Chapter 11 Death Wish

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Ivan was horrified at the thought of Steve and Connie staying on in Cincinnati, "Steve, why don't you want to go back home? You only came here for a couple of days’ holiday."   Steve shook his head, "Our hometown sucks and a boy there keeps coming on to Connie. We discussed it on the train and have decided to stay in Cincinnati."   Ivan looked at Connie. She was no beauty.   Why would anyone want to flirt with her?   "What work do you want to do here?" Jessica asked.   "I don't know. He’s a manager and you're a supervisor. I’m sure one of you can find me an easy, well-paid job."   Ivan cursed to himself.   An easy, well-paid job. So, what he really wants is to be paid a fortune for doing as little as possible!   Jessica frowned, too.   "Jessica, what are you looking at me like that for? It should be a piece of cake for a manager to help me find a job. Otherwise, what kind of manager is he?" Steve said looking pointedly at Ivan. "I am no longer a manager. I’m a teacher now," Ivan told him through gritted teeth.   "A teacher? There’s no future in teaching!"   Not even bothering to respond to this, Ivan lit a cigarette.   "Okay. let's go. We can talk about your job later." The atmosphere was tense, and Jessica was keen to leave. She quickly paid the bill and they set off for Ivan’s home in a taxi.   Once back at the apartment Jessica made her excuses and prepared to leave.     Ivan accompanied her downstairs. "Jessica, you’re going to have to do something. They can’t stay here.”   Jessica paused, "Let them live with you temporarily. I'll go back and call my mother."   "But how long will they stay?" Ivan felt frustrated at the thought of having to put up with those two idiots.   Seeing Ivan's sullen face, Jessica smiled, “Have I blamed you for changing your job without discussing it with me? All I’m asking is that you let my brother and his girlfriend stay with you for a couple of days. Why are you so reluctant?” , Ivan looked at Jessica. He was in a dilemma. Since Steve and Connie had already moved in, he had no choice other than to accept the situation. Ivan just hoped that they would change their minds and leave after two days.   He nodded, and Jessica left satisfied.   When Ivan went back into the apartment, Steve and Connie had already made themselves at home and were laid on the sofa watching TV with a pile of snacks on the coffee table.   He cursed to himself as he picked the TV remote up from the coffee table and turned the volume down.   Steve raised his head, "Hey! What do you think you’re doing? We can’t hear it now."   "It's late. The building isn't well soundproofed and the neighbors will be asleep. You can’t have it on loud," Ivan told him, trying to stay calm.   “There’s something wrong with Connie's ears. She can't hear the voices without the volume turned up."   "Then she can wear headphones."   Ivan opened the drawer under the TV cabinet and took out a headset which he placed in front of Connie.   Connie glanced at the headset and grunted as she pushed it aside.   "Ivan, you’ve gone too far now,” Steve grumbled, then suddenly stood up and began shouting, “We’re your guests. How dare you treat us so badly on our first day here. First of all you didn’t come to pick us up in a car, then you refused to pay for the meal, and now you won’t even let us watch TV in peace. You pretend to be a manager, but you’re only a damned teacher! If I’d known that earlier, I would have stopped my sister ever dating you!”   By now, Ivan was alight with fury, "Steve, who was it who gave you $20,000?"   "It was my sister, of course. What does it have to do with you?"   "That's my money. Give it back to me."   Connie reached out and gripped the bag containing the money tightly, "It’s our money now. If you have a problem with that you’ll have to talk to Jessica.”   Steve moved to stand in front of Connie and picked up his phone, "If you dare try and snatch it, I will call my mother and she’ll order Jessica to dump you."   Ivan laughed. Steve’s stupidity and arrogance amused him.   Does he really think that Jessica is such a catch? How dare he threaten me with her?    Suddenly, someone knocked on the door.   Ivan headed for the door and opened it. A cold-faced man stood opposite him. "Hey, keep the noise down. You’re keeping us awake," his angry voice boomed.   It was Daniel from next door. Wearing a black sports vest, he looked threatening as the muscles on his bare arms rippled and his face tensed up. He was obviously not the type of man to cross if you value your safety.   "I'm sorry. I have relatives staying and we were talking too loudly. I’ve already turned the TV down, we won’t disturb you again,” Ivan said with a polite smile, trying to diffuse the situation.   Daniel looked Ivan up and down and Ivan smiled again.   "Be careful in future," Daniel told him with more than a hint of warning in his voice.   Ivan was about to close the door, when Steve piped up, "I can watch TV whenever I want. It's none of your business." Daniel immediately turned and pointed at Steve, "What did you say?"   "I said it's none of your business. It’s up to me if I want to watch TV while I’m staying here.," Steve replied.   "Say it again, punk!"   Daniel rushed into the apartment, heading straight for Steve.   Ivan tried to stand in his way, but Daniel pushed him aside.   “Do you have a death wish?” he asked as he seized Steve’s neck with both hands and began to throttle him.   Steve, who had been so arrogant moments before was lifted off his feet by Daniel. Unable to breathe, his face had turned bright red as he flailed his arms wildly in the air.   Connie cried out in fear.   Ivan grabbed Daniel's wrist. "Daniel, please let go of him. Let's talk."   Daniel glared at Ivan.   Ivan tried to reason with him, "He is my relative who’s come to visit. Let me apologize to him. He’s young and impulsive. Surely, as neighbors, we can talk it through. Please don't hurt him."   Daniel applied even more force as Ivan spoke.   Suddenly, Carrie, Daniel’s girlfriend, ran in and grabbed Daniel, “Daniel, let him go.” Carry must have just got out of bed. She was still in her pajamas and her hair was messed up. Presumably, she had heard the commotion and rushed over.   Daniel let go of Steve and pointed at him, "Listen!” he growled, “I’ve spared you today, but if you ever dare offend me again, I'll smash your face in."   Steve panted as he looked up at Daniel.   "Let's go. Let's go," Carry said as she dragged Daniel out.   As soon as they had gone, Steve’s bravado resurfaced. "Aren’t you supposed to be my big sister's boyfriend?" he yelled at Ivan.   "Yes. What about it?”   "Someone has just beaten me up. Why didn't you defend me?”   "You deserved it. First of all, you disturb the neighbors at midnight and then you pick a fight with them. Did your family never teach you the importance of getting on with the neighbors?" Ivan replied.   He was reaching the end of his tether with this disrespectful, petulant young man.   Steve stepped towards Ivan, "I’ve never been bullied in my hometown. You should have stuck up for me. You’re a coward."   “And a miser and a liar," Connie interjected.   "Yes. I'm a coward, a miser, and a liar," Ivan repeated. Steve had pushed him too far and before Steve could say anything further, he slapped him.   Steve was stunned, "How dare you hit me! I’m going to kill you!" He rushed to the kitchen and came out wielding a knife at Ivan.   Ungrateful little shits! Now he was being threatened with a knife! Hadn’t he given them money and a roof over their heads!   Ivan was raging by now and picked up a stool to hit Steve with should he dare try to attack him with the knife.   Suddenly, there was banging on the door.   "Damn it, Steve! Why can’t you keep the noise down? You’re courting with death."   "Shut up, Ivan. If you continue, I’ll skin you alive."   With the knife in his hand, Steve had grown courageous.   "Steve, you can't admit defeat. Otherwise, we won't be able to live here," Connie put her twopence worth in to stir up trouble.   "Shut up," Ivan snapped. "Steve, put the knife down."   Steve didn't budge.   By now, Daniel was trying to kick the door open, “Open up. Open the door, you bastard!"       "Steve, go out and show him who’s boss, or I’ll dump you," Connie called out.   Steve, spurred on by Connie’s fighting talk, rushed towards the door brandishing the knife. Ivan tried to block him but Connie jumped from the sofa and grabbed his legs before falling to the floor. Ivan lost his balance, resulting in him crashing to the ground.   Steve opened the door with the knife in his hand, "Bastard, don’t dare to mess with me."   However, his bravado left him in an instant. He froze and the knife dropped to the floor.   Ivan pushed Connie away and got up to look. Three heavily tattooed men, with weapons in their hands stood in the doorway. Daniel was standing at the forefront.   What? He’s actually brought reinforcements!   "Boy, I’ll soon knock that arrogance out of you!” Daniel raised his hand and slapped Steve hard before kicking him to the ground.   Damn it, they were in deep trouble! Daniel must be a gang leader!   Ivan turned and scurried into the bathroom as Steve's screams rang in his ears.      
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