Chapter 3 The Mission

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Ivan quickly picked up the phone, but before he could utter a word, the voice at the other end asked, “Ivan, do you trust me now?"   "Yes Sir, I do believe you….. Your honor. Thank you for letting me talk to my dad. I also found the savings book," Ivan blurted out.   Laughter sounded from the other end. "That’s nothing, Ivan. If you complete the task, your dad will be brought back to life and given a further ten years to live."   Task?   Brought back to life?   Given another ten years?   The judge’s words echoed in Ivan’s mind.   "What task?"   "Starting tomorrow, stop working as a taxi driver. Apply for a teaching post at Cincinnati High School and gain the trust of the school principal, Ailsa Smith."   "Sir, I’ve never been a school teacher. I used to be a businessman. I'm afraid I’m not capable of completing this task. Would it be possible to give me a different one?" Ivan asked.   "No. This task was set by the King of Hell. No one can change it. That phone will help you become a top-notch teacher," the judge responded.   Ivan looked at the phone.   Apart from calling the judge, did this old phone have other functions?   "Pressing 1 and 3 at the same time will let you see things through walls. 1 and 8 links to an energy source and can inject you with energy. 1 and 4 can call me directly if you need me to find someone to help you."   My god. This phone was so versatile!    Ivan immediately felt that it was not a mere phone he was holding, but an omnipotent artifact! He couldn't help but burst into laughter.   "Judge, is it possible to use this phone to make ordinary calls?"   "Yes, if you press the numbers one at a time. From now on, the phone belongs to you."   Suddenly, a red light flashed on the phone screen and a distinctive female voice came from the speaker: Finish inputting the fingerprint before your exclusive authentication ends.   Ivan nearly dropped the phone in shock.   The judge was still on the other end. The call hadn’t ended. How could this have happened?   "Oh my God, Judge, have you just changed your gender?" The judge's voice came over on the phone again, “That was just a system prompt. It was nothing to do with me.”   A system prompt! It seemed that the Netherworld was pretty technically advanced.   Ivan laughed, "Judge, if the Netherworld has such advanced technology, can’t you give me a better phone, like an iPhone 10 Pro Max or a Samsung Galaxy Xcover 5?"   "The Netherworld is not as rich as it used to be. You should be grateful for the mobile phone you’ve been given. Bringing your father back to life as soon as possible should be your priority!" the judge told him in a stern voice.   Ivan stopped laughing at once.    "Judge, can I ask why I need to become a teacher at Cincinnati High School and who is this Ailsa, the headmistress?"   "You will find out later."   Failing to get an answer to his questions, Ivan felt disgruntled as their conversation ended.   Everything that had happened over the last few hours felt like a dream to Ivan, yet the passbook and the mobile phone couldn't be more real.   Gathering his senses, he decided to try out the functions the judge had told him about. First, he carefully pressed 1 and 3, but nothing happened. All he could see was the solid wall in front of him.   Damn it. Had the judge been lying or had he remembered it wrong?   He was just about to press 1 and 4 to call the judge back when all of a sudden the screen lit up and he could see a couple having s*x on a bed.   Ah, maybe he could also watch movies, even porn movies on this phone!   Ivan's eyes widened as he took a closer look.   It wasn't a movie at all. He was watching the young couple who had just moved in next door. It was true, the phone could let him see through walls!   Ivan gasped in amazement at the couple’s passionate lovemaking. He could never have imagined, not even in his wildest dreams, that so many erotic positions were possible. It was as if he was watching a live enactment of the Karma Sutra! He was fascinated by such a scintillating live broadcast.   Suddenly, whilst he was enjoying the show, the picture on the screen disappeared. Ivan’s eyes began to burn and a sharp pain shot up through them and spread to his heart. He threw the phone to the ground and cried out in pain as he clutched his chest.   The female voice from before came from the phone: Improper use. Level one punishment administered.   Hearing this, Ivan’s heart sank.   This phone could actually punish him!   The phone rang again. Ivan gasped and answered it hesitantly.      "Ivan, have you been punished?" the judge chuckled, obviously gloating at Ivan’s misfortune.   "Judge, why didn’t you tell me that this phone could punish me?" Ivan asked, making his annoyance clear.   "I am old and have a bad memory. I just forgot to tell you that this mobile phone is only to be used to perform tasks related to your mission, not to carry out misdeeds. If you continue to misbehave, the punishments given out will become more and more severe."   "More and more severe? I don't want the phone and I don’t want to carry out the task either. You’ll have to find someone else," Ivan retorted.   "It's too late. I’ve already given a full report to the King of Hell. This task must be completed by you. If you refuse to comply, the only way you will see your father again will be in the Netherworld."   The doorbell rang.   “There’s someone at the door. Hold on a minute."   Ivan hurried to the door and looked through the peephole. Two sinister-looking men, one dressed in black and the other in white, were standing outside.   "The boys from the Black and White Group have come for you. If you refuse the task, they will take you away immediately." The judge’s voice spoke emphatically from the phone.   As Ivan stared at the two cold faces outside, he felt as if his hair was standing on end.   "Well, Mr. Judge, it would appear that I don't have any choice."   "No, you don’t have a choice. As long as you don't use the mobile phone incorrectly, it will help you become a successful man.” The judge laughed as he added, “You never know, it might even find you a beautiful woman to marry." After taking another look at the two grim faces outside, Ivan replied through gritted teeth, “Okay, I’ll do it.”   "Tomorrow morning the Cincinnati High School will be holding a job fair. It starts at 9 am. You can apply there."   Ivan was taken aback at the lack of notice, but replied, "I’ll be there.”   "You must succeed. By the way, call me Jerome in the future."   It was like a military order. Ivan had no means of retreat.   He looked through the peephole again. The boys from the Black and White Group had disappeared.   Back in his bedroom, Ivan looked up the Cincinnati High School on the Internet. It turned out to be a private school, located in the Alexander Development Zone. There was a photo of the principal, Ailsa, on the school website. Sitting behind her executive desk with a smile on her face, she was indeed a beauty.   Ivan next set about preparing his resume. Nothing in his employment history had anything to do with teaching. With such a resume, how could he possibly gain employment as a teacher?   He shook his head and looked at the phone. "Dude, it's completely up to you whether or not I succeed tomorrow."   The phone….   He hadn’t tried the energy supply function yet.   Ivan was curious to see what energy the phone could give him. He picked it up and gingerly pressed 1 and 8. An electrical current immediately flowed into his palm and began coursing through his body. Abruptly his body stopped shaking and he was overwhelmed by a sense of relaxation from head to toe.   The female voice sounded again: Energy transmission began. Please select the energy type. One for memory energy, two physical energy, three emotional energy.   Damn. There were three types of energy. The judge didn't tell him about that!    Ivan yelled out, “One,” in a panic.   The electric current that had permeated his body instantly converged and rushed towards his brain. Ivan felt as though he was watching a movie. All his memories from the past, right up to the present moment gradually appeared in front of him.   Once the energy input is completed, it lasts for no more than 30 minutes. Begin using it as soon as possible, the female voice advised.   Only 30 minutes. He needed to be quick.   Ignoring his memories, Ivan reached out to the shelf of books that appeared in front of him.   The first book he picked up was entitled, “How to Succeed in Life.”   What a load of bollocks. Maybe this book could be helpful for students in college, but it was of no use to an experienced man like Ivan. Unless you had a rich father in law you would never succeed in anything following the advice in this book!   Ivan quickly discarded the book. The cover of the second book was more interesting. It was all about erotica and girls in sexy lingerie.   Damn! How come this book was here? This was the sort of book to read in bed, late at night. It certainly wasn’t relevant to job applications!   Ivan quickly put it back on the shelf.   After leafing through a number of books, Ivan finally found a copy of “Dante’s Inferno.” Fifteen minutes had already elapsed. He didn't have enough time to continue searching.   Ivan opened the book and started reading it from the first page.   With just a glance, he found the words jumped from the page and swarmed into his brain. He barely had time to breathe!   The phone suddenly beeped. Time was up. Ivan’s brain had returned to its normal state.   He shook his head.   Suddenly, verses from Dante’s epic poem gushed from his mouth. Like a surging river, Ivan recited verse after verse in succession.   He took a close look at the book.   My God, how had he remembered its entire content within such a short time? He would make an excellent teacher!   Ivan instantly became confident. He knew he would succeed tomorrow.
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