Chapter 7 Cat and Mouse

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Ivan picked up the eraser and tapped the desk lightly, "I'll guess what kind of cigarettes you hid first."   "What?" The students all stared at him.   Ivan looked out the window. After the rain, today’s weather was pretty good. The sun shone in the cloudless blue sky. His mood was instantly lifted.   He smiled to himself.   This cat-and-mouse game was becoming interesting.      Turning to Gino, he asked, "Gino, do you smoke Camel cigarettes?"   "What? Camel?" Gino laughed.   The previously silent classroom suddenly filled with laughter.   Gino pointed at Ivan, his face full of pride, "Sir, are you blind or something? Look! My clothes are all designer brands. Why would I smoke shitty Camel cigarettes? Don’t be ridiculous!”   Sam then stood up with a contemptuous look on his face and said, "Mr. Frank, you might as well give up now. There is a construction site across the road. That would be a better place of work for you. You’re too stupid to be a teacher."   The laughter in the classroom became louder.   "Quiet! Quiet!" Ailsa shouted.   Gino was still laughing as he pointed to Ivan, "Principal Ailsa, he said that I smoked Camel. What an insult. He’s not fit to be my teacher."   "Gino, watch your tongue," Ailsa snapped.   "Okay, but he still can't be my teacher," Gino's replied.   “Ivan…." Ailsa was about to say something when Ivan slammed his fist down on the table, "Gino, you have nothing to be proud of. You smoke Marlboro, right? As for your designer clothes, did you earn the money to pay for them yourself? What's wrong with Camel cigarettes? As long as you have earned the money yourself to buy them, there is no shame in smoking them. You laugh at the workers on the construction site. They work hard to earn their pay. Even if they can't afford expensive cigarettes, they deserve to be proud of themselves. They're much better than those who live off their parents' money."   Gino suddenly stood up, his face contorted with rage, "How dare you to lecture me, asshole?"   Realizing that Gino was about to rush forward and attack Ivan, Demi grabbed him, "Gino, Mr. Frank just guessed right. You do smoke Marlboro."   Gino was taken aback. Two boys next to him also blocked his way, "Yes, Mr. Frank just said it's Marlboro."   "Gino, are you sure you won’t break your promise if you lose the game. It seems you aren't honest at all," Ivan said coldly.   Gino paused, then replied sullenly, "I'll keep my promise. Your answer is right, but it doesn't count. Everyone here knows I smoke Marlboro. You still haven’t told us where the cigarettes are. "   Ivan stared Gino in the eye, "Sit back down."   Demi tugged Gino and he finally dropped back to his seat.   "Mr. Frank, the betting starts now," Sam said with a sarcastic smile.   Ivan looked at him.   This kid was smart enough to be the brains behind Gino’s trouble-making.   "Did you hide the cigarettes?"   "Yes," Sam replied with the same sarcastic smirk.   Ivan nodded and walked to Sam. Everyone fixed their eyes on him.   "Mr. Frank, you can check my desk if you like," Sam told him, raising the lid.   Ivan glanced inside the desk, "Clear up your desk. It's like a garbage dump."   He then turned around and looked at Demi.   "Mr. Frank, why are you staring at me? Even if I am beautiful, you can't stare at me like that. That’s improper behavior for a teacher. It’s very impolite," Demi pouted as she ran her garish fingernails through her hair. "Demi, you are the prettiest girl in the class. Mr. Frank naturally wants to enjoy your beauty," Sam leaned forward with a lecherous laugh.   Demi pushed Sam’s head away, "Get away from me, jerk."   Ivan's face darkened. "Demi, stand up."   "Why?" Demi asked, taken aback.   "Stand up," Ivan ordered, slapping his hand on her desk.   Demi stood up at once.   "Now go to the bathroom with Principal Ailsa."   "No. Why should I?"   Ivan smiled, "Don't tell me you have no idea what is hidden in your bra. Do you want to remove it in public?"   Demi's face suddenly changed.   Gino jumped up, about to pounce on Ivan, “f*****g bastard! How dare you harass a girl in front of the principal?"   An eraser suddenly hit Gino squarely on the side of his head.   "Gino, sit down,” Ivan’s voice boomed.   