Chapter 5 Destroy the Leader and the Gang Will Collapse

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Ivan’s confidence had taken a massive blow, but he was desperate. Seeing that Ailsa was about to leave, he lurched forward with the intention of trying to stop her car, but the three security guards were on his case and hurried towards him, waving their batons.   “Boy, if you don’t leave now, I will teach you a good lesson.”   Staring at the three menacing security guards, Ivan cursed to himself.   How come I have to fight a battle before I can even apply to be a teacher? Damn it! I might as well just call the judge and admit defeat now.   Ivan had just turned, intending to leave when a middle-aged man rushed from the school building clutching his head. He ran straight to Ailsa’s car, and called to her, “Principal Ailsa”.   Ailsa’s car stopped again and she poked her head out the window, “Mr. Green, what’s the matter?”   “Principal Ailsa, I’m sorry, but I can’t cope with being Class 3 form teacher any longer. In all my years of teaching I’ve never come across such a bunch of little bastards. Look!” he said stretching his neck towards the car, “My head is injured!”   A group of onlookers had gathered around after hearing the commotion.   He moved his hand from his head, revealing a bump the size of an egg.   “Was Gino Brown behind the trouble again?” Ailsa asked.       “Of course, Principal Ailsa. You must relieve me of this class of hooligans. I doubt I can survive another day!”   The poor man indeed looked miserable.   “Mr. Green, I will deal with Gino, but please give me a couple of days to find a suitable replacement teacher,” Ailsa responded.   “I’m sorry, Principal Ailsa, I can’t take any more. If you don’t agree, I will resign.”   Some of the other teachers had come out from the teaching block and one of them spoke up in support of Mr. Green, “Principal Ailsa, Mr. Green shouldn’t be expected to deal with these delinquents, nor should the rest of us have to teach them. Class 3 are unruly and out of control. Students like Gino should be expelled.”   “Look everybody, I know the students in Class 3 are difficult to discipline. I promise I will find a way to solve this issue, but I need time to find a suitable replacement teacher,” Ailsa explained.   No one was willing to make a compromise and the teachers continued to protest at being expected to deal with the notorious Class 3.   Suddenly a voice called out from amidst the crowd of bystanders, “I’m willing to be their form teacher.”   Everyone turned to look as Ivan pushed through the crowd to approach Ailsa.     “Principal Ailsa, please let me replace Mr. Green as their form teacher.”   “You? Who are you?” Mr. Green asked suspiciously.       “The man’s a fake,” tthe fat security guard interrupted as he approached Ivan, “Why haven’t you left yet?”   Ivan pointed his finger in the fat security guard’s face,” Fatty, if you dare harass me again, you will end up with an even bigger lump on your head!”   “What? How dare you threaten me?”   The fat security guard signaled to his colleagues again, “Come on lads, let’s get him out.”   “That’s enough Eric! We don’t want trouble!” Ailsa glanced at the fat security guard who then retreated.   She turned to Ivan, “You’re Ivan Frank, right?”   Ivan nodded.   “Do you really want to be a teacher?”   Ivan nodded again.   “Okay. Well, from now on, you will replace Mr. Green as the form teacher for Class 3 in the second grade. Mr. Green will return to being a subject teacher,” Ailsa said, then asked, “Mr. Green, you take Ivan to the office first and give him the low down on Class 3.”   Mr. Green nodded, “Okay. Mr. Frank, come with me.” Ailsa turned to the other teachers, “Everyone, go back to work now.”   Ivan followed Mr. Green to the teaching building. Just as they were walking inside, he heard Ailsa behind him, “Ivan, if you change your mind after hearing about Class 3, I’ll understand.”      Ivan looked back and smiled, “Principal Ailsa, rest assured, I will stay.”   Once inside Mr. Green’s office, Mr. Green poured them each a glass of water, “Mr. Frank, where did you teach before?”   Ivan shook his head. “I have never been a teacher before.”   Mr. Green nearly dropped his glass! “How come you’re so brave as to take on Class 3?”   “Are they that terrible?”   “Look at my head.” Mr. Green pointed to the bump on his head again. “Young man, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll quit immediately!”   Ivan smiled, “Tell me about them.”   Mr. Green sighed, “Okay, if you’re still interested, but I promise you’ll want to leave once you know how horrendous these students are!”   Ivan listened carefully to his words.   It turned out that Class 3 was the most infamous class in the history of Cincinnati High School. According to Mr. Green, the students were ‘nothing short of bandits,’ the worst one being Gino Brown, who was the ring leader. Several form teachers had already quit in despair when Ailsa recruited Hank Green due to his reputation as a strong disciplinarian. However, he too had failed to control Class 3 in the end.   “In that case, why hasn’t Gino been kicked out?” Ivan wondered out loud.   Mr Green shook his head. “The school can’t kick him out. Gino’s father is the school’s main shareholder. If Gino were to be expelled, his father would withdraw his funding and the school would have to close. Gino knows this and that he can get away with whatever trouble he wishes to cause. Taking on the role of Class 3 form teacher is not a job for the faint hearted!”   From listening to Mr. Green, Ivan was convinced that becoming Class 3’s form teacher would indeed be challenging, much more difficult than working in business. However, he couldn’t back down now. He had already boasted to Ailsa that he was up to the challenge, and he had promised the judge that he would complete the task. In addition, should he do so, the men from the Black and White Group would no doubt be waiting outside the school, ready to arrest him the moment he left.   He touched the phone in his pocket and regained some confidence.   Gino came from a powerful family, but Ivan also had backup. He had the entire Netherworld behind him. No, there was nothing to fear.   “Mr. Frank, I’m sure you will want to leave now that you know what you signed up to,” Mr. Green commented, mistaking Ivan’s silence for fear of taking on the task.   Ivan smiled, “No, Mr. Green. I’m ready to meet these students.”   “Mr. Frank, are you sure about this?”   Ivan stood up, “Mr. Green, where is Class 3’s classroom?” Mr. Green shook his head. "Young man, you will live to regret this!"   hen they arrived at the classroom, Mr. Green didn't go inside, but rather pointed to one boy through the window, "That's Gino."   Following the line of Mr. Green’s finger, Ivan looked at the dark-skinned boy sitting on a table in the middle of the classroom with his legs crossed and a cigarette in his mouth. He was saying something to the students around him, his face full of pride.   Ivan could tell at first sight that this boy was not a good student.   As they were watching, the sound of footsteps came down the corridor.   "Ah, Ivan, Mr. Green, here you are."   It was Ailsa.   "Principal Ailsa, I brought Mr. Frank over to have a look at his students." Mr. Green informed her.   "Hmm," Ailsa nodded, then turned to Ivan, "Ivan, has Mr. Green put you fully in the picture now?"   Ivan smiled, “Yes, Principal Ailsa.”   "And are you still willing to take on the task of being Class 3’s form teacher?"   "Principal Ailsa, would it be possible to be allocated a different class?" Ivan asked hopefully.   "No way. If you wish to teach here, this is your only option," Ailsa replied calmly.   A sudden thought crossed Ivan’s mind: Wow, this woman is as bossy as the judge. He ordered me to teach at Cincinnati High School and gain her trust and now she’s just ordered me to take on the worst class in the school. Could Alisa be the secret daughter of the judge?   "Well, Ivan, what is your decision?" Ailsa asked.   Ivan quickly regained his composure and smiled, "Principal Ailsa, in that case, I will stay as Class 3’s form teacher."   "Really?'   "Yes," Ivan replied, nodding vigorously.   "Then let's go and say hello to them."   As Ailsa reached out and pushed open the door to the classroom, she asked, "Ivan, are you sure you’re not having any second thoughts?"   "Principal Ailsa, I've made up my mind. Let's go and meet the students."   The moment the door was opened, a strong smell of cigarette smoke wafted out.   Ailsa wafted the air with her hand and walked into the classroom. Ivan and Mr. Green followed her inside. The room turned silent at once. All the students dropped back into their seats, except for Gino was remained sitting cross legged on the table.   "Gino, have you been smoking in the classroom again?" Ailsa asked as she stared at him.   “Principal Ailsa, no I haven’t been smoking. Don't try to frame me for something I haven’t done.” He grinned and looked around the classroom, “Have any of you seen me smoking?”   No one answered him.   Gino shrugged triumphantly. "See, Principal Ailsa, I told the truth."   Ailsa glanced at him, "Mr. Green's injury was caused by you, right?"   "Mr. Green, was it me who bashed you on the head?" Gino gave Mr. Green a threatening look.   Despite his obvious grievance, Mr. Green immediately changed the subject, "Principal Ailsa, forget it. Let's introduce Mr. Frank to the class."   Despite a certain amount of trepidation, Ivan seethed at Gino's arrogance.   This boy thought nothing of threatening his classmates and teachers in the presence of the principal. He remembered the saying, ‘Destroy the Leader and the Gang Will Collapse.’   If he was to manage to control Class 3, he must first deal with Gino.
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