Chapter 6 Wait and See, Jerk

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Once the classroom turned silent again, Ailsa introduced Ivan to the students.   Initially, there was no response, until someone in the corner suddenly called out, "Where did Mr. Frank teach before? We don't want a newbie teacher."   "Sam is right. Principal Ailsa, we are not fools. An inexperienced form teacher? Absolutely no way!" Gino immediately echoed.   All of a sudden, all the students started banging on their desks in readiness to riot.   "Quiet. That’s enough!" Ailsa shouted and picked up the board eraser which she brought down loudly on the teacher’s desk.   The classroom fell silent.   The students stared menacingly at Ivan.   Ivan looked around the classroom and finally locked his gaze on the boy sitting in the corner. The skinny boy with curly hair, who had stirred up the chaos just now, sat sniggering. Ivan could tell from the boy’s shifty eyes that failed to meet his gaze, that this boy was indeed a devious character.   Just as Ailsa was about to speak, Ivan cut in, "Principal Ailsa, let me introduce myself."   Ailsa smiled and nodded.   Ivan stood behind the teacher’s desk and coughed softly, "Nice to meet you Class 3. I have never been a teacher, let alone a form teacher before. However, I have never failed at anything before either."   "Even in bed?" someone immediately interrupted and the students burst into raucous laughter.   Gino laughed the loudest as he slapped his hands on his thighs.   "Don't be so crude, Sam. Okay?" A long-haired girl sitting in front of Sam turned and punched him.   Sam chuckled, "Demi Randall, he said it himself, that he’d never failed at anything before. What are you punching me for? Do you want to sleep with him?"   Once more, the classroom was filled with guffaws.    "Quiet!" Ailsa yelled again before whispering to Ivan, "Ivan, let me deal with this for you."   "No," Ivan shook his head. He must overcome the difficulty himself. Otherwise, he would lose face and have to admit defeat.   Ailsa nodded.   Ivan smiled. "Sam, you reacted very quickly there. You’re obviously a smart lad! How about we play a game? If I lose, we can agree that I'm unqualified to be your new teacher and there will be no reason for me to stay at the school. If I win, however, I will have shown that I am smarter than you and I get to stay on as your form teacher."   "What game?" Sam stood up immediately. “Ivan, what are you doing?" Mr. Green asked nervously with a look of dread.   Ivan smiled, "Just a little game. Are you up for it, Sam?”   Gino stood up and cheered Sam, "Sam, don't be afraid. Come on. Do it!"   "Do it!" the rest of the students echoed.   Sam held his head up high as he proudly listened to the shouts around him, "Okay. I'll do it."   Ivan nodded.   "Right, here’s the game. Just now Principal Ailsa accused Gino of smoking in the classroom, which he denied. How about this? Principal Ailsa, Mr. Green and I will leave the classroom for ten minutes. You hide the remaining cigarettes whilst we’re outside. If I find them, you admit defeat. If I can't, then I will have lost the game. Okay?"   Ivan looked around the classroom.   All the students looked at each other. Gino took the lead and called out, "Okay, but you must keep to your word. If you can't find them, you have to leave immediately."   Ivan produced a smile, "As a teacher, of course I have to mean what I say, but so do you guys."   "Okay, if we lose, we’ll accept you as our form teacher."   "Okay. Principal Ailsa and Mr. Green, let's leave the room."   Ailsa and Mr. Green looked at each other in confusion.   Ivan had already left the classroom, and they hurried after him.   Mr. Green was really worried, "Mr. Frank, what are you doing? These students are shrewd. You definitely won’t find the cigarettes. Aren't you setting a trap for yourself?”   Ivan just gave him a knowing look without giving any explanation.   "Mr. Green, Principal Ailsa, I’m just going to the bathroom. I won’t be long," Ivan told them and headed off for the bathroom.   Once inside, Ivan went into the cubicle nearest to the entrance and locked the door. He took out the phone and pointed it in the direction of the classroom, "Andy, it's up to you now whether I become the form teacher or not!"   He pressed 1 and 4 and a picture quickly appeared on the screen.   How come he could see two long, slender legs?   After moving the phone up, he was astonished to find that it was Ailsa he could see standing at the other side of the wall.   My god! Not only could this phone help him to see through walls, but also through clothes. How awesome!   Ivan's eyes began to smart again.   Oh, no. The disciplinary system was about to be activated.   He quickly moved the phone to the side and the picture changed. He was looking into the classroom, but at the same time, he couldn’t help still thinking about those two, long shapely legs he had just seen!   Several students were gathered around Gino who was gesturing with a pack of Marlboro in his hand.   Wow, not many students could afford to smoke such a luxury brand. Gino’s family must give him a substantial amount of pocket money!   Two boys were stationed near the window, checking the corridor to make sure Ivan wasn’t peeping in on them.   These guys were being careful!.   Gino first put the cigarettes inside one of the desks and then moved them into the waste paper basket. He tried out several more places but wasn’t happy with any of them.   Ivan smiled. It felt good seeing Gino in a dilemma.   After a while, Sam whispered a few words to Gino, who gave an evil smile.   Gino called Demi over and said something to her.   Demi flushed and punched Gino who chuckled. After some hesitation, Demi nodded and Gino took her to the back corner of the classroom where she stood with her back to everyone. Gino then raised his fist and shouted to the others. All his classmates hurriedly faced away from him and lowered their heads. No one dared to turn around.   This boy was indeed a bully. What was his plan?   Demi took the cigarettes from Gino and was doing something in the corner.   After a while, she turned around and patted herself. Gino and Sam looked at her and smiled in satisfaction.   Where had they hidden the cigarettes? From Demi's actions, they must be inside her clothing. He was going to have to check Demi's body.   Ivan pointed the phone at Demi and whispered, "Andy, I'm not doing this for fun, It's necessary. Please don't punish me this time."   The screen flickered in acknowledgment. Ivan was at ease.   His check started with Demi's pockets. She was wearing a pink wind sheeter and had several pockets, all of which he checked, but he didn’t find the cigarettes.   A somewhat voluptuous girl, Demi had an attractive face. Without the heavy makeup, she would have looked like a pretty, wholesome high school student.   Gritting his teeth, Ivan began a thorough check from Demi's head downwards. Suddenly, something abnormal appeared when he reached her chest. Gino had hidden the cigarettes in her bra.   For f**k’s sake!    Ivan was gobsmacked at just how far these students would go. Shame on them! As a male teacher, if he hadn't witnessed it, he would have never figured out the location of the cigarettes. Demi's bosoms were really plump and the packet would have been well hidden.   He let out a sigh Ten minutes had passed. Gino and the others had all returned to their seats. Quickly turning off the phone, he went to join Ailsa and Mr. Green in the corridor where Mr. Green asked him why he had spent so long in the bathroom.   Ivan smiled, "I must have eaten something that upset my stomach last night. Come on, time’s up. Let's go inside."   He was just about to push the door open when Ailsa grabbed him, "Ivan, do you know where the cigarettes are?"   Ivan paused, "Follow me and you’ll soon find out."   Ailsa and Mr. Green gave each other a puzzled look, then followed Ivan into the classroom.   He quickly walked to the front of the room and looked around. Sam and Gino had smug grins on their faces.   Ivan smiled and said, "Ten minutes have passed, Sam. Are you ready?"   "Yes," Sam smirked.   "Right, then I’ll start looking for them, but before I do, listen, you must keep to what we agreed."   "No bullshit! Just get on with it. Whoever breaks his promise will suffer a beating," Gino yelled at the top of his voice.   "Okay."   Ivan glanced at Gino. Wait and see, jerk.          
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