Ailsa quickly approached Demi. "Demi, are the cigarettes in your bra?"   Demi looked at Ailsa and then at Ivan. Ivan's eyes were dark and angry.   Blushing, Demi pouted and nodded, "Don’t blame me, Principal Ailsa. They forced me to do it." She pointed to Gino and Sam.   Sam lowered his head and said with a sly smile, "Principal Ailsa, it's Mr. Frank who suggested we have a bet. I just wanted to complete the task."   Ivan smiled at Demi, "Demi, let's go outside and talk."   Demi glared at Sam and Gino and then followed Ivan, Ailsa and Mr. Green outside.   Ivan whispered something to Ailsa, and she took Demi to the bathroom. A few minutes later, Ailsa came out with cigarettes in her hand followed by Demi who looked a little flushed.   "Mr. Frank, well done. I can’t believe you found the cigarettes," Mr. Green exclaimed, gasping in admiration. "How did you know where they were?"   Ivan smiled. "I'm experienced in this sort of thing."   "Experienced?" Mr. Green looked confused. “Didn't you say you had never taught before?"   "I used to work in intelligence," Ivan replied, sounding mysterious.   Back in the classroom, Ivan slapped the cigarettes on the desk, "Sam, Gino, I won. Do you now accept me as form teacher?" Everyone remained silent, hardly daring to breathe.   Gino and Sam lowered their heads.   "Okay. I take that as a yes. Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I’m your new form teacher."   Standing next to Ivan, Ailsa winked at someone sitting in the corner of the classroom. Suddenly a voice piped up, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Frank."   More and more students followed suit, taking the initiative to greet Ivan.   Gino and Sam had been defeated.   Ivan smiled. He had beaten the challenge on his own.   It felt pretty good to be a teacher.   After leaving the classroom, Ivan intended to go to Mr. Green’s office, but Ailsa stopped him," Ivan, come to my office first."   Ailsa's office was very different from what Ivan had imagined. It was only slightly bigger than Mr. Green’s and, apart from a large desk, was simply furnished.   She gestured for Ivan to sit down and poured him a glass of water.   “Ivan, have you really never been a teacher before?" she asked with a smile.      Ivan shook his head, "No, Principal Ailsa. Don’t you believe me?”   Of course I believe you. It’s just that your performance surprised me." Ailsa told him.   "I was surprised too."   "Why?"   "I was surprised at how easy teaching is"   Ivan had expected today to have been more of a challenge,   "Principal Ailsa, can I ask a question about the school?"   "Of course."   "Did you open the school yourself?"   "No," Ailsa shook her head. "It was founded by my father."   "Your father?" Ivan's heart sank. "Is your father an old man?"   "What a strange question!” Ailsa laughed, nearly spitting out the mouthful of water she had just taken, “Of course he’s old, well at least he’s considerably older than me.”   Ivan was annoyed with himself for asking the obvious and immediately replied, “Sorry Principal Ailsa, that was a daft question. What I meant to ask was, where is he now?"   Ailsa looked at him, "Does it have anything to do with the school?"   Ivan smiled, "I'm just curious, I always admire people willing to make a contribution to the cause of education."   Ailsa laughed "You really know how to flatter people.”   She turned a framed photo on the desk to face Ivan, “This is my father."   It was a picture of a kindly-looking old man sitting in front of his beautiful daughter, Ailsa. They both had the same eyes. There was no mistaking the family resemblance. Ivan breathed a sigh of relief. Ailsa’s father looked nothing like the judge.   Thank goodness! Ailsa clearly wasn’t the judge’s secret daughter.   "My father is in poor health and is currently recovering in a nursing home. I manage the school on his behalf. My father and I both have high hopes for this school and have always done our best to run it well. Mr. Frank, welcome to Cincinnati High School."   Ailsa stood up and held out her hand.   Ivan stood up too and shook Ailsa's hand lightly. Like her legs, her fingers were long and slender.   Now that he had become a teacher, what did the judge have planned next?  
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