a call if you need anything.."   "Thank you. I'm Carry Duke."   Suddenly their conversation was interrupted by a loud shout, "Carry, what are you doing? How come it’s taken you so long to buy breakfast?"   Ivan turned and saw a man approaching.   "Daniel, this is Ivan, our neighbor. I almost spilled the coffee over him and I’ve just been apologizing. Ivan, this is my boyfriend, Daniel Benson," Carry quickly explained.   "It’s fine. No harm was done," Ivan responded and smiled as he stretched out his hand to Daniel, "Nice to meet you, Daniel."   Daniel looked Ivan up and down with a cold expression on his face and sneered as he grabbed hold of Carry’s arm, "Come home. You didn't stain his fancy suit."   Having been given the cold shoulder, Ivan withdrew his hand in silence.   "I’m sorry Ivan. It’s just his manner, he's always like this," Carry apologized again.   Ivan laughed awkwardly as Daniel dragged Carry into their apartment and slammed the door.   Ivan sneered. What the hell! As if I'd even be interested in seducing your girlfriend.   There wasn’t time to dwell on it further. He hurried downstairs, then drove the taxicab to Gary's house where he explained that he no longer needed it and asked Gary to refund his deposit.   Gary frowned. He complained that Ivan hadn’t given him sufficient notice and he didn't have that much money on him. Ivan would need to come back in two days’ time. Besides, he would need to check the car over first.   Ivan knew Gary's type well. As mean as f**k, counting every penny and only interested in money. However, Ivan had no time to argue and said he would return for his money in two days.     He hurriedly set off for Cincinnati High School.   Standing at the entrance, Ivan surveyed the campus. It was impressive. A playground, shaded by trees, was situated next to the elegant school building. Students were reading aloud in one of the classrooms, their melodious voices resounding in the breeze.   How refreshing!    Teaching at such a school would be pretty awesome!   He walked into the campus with a spring in his step and had just passed through the gate when someone shouted from behind, “Stop. Didn't you see the sign?"   A tubby security guard emerged from the reception office and glared at Ivan as he pointed to the gate.   Ivan glanced at the gate on which there was a sign which read, ‘No Salespeople.’ He smiled, I'm not a salesperson. I’m here to apply for a teaching position."   The fat security guard smirked. "Don’t lie. The jobs fair ended yesterday."   The job fair ended yesterday?   Ivan was stunned.   Didn't Jerome say it started at nine o'clock this morning? Had the old man’s memory failed him again?   Ivan was just about to call the judge when the fat security guard came up to him and tried to push him back out through the gate, “On your way son. You can’t con me with your lies.”   Well, Ivan had met many rude people in the past, but this was the first time he’d ever been accused of lying about who he was! Anxious to get past, Ivan pushed the security guard away, "Leave me alone. I’m telling the truth. I’ve come to apply for a teaching position."   The security guard rolled up his sleeves and took out his baton, “So you want to get rough, do you?”   Ivan took a step back. He was well versed in martial arts and it would be a piece of cake to fight this overweight ass. However, he was worried it might cause him to fail to complete the task today.   The security guard rushed towards him, brandishing his baton.   Ivan swerved to avoid the attack, then rapidly punched the security guard in the face.  With a yelp, the man dropped his baton as blood gushed from his nose. "You’ll regret that!” the security guard told him and shouted for backup,   Following his order, another two security guards rushed out with batons.   Three against one. Ivan hardly stood a chance but his exit route had been blocked and any attempt to escape was futile. He had no choice other than to put up a desperate fight.   Seeing the three of them closing in on him, Ivan clenched his fists.   “Let’s see how brave you are now!” The fat security guard's eyes were fierce.   Just then, a car entered the campus and pulled up next to them.   A woman poked her head out of the window, "Eric Crawford, what are you doing? Why are you fighting in the school entrance?”   "Principal Ailsa, this man is a liar. He was trying to access the school grounds, claiming he was here to apply for a teaching position. We tried to make him leave but he attacked and injured me." The rotund security guard ran to the car and bent over, pointing to his nose.   Ivan glanced at the car.   So, this was the principal, Ailsa.   When she got out of the car, she was even more eye-catching than her photograph. Tall and slim, and dressed smartly in a tailored trouser suit, she looked every bit a professional woman. Her neatly trimmed, short hair and delicate make-up accentuated her beauty. There was no doubt about it, Principal Alisa was an extremely attractive businesswoman.   "What's your name?" she asked as she approached Ivan.   "Ivan Frank."   "And what subject do you want to teach?"   "Anything," Ivan replied. He hadn’t really given this much thought.   Ailsa frowned slightly, "Did you bring your resume?"   Ivan hurriedly handed over his resume. Ailsa scanned it and shook her head, "You majored in business administration and have never taught before. Sorry”   "He’s nothing but a con man," the fat security guard piped up.   Ivan couldn't wait to punch him again.   "I’m sorry, but the recruitment fair was yesterday and we no longer have any vacancies. Maybe you should try some other schools,” Ailsa told him as she handed back his resume and walked back to her car.   Looking menacing, the fat security stepped towards Ivan and pushed him, "Get out of here. Didn't you hear me before?"   Ailsa stopped when she heard him yelling, “Eric, be kind. There’s no need for force.”   "Yes, madam, I'll be kind." He nodded at Ailsa, before giving Ivan a smile, "Please leave, Sir."   Ivan took a deep breath and pushed the security guard away, then ran over to Ailsa's car and began reciting from Dante’s Inferno.   Everyone looked at Ivan in amazement. The fat security guard signaled for his two associates to come over.   Ivan took the copy of Dante’s Inferno out from his briefcase and handed it to Ailsa, "Principal Ailsa, I can recite the entire content of this book. I am sure I am capable of being a teacher.   "Really?" Ailsa took the book and looked at Ivan suspiciously.   "Principal Ailsa, this upstart is out of his mind. We will remove him now.” The three security guards came up and grabbed Ivan's arms.   "Let go of me. I'm not crazy. I'm telling the truth. You can try me on the spot," Ivan told Ailsa as he struggled to free himself.   "Let go of him," Ailsa ordered.   The other two security guards let go of Ivan, but Eric continued to grasp his wrist tightly.   "What about this section?" Ailsa picked out a relatively simple part and Ivan recited it at once.   Ailsa nodded and then flicked through the book until she found a long lesser-known passage from the epic poem.   Ivan thought for a moment, then managed to recite it to the end.   He smiled, "So, you see, Principal Ailsa, I didn't lie at all. Will you employ me as a teacher now?” Ailsa smiled back at him, "No, you didn't lie. Your memory is good enough, but can you explain the meaning of Dante’s Inferno?"   Explain the meaning?   Ivan was stunned. This was beyond his ability. When he memorized the poem last night, the phone didn't tell him its actual meaning.   Seeing Ivan freeze, Ailsa returned the book to him, "Being a teacher is more than just memorizing poems. You should look elsewhere for employment."   Ivan was about to reply, but Ailsa was already in her car.   The fat security guard smirked. "i***t. Fancy thinking that you could become a teacher just by memorizing poems!"   Damn! That Ailsa was no walkover. It seemed that he had failed his task at the first hurdle!   Ailsa had already started the engine.
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