Chapter 8 Mortal Enemy

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Ailsa walked over to the filing cabinet and took out a document. “Ivan, now that you’ve decided to stay, we need to sign your employment contract, after which you will be officially employed by Cincinnati High School as Class 3’s form teacher."   Ivan glanced at the contract. The salary and bonuses were clearly stated. It wasn’t bad at all. Although he wouldn’t make as much money as he did when working as a business manager, he would certainly earn more than he did when driving a taxi at night.   He picked up the pen and immediately signed the contract. He and Ailsa each kept a copy.   "Principal Ailsa, according to Mr. Green, Gino's father is the school’s major shareholder. Is this why Gino gets away with being so disruptive?" Ivan asked once the official business had been completed.   Ailsa nodded, "Yes, two years ago, the school was experiencing financial difficulties and was in danger of bankruptcy. Mr. Brown works in real estate and is a wealthy man. He and my father are old friends and he offered to bail us out on the condition that we allowed Gino to attend the school. My father was well aware that Gino was a problematic student who had already been expelled from a number of schools but we had no option, other than to agree. It was our only way of saving the school. Ever since Gino started here, Class 3 has become more and more difficult to manage. I have been looking for a suitable form teacher to guide them, but until now have failed. However, I believe I have now found that teacher. Ivan, I hope you succeed. As form teacher of such a challenging class, you won’t be required to take any subject lessons, just to focus on the management of Class 3."   Ailsa’s big eyes shone as she looked at Ivan eagerly. He nodded vigorously, "Principal Ailsa, don't worry. I have no doubt that I will soon have Class 3 back on track."   Ailsa smiled, "Okay. Go home and prepare. You will begin your employment tomorrow. You and Mr. Green will be sharing his office."   She stood up and accompanied Ivan to the door.   When he reached the end of the corridor, Ivan looked back. Ailsa was still standing in the doorway with a happy smile on her face.   Ivan also smiled, but in his heart.   How glamorous her smile was!   It was almost noon when Ivan left the school. The sun was shining brightly and he hummed a happy tune as he walked.   When he reached the reception area, Eric, the fat security guard, was talking with his colleagues. Seeing Ivan, he stepped forward, "Mr. Frank."   Ivan stopped and looked at Eric, wondering what he wanted.   Eric took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and offered it to Ivan, "Mr. Frank, do you want a smoke."   Ivan took a cigarette and Eric lit it for him. "I’m sorry about before, Mr. Frank. Just goes to show that you can’t judge someone by their appearance. Not only did you get the better of us, but I’ve heard you also taught Gino a good lesson."   “I just instruct the class," Ivan replied, modestly.   "A teacher has to have a natural ability. I can see that you’re well-educated and can also memorize a lot of poetry!" Eric laughed, then looked in the direction of the teaching building, "Mr. Frank, taking on Class 3 will be a challenge. Be careful. Gino may well try to get his revenge."   Ivan glanced at Eric.   Eric moved forward and said in a low voice, "Mr. Frank, I must advise you that Gino is different from us. He comes from a powerful family."   "I see."   "But I don’t dare say too much about it," Eric told him and stepped aside.   As Ivan was walking through the school gates, he heard Eric’s voice behind him, "Don’t trust him, Mr. Frank."   When he glanced back, Ivan saw Eric smiling at him, "See you tomorrow, Mr. Frank."   On the way home, Ivan treated himself to a MacDonalds', which he enjoyed sitting outside in the sunshine.   When he got back, he thought he had better call the judge to let him know that he had succeeded in his mission. He also wanted to remind the judge to try and remember facts correctly in the future!   He took out the cell phone and pressed 1 and 8. After a while, his call was answered. But before he was able to speak, he heard laughter from the other end, "Ivan, congratulations. The first step has been successfully completed."   Upon hearing the judge’s words, Ivan was stunned, "Jerome, how do you know?”     "Through the feedback system." Jerome laughed again, "Ivan, you're smart, and you’ve done well. Even the King of Hell has been singing your praises. However, don't be complacent, there are further tasks awaiting you."   Ivan paused.   What? This phone has a feedback system?    "Jerome, what should I do next?"   "Just continue to be a teacher for the time being. Consolidate your position at Cincinnati High School."     "Anything else?"   "No. I will let you know when there is a new task."   Ivan was a little disappointed.   "Jerome, just one more thing, can you please try to remember things accurately when you give me tasks? I nearly got thrown out when I went to the school to apply for a teaching job because the jobs fair was yesterday, not today!"   "Sorry about that. I'm old and have a poor memory." Jerome always said this when he made a mistake.   "Don't worry. I won't make a mistake next time. Sorry, I’m going to have to go. A new batch of guys who’ve died before their time has just come in and I need to go and help enroll them. Let’s talk later.”   Ivan still had a few more questions, but Jerome had already hung up. Putting the phone aside, Ivan lay down to rest on his bed. He was exhausted after such an eventful morning and soon dropped off to sleep.   Sometime later he was awoken by a beep on his other mobile phone. When he looked, there was a message from his girlfriend, Jessica, asking if he had the money she had asked for. Her brother would be arriving at 8 pm and Ivan must go to the train station with her to greet him.   Ivan frowned. His future brother-in-law would soon be here. Fortunately, he had the $30,000 from his late father. Otherwise, there might have been another dispute between him and Jessica tonight.   Ivan messaged back and said he was getting ready now. He changed his clothes and rushed out to withdraw $20,000 from the bank on the way to meet Jessica from work.   Jessica worked in an advertising company. They had met at a business event. At the time, Ivan had thought Jessica was smart and pretty. Her designs were excellent. Deeply impressed by her, he had asked her out.   Gradually, however, Ivan had discovered that Jessica was shrewd, especially in terms of money. He always ended up paying for everything, whereas Jessica never opened her purse.   This hadn’t bothered him when he was a well-paid business manager but since quitting his job, his finances were stretched. He had tried discussing sharing costs with Jessica, but she had pouted and told him, “ Don’t be so mean. You’re my boyfriend. If you’re not willing to pay, we might as well break up."   Ivan had broached the subject in a joking way, but Jessica had accused him of being a miser and caused a scene, even going so far as to threaten to end their relationship!   Seeing Ivan's face darken, Jessica had smiled and given him a sweet kiss, "I'm joking. You know my family isn’t well off. My parents lost their jobs and have to support my younger brother. When my brother finds a job, I’ll be a lot less stressed about money. Besides, you are a manager and I’m just a humble designer."   He was aware of Jessica’s family’s financial situation and had even given her money before to help them out. Since being stingy was the only thing he didn’t like about Jessica, he had stayed with her. After all, they had been together for more than a year, and love was more important than money.   When Ivan arrived at Jessica's company, he was about to call her when he saw her chatting happily to a man in glasses as they stepped out of the office building. The man even patted Jessica's shoulder affectionately twice.   Ivan knew the man. He was Ray Spencer, business manager for another company. Ivan and Ray had become enemies when bidding for the same project some time ago. Several companies had been competing but Ivan and Ray had been the last two shortlisted. Ivan finally won the contract due to his innovation and flair. Ray, who had been confident of victory, was furious and swore to get even one day.   Ray was well known for being mean and pig headed but, despite this being common knowledge, he still managed to be relatively successful in business.   What was he doing here?   After such a successful morning, coming across his mortal enemy chatting amicably with Jessica, he felt his luck had just run out!   Ivan was deep in thought when Ray and Jessica spotted him and Jessica ran over, “Ivan, you've arrived."   Ivan nodded, then turned to Ray.   Sensing Ivan’s suspicion of Ray being with her, Jessica quickly explained, “Mr. Spencer’s company has just transferred their design contract to mine and my boss asked me to discuss their requirements with him.”   Ivan nodded.   Ray walked over with a smile and held out his hand, "Ivan, long time no see. What are you doing now?"   "You know each other?" Jessica was taken aback.   Ray smiled, “We’ve been friends for a long time. In terms of advertising, I’ve always considered Ivan to be my biggest competition in Cincinnati."   Ivan sneered. He hadn't seen Ray recently. Ray seemed to have become even more shrewd and devious.   He shook Ray's hand lightly. "Ray, do you really consider us to be friends?"   Ray paused for a moment, "Yes, of course. Forget that project. It’s all in the past. Jessica told me her boyfriend was coming to pick her up. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be you!"   Ivan nodded.   " Let me treat you both to a meal tonight," Ray offered with an extravagant smile.   "Thank you for your kind offer,” Jessica interrupted, “But my younger brother is arriving this evening and we have to pick him up from the station.”   "In that case, let's eat together another time. It's on me" Ray replied and turned to Ivan. "Ivan, which is your car? I hope you have a good car to impress your future brother-in-law. "   Ray wasn’t joking. He wanted to embarrass Ivan.
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