chapter 1 introduction

1099 Words
I'm running around taking orders and bringing people their food, it's a busy night at jim's. the bar I work at the owner, Jim has always been a friend of the family so he helps me out when I need the extra hours or if I need time off because of my daughter, Sadie. " okay gabey I need 3 beers and a marg on the rocks" I tell gabe our bartender, he's worked here as long as I have and he's very good at his job even keeps most the drunks that are all hands away when he can. he rolls his eyes at me " piper I told you to stop calling me that" I shrug and take the order from him and walk away I make my way to the next table to check on them when the front door opens and everyone seems to look that direction, I do also in walk 3 large guys 2 younger looking ones and an older looking one. they have on leather cuts. one has long blonde hair and alot of face hair. the older man is bald, and the other looks a little more clean cut with dark hair but they are all covered in tattoos from what I can tell. they look like bad news and I intend to stay away because I've had enough to lasts life time. they make their way to sit down as soon as they do everyone goes back to their lives. I grab their menus and make my way over, nervous because I have no idea how they will act. " hi I'm piper I'll be your waitress do you know what you'd like to drink" I say setting their menus down trying to act calm but as I look around the table the one with long blonde hair pulled up makes eye contact with me and I can't help but stair for a moment. his eyes are such a light blue they are almost grey, I quickly shake myself out of the trance and send them a smile the other young guy says " 3 beers for now doll face" and i resist the urge to roll my eyes. I nod and go to get their drinks when I get to the bar gabe is waiting " you okay waiting on them or need me too?" I shake my head " no I'll be fine they want 3 beers" he nods and grabs their drinks neal - gunner. we just got settled into the new clubhouse, I'm the president of the dark eagles biker gang I took over about a year ago from my uncle. most of our business is in the city but decided we needed to move the clubhouse to the small town of parkdale to get away from some of the drama the club bunnies seem to bring in. I let them know upfront that if they'd be staying in the clubhouse there would be no more outside drama. me, my right hand man kevin or most call him blade and cody also known as snake decided we needed a drink so we found a small bar. wasn't a surprise when everyone stopped to look at us were all large and look mean. but thankfully they all went back to their own business once we got seated. then out of no where this tiny pixy brown haired girl came to our table, piper. she's got all the right curves with small breast and wide hips. her hair is thrown up and she's wearing a shirt that has the bar logos on it with some cut off shorts when we make eye contact her dark brown eyes pull me in thankfully she looked away. after she walks away I catch a look at her ass and I'll be damned if she doesn't have a nice big one. damnit! I don't do relationship and honestly have no idea why I'm even thinking so hard about this chick, I'm sure she'd be just like every other club bunny and hop on anything. I shake my head and my buddy snake says " well damnit I might like this town after all. definitely getting that number before we leave" I send him a glare but he shrugs. she brings back our beers and doesn't try to flirt which is odd because most woman do. we order our food and she tells us to holler if we need anything. when she turned to walk away I was close enough to smell the sweet smell of coconut. blade eyes me " she's pretty huh?" he says and I roll my eyes he's been trying to get me to find an ole lady since when and maddy made it official 2 years ago " like all the other bunnies trying to get a free ride" I respond and he shakes his head " well I'll definitely be taking her for a ride in more ways than one just watch" snake says and I roll my eyes at him dude can't keep it in his pants. after awhile I find myself watching our waitress she seems friendly with all her costumer's but when she goes to grab our food from the back the bartender whispers something in her ear making her laugh. I find myself getting pissed, but why? I don't have time to over think it before she's at our table passing out the food " alrighty guys these are the best burgers by the beach so enjoy. anyone need a refill before I head out?" " no thank you" snake speaks up and she smiles " well alright then they'll send gabe over if you need anything" she looks at her watch " it's time for me to clock out" before she can leave snake grabs her wrist " well doll face I'm new to town and was wondering if I could get your number. for a little fun later" I watch her face as she slowly pulls her hand from his and she rolls her eyes causing me to smirk she then leans in and whispers something in his ear making his eyed go wide. she stands back up " enjoy the town guys and have a great night!" she says and walks away. " what'd she say?" I ask laughing " girl told me she's got toys that can't handle her better than I ever could" he says shaking his head and blade and I can't hold our laughter in. okay maybe she's not like all the other girls. I watch as she grabs her things and makes her way out the back. I'm curious as to who piper is.
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