Chapter 9 Thoroughbred White Stallion

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As a business manager, Ivan had been allocated a company car and used to drive a Volkswagen Jetta. Although pretty basic, it was a decent means of getting around. The company had taken the car back when he resigned. Jessica had twice asked him about his car, and he had lied, telling her it was in for repair. He had traveled to Jessica’s company this evening by taxi. Now that Ray had mentioned the car and put him on the spot, he casually replied, "I didn't drive here."   Jessica frowned, "You didn't drive! So how are we going to pick my brother up?"   "By taxi."   "Is your car still being repaired?"   "I'll tell you on the way to the train station," Ivan replied, deciding to tell Jessica about his new job tonight. He linked arms with her, intending to leave.   "Ivan, this can’t be right. How can you arrive in a taxi to pick up your future brother-in-law? Won't that embarrass your girlfriend? You should be collecting him in an impressive car,” Ray said as he took a key from his pocket and pressed the button casually.   A black Audi across from them beeped as he unlocked it, "This is my new car."   Ivan glared at Ray, "Mind your own business, Ray. Come on Jessica, let's go."   Jessica didn't budge. "My brother called me earlier and said he was bringing his girlfriend. He specifically asked me to pick them up in a car to impress her. Taking a taxi will make him lose face. You don't even have a car now. How can we pick them up?"   "His girlfriend?" Ivan was taken aback, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"   "I only received his call as I was leaving my office."   Jessica chewed on her bottom lip in annoyance.   "Taking a taxi will make him lose face?" Ivan was becoming a little anxious.   "Of course, you stingy man," Jessica grumbled under her breath.   Ivan was furious at Jessica speaking to him like this in front of Ray. "Well, go and collect your brother with someone who has a car then!”   Having said his piece, he turned to go.   "Ivan," Jessica called from behind.   "Jessica, don't be upset. Ivan has always been impulsive and doesn’t always consider the consequences of his behavior to others," Ray interjected, gloating.   Ivan turned around and glared at him, "Ray, what did you just say?"   "I'm telling the truth, Ivan. You should have arranged for a car in advance to pick up your future brother-in-law. Look, I can lend you my car," Ray told him, pretending to be generous, but with a contemptuous smile across his face. “Mind, it’s a brand-new car. You must make sure you don’t damage it."   Ray must be really enjoying himself, getting his own back like this!   Ivan glanced at the black Audi. He couldn’t let Ray succeed in wreaking havoc on his relationship.   He touched the phone in his pocket. "Ray, was the car expensive?"   "Yes, over $60,000."   "More than $60,000!" Jessica's eyes sparkled with envy and admiration.   "And worth every cent!" Ray waved his hand dismissively, “There’s no chance of me driving around in a cheap rust bucket. Ivan, your Jetta should have been consigned to the scrap heap!"   Ray puffed his chest out in pride.   Ivan sneered. "Wait a minute," he told them and walked to the side of the road.   "Ivan, what's going on?" Jessica asked.   Ivan didn't answer.   "He’s calling for a taxi," Ray told her, his tone becoming increasingly arrogant every time he spoke.   Once he was out of hearing range, Ivan looked back and saw Ray pointing at the Audi and chatting happily with Jessica. He took out his phone and called the judge.   "Ivan, what's the matter?"   "Jerome, I need to borrow a car from you."   "Borrow a car!” the judge exclaimed.   "Yes, a car worth more than $60,000."   "I don't have a car!"   "Unbelievable! You can make calls with a cell phone from the Netherworld but don't have a car?" It was incredulous.   "The Netherworld is only interested in humans and animals, not cars. The mobile phone was specially made for your task."   “Forget it. I’ll find another way,” Ivan said with disappointment.   "Ivan, what do you want a car for?" Jerome asked.   Ivan briefly told him the situation.   Jerome chuckled, “You pay far too much attention to your self-dignity. Although it has nothing to do with the task, I'm willing to help you. I hate arrogant people like that Ray too. How about a horse?”   "A horse?" Ivan was taken aback.   "Yes, a purebred White Arabian Stallion. I can send it to you to help you save face."   Wow, that would be amazing. It was much better than just driving a BMW or Audi. He could even hit the headlines with this!   "The horse will be with you in ten minutes.”   Before Ivan could respond, Jerome had already hung up.   Ivan returned to Jessica and Ray. "Ivan, what have you been doing?" Jessica asked. "You have to drive me to the station. I refuse to go in a taxi."   "Look Ivan, I’ve just discussed it with Jessica. If you can't pick up her brother, just leave it to me. You go home to calm down. Jessica can call you when we’ve collected him. "   Ivan stared at Ray. This guy was indeed devious, "Jessica, what do you think of Ray’s plan?"   After some hesitation, Jessica nodded, "It's a good idea, Ivan. You can wait for my call."   Ivan smiled. "Okay, you go to the station in a car. I'll ride a horse."   "A horse?" Jessica and Ray both widened their mouths in shock.   Ray was gobsmacked. "Ivan, are you kidding? Even if you don't have a car, it's unnecessary to go to these lengths to make a difference?"   "No, I'm not kidding. Look…." Ivan pointed to the right. A majestic, white thoroughbred horse was being led with dignity by a proud-looking African man. Its coat gleamed beneath the street lights.   People on the street stared at the horse in wonderment. The African approached Ivan respectfully, “I'm Spike. Here is your horse, Sir."   Ivan thanked him and walked to the horse. With its pure white coat and clear eyes, it was indeed the most beautiful horse he had ever come across. He had seen some fine horses at the Cincinnati equestrian club, but none compared to this beautiful, spirited thoroughbred.   A group of bystanders gathered around to admire the horse and take photos on their mobiles.   "Dude, is the horse for sale? I'm willing to trade my BMW for him," one man asked, pointing at an impressive Series 7 BMW   "This horse is priceless. It isn’t for sale,” Spike said, pushing the man away. He then addressed Ivan politely, "Please get on the horse."   Ivan smiled, "Give me a moment."   He turned to Ray and laughed, “Those with true wealth don’t drive cars, they ride horses. Your car is nothing compared to this horse so I suggest you stop bragging about it. Since you’ve offered, you can drive Jessica to pick up her brother and his girlfriend. There isn’t room for four people on my horse. I’ll just go home first."   With that, Ivan placed his foot in the stirrup and mounted the horse. Sitting astride such a splendid beast, he felt like a hero heading into battle.   "Spike, let's go." Ivan flicked the rein and the horse followed as Spike walked ahead.   Ray and Jessica looked at each other in astonishment.   "Dude, wait, I'll trade two cars for the horse,” the man from the crowd called out from behind.   Ivan’s figure faded into the distance.   He would never sell such a horse, not even for ten fancy cars. This thoroughbred was a one off!   Ivan had learned to horse ride previously and was disappointed he couldn’t gallop on this fine horse, but unfortunately, there was no chance of doing so in the middle of the busy city.   After a while, they reached a quiet spot and Spike ordered the horse to stop. The horse followed his order immediately and Spike turned and asked Ivan to dismount.   Still immersed in a state of majesty, Ivan hurriedly got down from the horse and asked, "What's the matter?"   "I’m afraid the time is up. I have to go back."   Ivan looked at the horse reluctantly, “How quickly the time has flown! I would have loved to have spent more time riding this beautiful animal."   "I’m sorry but the time is up and we have to go back," Spike repeated.   Forget it. Since he had embarrassed Ray, there was no need to trouble Spike anymore.    Ivan handed Spike the reins, "Say thank you to Jerome for me."   Spike nodded and he and the horse soon disappeared into the night. Ivan licked his lips.   This was like a dream. The judge must be very well connected to have come up with a thoroughbred horse at such short notice. Maybe he would arrange for Ivan to meet some legendary beautiful women one day.   Lost in his dream, Ivan jumped when he heard his phone ring.
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