chapter 2

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piper. once I finally make it home I'm beyond tired, I thank my mama for watching sadie and she goes home. thankfully my parents live a couple house up so she's able to babysit while I work. I work evenings so I can spend most days with my little girl, i always wanted to be a nurse but life doesn't go as planned so hopefully I'll be able to finish school once sadie is in school. that's the plan at least. her dad hasn't had anything to do with her since she was born, and for that I'm thankful he's a horrible person. he shows up from time to time at the bar high and makes a show but always gets put out. I check on sadie in her bed and smile, she's the only good thing that came out of all that hurt and I wouldn't trade her for the world. she 2 but sassy as a teenager her and my best friend her ain't Addie are two peas in a pod. I quickly shower and hop in bed, most nights I fall right to sleep but tonight I can't stop thinking about those blue grey eyes, I know I shouldn't be because 1 he's probably nothing but trouble and 2 what guy wants to deal with my baggage. I lay here thinking, wondering what it'd be like to be with him in that way. I shake my head why am I thinking this way?! I've only been with one guy and honestly it wasn't anything magical. but the mysterious biker guy seems like he's know what he was doing, his body looks hard and he's at least 6 foot. and his hair was pulled up so it must be long, his tan skin covered in tattoos that look like they need to be explored. I fall asleep with him on my mind. .... it's been two days since my run in with the bikers. each evening they come in and order the same thing and the one guy continues to flirt while mr tall and blonde doesn't ever actually speak to me. I'm sure he's got woman far prettier falling over him. but that hasn't stopped me from waking up in the mornings hot and panting from dirty dreams about him. it's Friday and my last night at work before my weekend off. " mommy I'm hungry" sadie says " alright pancakes and fruit then we've gotta get going" she nods her cute little head her brown curls everywhere. we sit and eat then I clean her up and put on her favorite pink dress so we can grab groceries. " okay sweet pea auntie will be here in a minute to ride with us" I tell her and she jumps excited. I run to my room and throw on my jean shorts and a shirt, it's hot in the summer in florida well most of the time but I wouldn't change it. " hey girls!" addie says walking into my house, and sadie jumps in her arms as I watch with my head poked out of my room laughing at the two acting like they haven't seen each other I'm days. ' I'll be out in just a minute" I holler back but don't get an answer because sadie already has her looking at her colorings. I finish getting ready and we head out. one the way to the store addie say " alright so this guy I'm seeing tonight says he may have friend to meet you" I shake my head " nope not happening last guy wanted nothing but s*x" I say and she rolls her eyes " okay and you need it!" we laugh she knows I won't do it because of sadie but doesn't stop her " okay well I'll probably meet my date at the bar so I know I'm safe, don't actually know him yet" this makes me roll my eyes the girl finds a new man all the time. we get done pretty fast getting my groceries thanks too the extra hands and we grab lunch. once sadie is down for her nap addie leave to get ready for her date and I start some laundry and change into my work shirt and jeans. mama shows up and we have a cup of coffee and talk for a minute " your dad and me are planning a vacation" she says " that's great you guys need it" " I know but what will you do about sadie?" " don't worry mama I'll work something out with addie you don't worry you guys deserve this" she nods " okay so how are you really doing my girl?" I sigh because I feel bad that's she's always so worried about me " I'm good really mama. probably gonna bring sadie to the beach Tomorrow" she smiles " oh that'll be fun!" I nod " that's the plan and I promise mama as soon as a guys that's good enough for the both of us comes along I won't run away" she hugs me " that's all I ask baby, one bad one doesn't mean they are all bad" " I know mama just don't think I'm ready to take the chance" she nods and I kiss her cheek and tell her by as I walk out the door and head to work. I know she thinks I need to try dating but if she knew half the guys only wanted s*x she wouldn't push it so much. as I walk into work I'm greeted by Jim and Gabe and I hug them both as always. the start of my shift is kind of slow until the evening rush starts coming in. as I'm making my way around to the costumers I notice the 3 bikers come and and take their usual table. I roll my eyes making have laugh as I grab the menus " need me to take it sweetie?" he ask and I shake my head " I should be fine" I greet them same as always and as always the other two nod in my direction and the dark headed one says " 3 beers doll and just so you know I'll keep coming back until I get your number" I laugh and say " just means more business" as I walk away. I'm almost to the bar when someone grabs my hand roughly and pushes me into the corner I'm soon face to face with my ex. I can only hope that gabe saw and will come help soon. I pull my arm away " what do you want?!" I have a restraining order you know" and he laughs. great I think to myself neal- gunner. for the past couple days the little dark haired beauty is on my mind. honestly I'm glad snake keeps wanting to go back because that means I get to catch a glimpse at her, she still hasn't given him her number but she could just be playing hard to get. tonight she is as always looking beautiful rushing around from table to table when she makes it to ours I'm able to catch the scent of coconut I've come to love. damnit what is she doing to me?! then snake tried again to get her number and she laughs out loud and it is such a beautiful sound and the fact