Chapter 10 The Freeloaders

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Ivan looked at his phone. The call was from Jessica. He paused before answering.   "Ivan, where are you now?" Jessica asked.   "Riding a horse."   "I'm at the train station with my brother and his girlfriend. Can you come and pick us up?"   "Where is Ray?"   "He brought me here, but then got a business call and had to go."   Ivan was still smoldering at having lost face in front of Ray, “I can’t fit four people on my horse.”   "Look Ivan, I'm sorry. I only said those things on impulse. I’ve explained the situation to my brother. Come in a taxi and don’t forget to bring the $20,000."   Ivan was no fool. It was obvious that Jessica's attitude towards him had softened now because of the $20,000. He touched the money in his bag and realized that he really should consider breaking up with Jessica. He was beginning to doubt her sincerity.   "Ivan, please come soon. We are waiting for you."   Ivan gritted his teeth.   Forget it. Even if they did break up, he needed to deal with this first.   He hailed a taxi and rushed to the train station. When he arrived, Jessica was standing in the entrance with a man and a woman, "Ivan, this is my younger brother, Steve Leigh, and his girlfriend, Connie Wayne."   Ivan looked at Steve and Connie who were standing side by side, each carrying a large backpack. He held out his hand, "Steve, Connie, welcome to Cincinnati City."   Steve shook hands with Ivan, then turned to Jessica, "Jessica, I'm hungry after such a long train ride. Let's have dinner first."   "What a glutton! You always think of your stomach first," Jessica joked.   "Connie is hungry, too," Steve grumbled, pushing Connie forward.   Connie yawned, "It's all your fault. I suggested we take a sleeper, but you insisted on us traveling standard class. I definitely need a good meal tonight."   “Okay, I understand. I’m sorry,” Steve quickly responded with a smile then turned back to Jessica, "Jessica, Connie, and I have come to visit you so you should treat us."   "Okay," Jessica nodded and turned to Ivan. "Ivan, where are we going to eat?"   Ivan was seething.   Not only did Jessica want him to give her brother $20,000 but now she also expected him to take them all out for a meal! What the f**k! He couldn’t refuse, otherwise, she would accuse him of being miserly again in front of everyone. Connie pointed to a hotel across the road, "Steve, that restaurant looks good. I want to eat there."   Ivan looked across. It was a five-star hotel where he used to entertain his business clients.   The prices were extortionate. Even a glass of water costs a fortune!   Steve whispered to Jessica, “We’ve been understanding about him not having a car. The least he can do is treat us to a meal! I bet Ray would have said ‘yes.’”     "That’s enough." Jessica rolled her eyes and mouthed to Ivan, "Ivan, please say yes."   Ivan sighed.   He was sure these freeloaders were both gluttons! This was going to cost him an arm and a leg!   Ivan finally nodded, “Okay.”   Jessica laughed. The others picked up their bags and they all crossed the road to the hotel.   As soon as they sat down, Connie, who had complained at being exhausted only minutes before, began ordering from the menu with gusto.   While Steve and Connie were going through the menu, Jessica asked Ivan, "Why did you have a horse?"   "It's my friend's. I just borrow it sometimes," Ivan replied flippantly, then changed the subject, "Jessica, I have something to tell you. I’ve resigned from the company and now work as a teacher."   "What? A teacher?" Jessica was stunned.   Ivan nodded.   "Where do you teach? What’s the salary? Why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Jessica asked.   "I quit a week ago and began work today at Cincinnati High School today. My income is about half of what I was earning before."   "What? Are you crazy?" Jessica exclaimed, her face etched with anxiety.   "No, I haven’t lost my mind. I love being a teacher. If you look down upon me because of my lower salary, we can break up now." Ivan replied.   Jessica stared at him for several seconds before asking, "Ivan, are you wanting to split up because of what happened with Ray earlier? Ray is my client. It's a big project we’re working on. I can't afford to offend him."   "But I'm your boyfriend," Ivan said with a smile, "Are customers more important to you than your boyfriend? Couldn’t you see that Ray was trying to humiliate me?"   "I...." Jessica was lost for words.   "Jessica, I’ve given this a lot of thought. It seems to me that we aren’t a good match anymore. I am no longer a business manager, and my salary is much lower than before. If you want to break up with me, I’ll understand."   Ivan reached into his bag and took out the money, "Here’s the $20,000 you asked for. This is the last time I will help you."   "Jessica, what are you talking about? Hurry up, the meal is being served," Steve called across in a loud voice.   Jessica looked at the money in Ivan's hand, "Ivan, I'm sorry, I acted on impulse just now.   Everything happened so quickly and I wasn’t expecting you to suggest we finish. I need to think about it before giving you an answer but, since you’re still my boyfriend, I'll take the money. Thank you.”   Jessica took the money before seizing Ivan's arm, "Don't go."   Ivan was about to respond, but Steve yelled across at them again. Steve’s loud, uncouth behavior in the upmarket restaurant was embarrassing and people were beginning to stare, so Ivan held his tongue and returned to the table.   Connie was indeed greedy. She must have ordered nearly everything on the menu, The table was laden with numerous dishes, several of which were expensive seafood platters. Ivan hadn’t brought enough money to cover the cost of such a meal and didn’t have his credit card on him.   "If you had told me in advance you wanted seafood I could have taken you to another restaurant that serves seafood at much more affordable prices,” he couldn’t help but grumble."   Connie didn't speak, she was too busy relishing a plate of fresh langoustines.   Steve raised his head, "Connie loves seafood. The waiter said the seafood here is fresh, so we ordered some. You are a manager. It can’t be a problem for you to pay."   Steve seemed to have a great deal in common with his big sister. No matter how well someone treated him, it would never be enough.   Ivan was not impressed by Steve’s reply, "The seafood at the other restaurant is also fresh."   "Is it well decorated?"   "Nope."   "In that case, we would rather eat here. Five-star hotels are always the best," Steve pouted. "Don't tell me you can't afford it!”   Steve rolled his eyes at Ivan, “Jessica, you need to take a better look at your boyfriend. Why are you seeing such a stingy man?"   Ivan couldn't hold back his anger any longer. He leaned forward and took the $20,000 from Jessica's bag and slammed it on the table, "Steve, this is the $20,000 your sister asked me to give you. It’s more than enough to pay for this meal. Bon appetite, I’m going home."   Ivan stood up and left.   Jessica was furious. “Are you stupid? What do you think you’re doing?” she yelled at Steve and rushed after Ivan.   Ivan was about to get into a taxi when Jessica stopped him, "Where are you going?"   "Home."   "Ivan, Steve is young and foolish. Don't let him get to you." "Jessica, between the two of you, you’ve tested me to the limit. First the car, and now the meal. What’s done is done, but I don’t intend to let you humiliate me further. You and I really do need to reconsider our relationship..."   "I know you’re not stingy Ivan. You’ve helped my family many times for which I am really grateful. The meal is on me, okay?" Jessica said with a smile.   Ivan was surprised at Jessica’s generosity.   This was a first! It had never happened before.   “Thank you, Jessica. I wasn’t lying. I really don’t have enough money on me to pay for the meal.”   Jessica gave a sweet smile, "My treat. I can afford it. You’ve already done a lot for us and besides, I’d like you to let Steve and Connie stay with you tonight."   "In my apartment?" Ivan glanced at the hotel. He wasn’t happy at all at the thought of those two freeloaders staying in his home.   No wonder Jessica had offered to pay for the meal. She’d been buttering him up so that she could drop this bombshell!   “They’re only here for two days. Can't they stay in a hotel?"   "That would need more money. I live in a shared house, so they can't stay with me. Your apartment is the best option," Jessica looked up at Ivan with puppy dog eyes.   Ivan nodded, feeling helpless.   Since there was no one else around,, Jessica stood on tiptoes and kissed Ivan’s cheek. She then dragged him back into the hotel.   Steve and Connie were busy counting the money. As soon as they saw Jessica returning, they quickly put it down.   "Why aren’t you eating?" Jessica asked.   "Jessica, do we really have to pay for the meal with this money? You said you'd give it to me," Steve whined.   Ivan really wanted to slap him.   "Ivan was having s joke. I’m paying. Put the money away and eat."   Steve put the money in his bag and he and Connie resumed feasting. Ivan watched as they greedily demolished the food and let out a sigh of relief.   At least they would only be staying in Cincinnati for two days!   After finishing eating, Steve wiped his mouth, "Jessica, I have something to ask you. I don't want to go back this time. Will you help me find a job here?”   What?   Neither Ivan nor Jessica could believe what they were hearing.      
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