Homecoming 2

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Chris I can't believe I came back. After the most amazing night of my life, I packed up my stuff and slipped out of the hotel room leaving Sébastien there. I hoped he will understand my decision even though I don't understand it myself but 5 years of loving someone doesn't just go away and I wanted to give Jake another chance to explain everything and why he had cheated. As I stepped out of the airport, the memories of Sébastien filled my mind. His soft kisses and touch made wonder if going back was the right thing. I knew s*x wasn't love and that's all Jake and I did eventhough werewolves are very s****l creatures but part of me wanted to believe there was more to it than that. Thinking back on everything, I realized that there were a lot of things missing in our marriage, Jake's s****l appetite forced me to do whatever he wanted to satisfy it. At the time, I thought that it was what I wanted but Sébastien made me see I could have intimacy without s*x and it made me wonder why Jake wasn't the same. Our night together, he did nothing but worship my body, not thinking about his own satisfaction even when I offered, he said to me. "Your pleasure is mine and that's all I want!" The usual butterflies I had felt with Jake were gone and replaced with pure and utter comfort when I was with Sébastien, it was new and peaceful and I wanted that with my husband. I deserved it but I needed Jake to tell me everything before I can start to forgive him. A pair of arms flung around me, knocking me out of my daydream, It was Ryan. "Sweetie, I can’t even begin to imagine how you must have felt." Ryan said, hugging me tightly. "I can't breathe, Ry." I say, starting to feel suffocated. "Oh, I'm sorry Chris." She let me go and I took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry for running away Ry." "You have nothing to be sorry for. If was you, I wouldn't have even come back." "I know but in spite of himself, I still love him and I wanted to hear his side." "Sweetie, is he even worth it anymore?" Ryan asked. "I don't know but 5 years of marriage and about a lifetime together should count for something." I said sighing. "He moved the twins into your home." