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Ryan (Christine's best friend) I stood at the airport pacing, my best friend was arriving any minute now and I couldn't wait to see her. After everything I had learned I still couldn't believe what had happened. (A few days ago) "Christine's gone!" Jason said, bursting through the door. I was nursing our new born pup at the time. "What!" I said, trying to keep my voice down. "Gone where?" "No one knows." Jason replied in soft voice "She just up and left and sent Jake divorce papers." "We need to talk to him because the only reason she will divorce him is if he cheated." "That’s impossible, Jake's been head over heels for Chris since before we knew what love was." "Well, he must have royally f****d up or done something stupid." Ryan said, bundling up her baby and handing him off to his dad. Jason cooed at his son as he took him from her arms. He turned and saw his wife putting on her shoes. "So, what? We are just gonna knock on the door and ask him?" "Well, yeah. Do you have a better idea?" "No, Jake's not answering his phone." Jason pouted. "Good," Ryan said smugly. "So, let's go." When they got to Jake's house, they knocked but no one came to the door. "Maybe, he isn't around." Jason suggested. "Jake is always home at this time." Ryan replied, sensing something was off. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the spare key Christine had given her for emergencies. "You couldn't have used that earlier." Jason asked. "I was trying to be respectful." she said, feigning innocence. She pushed into the house and immediately noticed how strange it felt. The house seemed fine but it hadn't been taken care of in some days. There was a layer of dust on the furniture, the floor wasn't its usual shine and none of the workers showed up to welcome her in. That's strange, she thought. Distant laughter rang from the upstairs of the house. Ryan and Jason stared in disbelief as a partially naked Jackie ran across the balcony, Jake at her tail. They watched as he caught up to her and pull her into a passionate kiss. Ryan began to seethe as she watched on, she cleared her throat loudly, startling Jake and Jackie. They pull apart immediately, fixing their clothes and trying to avoid the disappointed eyes looking back at them. "Well, that explains it." Ryan said, turning to Jason. "Guys, lemme just explain everything." Jake said, pleading with his and his wife's best friends. Jackie had ran back to the bedroom. "I don't think there's anything you can say to explain what we just saw." Jason replied, disappointment etched on his face. He knew his friend had problems but this wasn't unlike him. "I know it looks bad and I know you want answers but it was not supposed to happen this way." Jake continued, struggling to find his words. "Oh, so what was supposed to happen then, Jake?" Ryan asked with a condescending tone. "Please explain why cheating on my friend who is now missing is okay?" "The twins are my mates." he replied, collapsing into a chair. Ryan and Jason just stared in utter shock. "I-I-I don't understand. I thought your twin brothers were their mates." Jason asked, sinking into another chair, careful to not wake the sleeping pup in his arms. Jake explained the situation and how the twins had tricked Kyle and Cam into believing they were mated and how they kept it a secret from everyone. "So, you think that justifies years of lying to my best friend." Ryan yelled, her anger boiling over. "I couldn't resist the mate bond okay. I was weak and a coward and now I'm paying for it" Jake answered, his head in his hands. "After what we saw, it doesn't look like you're broken up inside, dude." Jason added. "You've been holed up for days with those two doing God knows what, while your wife is out there."Ryan continued. "Do you have any idea where she is?" "No, I wish I did but after I received the divorce papers I haven't heard from her since. I've called and texted but she blocked me everywhere." "Of course she would. You're too busy sticking your d**k into p***y so why would she talk you." Ryan said, laughing at his fake emotions. "Jake, so help me if anything happens to Christine, you're going to wish you were dead." The fierceness in her eyes showed him she meant business. Even Jason was scared. "Now, I'm going to find my friend. Have fun in your harem." With that, she turned around and walked out of the house pulling out her phone to text Christine. Please lemme know you're okay. I know why you left and we had no idea what was going on. Please text me back! Jason stared at his friend, feeling a little sorry for him. "I don't know why you did this but if you have any respect or love for your wife. You will reject the twins immediately and come with us to find her." He said, getting off the chair. "I'm no good for her and I've accepted that. Make sure she's happy, will you?." Jake walks away before Jason could respond and climbs up the stairs, disappearing from view. "Are they gone?" Jackie asked as Jake came back to the room. "Yeah, they just left." he said, trying to suppress the new guilt filling his heart. "Where were we?" Jackie giggled as he climbed on top of her and settled between her legs. (It was just her with Jake this time.) "What will we do when Christine comes back?" She asked, starting to worry. "We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Right now, all I care about is f*****g you so hard, till you scream my name." Jackie shivered with anticipation as Jake's head disappeared between her legs, thoughts of Christine quickly becaming distant but she still couldn't shake that feeling that something was off. * * * Cam and Kyle Our mates have been acting very strange since the news of Christine leaving broke. Jackie doesn't let Cam touch her anymore and when Kyle initiates any affection from his mate Nadia, she makes up some excuse. Today, out of nowhere Nadia showed up and handed us divorce papers. "It's pretty standard, guys."she said. "Jake is mine and my sister's mate and we want to marry him." Dumbfounded by the news, Kyle shook with anger but Cam remained calm. "So, if he's your mate, then why did we feel the bond with you?" Cam asked. "We had a witches perform a ritual to fake the bond between you and us." "Why would you go through all that trouble when you knew you had a mate?" Kyle asked, his rage imminent. "We had practically bragged to everyone that we were mates and when it wasn't true, the thought of humiliation by everyone in Silvermount was unbearable so we came up with a solution but not long after Jake turned 18 and that was when we realized our mistake." A slight chuckle escaped Kyle's lips, it was unbelievable how cavalier she was being about how she and her sister stole our chances at true love and then betrayed us in the end. With our own brother! Cam was always the calm one but Kyle wanted to rip her apart, instead he smiled at her and signed the documents. "Being married to you after what I've just heard makes me physically ill." He said in a low menacing tone that made her shiver. Cam followed suit, signing right after his brother. "Tell your sister her things will be delivered to her. I wish you both the best. As for our brother, we will deal with him later." Jackie picked up the documents. She didn't expect the twins to agree so easily considering they were like teddy bears at heart. Their reactions shocked her because she expected begging and pleading but it went easier than expected. A little too easy! She didn't like that but she had no choice but to accept it. She and Jackie belong by Jake's side and now no one was stopping them. "We need to find Christine." Kyle said, after Nadia had left. "She must have found out and that's why she left." "I still can’t believe they did this to us. Their own family." Cam said, still in disbelief. "I can't believe we let it happen right under our noses. For 5 years Cam, our brother has been f*****g our wives and smiling at us during family gatherings. They are nothing but selfish monsters." "Still, finding Christine is our priority for now." "Let's go see Jorge, he must know something. The twins head over to the Edwards family house, one they were all too familiar with. As kids, they used to run around playing while the adults had meetings, they remembered playing with Jackie and Nadia, while Ryan and Christine played with Jason and Jake. Back then was a simpler time but now they needed answers.Their wives were cheats and liars but worst of all their brother was a shameless philanderer and they were going to do everything they could to find Christine and bring her home.
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