that she still turns him down makes me happy. I watch her ass as she makes her way to get out drinks but notice when some dude pulls her roughly to the side. my face must change because blade says " you may need to check that out" he nods towards her direction. I can't see her anymore only the back of some guy. I get up and make my way to her where I hear her say " I've got a restraining order" and the dude laughs and says " oh come on you might as well come back no one else is gonna want your used ass with a kid" I hear her small voice " f**k off! before you get thrown out again" he raises his hand but I catch it before he can strike her and out it behind his back " okay bud think it's time to go" I say trying to be calm " oh f**k you. I've gotta talk to this b***h" I push his arm up more making him scream in pain and the bartender makes his way over " I'll take him out thank you" I nod my head as he pulls him out the back door. I turn to see piper wiping tears and I lift my hand to comfort her but she flinches. damn that kind of hurt my heart finding know I had. " hey everything is okay now. are you okay?" I ask using the back of my hand to run down her soft cheek. standing so close to her I'm intoxicated with the smell of coconut and notice how small she is to my large 6 foot self. she's maybe 5 2. perfect to pick up and f**k. I shake my head of the thought and her voice brings me back to reality. " yeah I'm fine uh thank you. I'll get your drinks now don't worry" and she rushes off. well damn as sit back down the guys eyes me "everytime okay?" blade asks and I nod. she soon brings out drinks and take the order of our food and is off again. I'm lost in thought until snake is clapping in my face " dude! what is it?" he says and I shrug " think he was an ex and pretty sure he used to put his hands on her just from what I saw and she may or may not have a kid" he laughs " well damn man I don't know if I can deal with all that but won't stop me from trying to smash' he says and I send him a sharp glare. " if I find out myself he actually did I'm gonna pay him a visit" he throws his hands up " okay okay I see you might be interested. maybe you'll have better luck than me pres." I shake my head because honestly she probably isn't the type to just put out which means she probably doesn't want to mess around with someone who looks like me. I let out a heavy sigh and blade pats my back and says " don't over think it" when she brings our food nothing is said other than thank you and we eat in silence. both guys know I don't do relationships so these odd feelings are f*****g with me. once everyone is down the guys head out but I stay back. I really wanna talk to her again and at least make sure she is safe. maybe introduce myself. I watch her for a country hours drinking a couple beers and when she makes it back to my table she says " alrighty I'm down for the night but closing is another 2 hours so enjoy your night and if you need anything gabe will help you" I nod my head and smile " thank you but I think I'm calling it a night." she nods and walks away I watch her as she hugs the bartender and makes her way to get her things I settle my bill and go out and light up a cigarette waiting for her to Walk out. when she does all over a sudden I feel extremely nervous. I haven't been nervous since like middle school. she makes her way to her car and I holler out " hey uh piper?" she stops and turns " yeah?" she asks looking around " are you okay? I mean after everything?" " oh uh yeah nothing I can't deal with but thanks for your help" she smiles at me and I swear my heart skips. I scratch the back of my neck nervous " can I have your number? I mean you seem like you need a friend and I could use someone to talk to from town" f**k I sound lame. she giggles " I friend huh? I don't even know your name just your food order" I laugh " names neal but everyone calls me Gunner" I put my hand out for her to shake and she looks at it for a moment then slides her small soft hand into mine. " well neal I'm piper" I smile at the sound of my real name rolling off her tongue and wonder what it'd sound like when she moaned it. " soo?" I question " let me have your phone" I hand it to her and she takes it putting her number in but before she gives it back she looks at me " just so we're clear I will not be sending you anything dirty" I laugh and say " oh yeah. you just wait babygirl" I wink at her making her laugh " alright I've gotta get home my little girl will be up bright and early" I move to open her door for her and she climbs in under the small light I notice her blushing " I'll talk to you later piper" I send her another wink and close her door. I watch as she drives off and look down at my phone with a. stupid smile she saved it under - piper waitress at jim's- I laugh out loud she thinks I'm a w***e. which is kind of true. I my way to the club house avoiding all the bunnies and bikers about and go up to my floor. all I want to do is fall in bed and text her and see if she actually responds. neal- hey Piper waitress from jim's just wanted to make sure you got home safe neal but you can save my number as sexy biker it takes a few minutes and I start to think she gave me a fake number then my phone finally chimes and I find myself smiling piper- lol! yes I'm home safe in my bed. thank you again for tonight. neal- no need to thank me. care to share what all that was about? piper- not really. piper- but your basically a stranger so who cares if you judge right. piper- he's my ex. happens to be the father of my daughter. long story short I'm glad I got out when I did and no he has not contact with her neal- happy to know you made it out. he seems like a douchebag. honestly I'll get the story out of you one day. we all have a past. neal-but for tonight I'll let you rest. and take what you gave me. neal-goodnight Piper. piper- night sweet dreams I fell asleep for the first time in a long time with a smile on my face
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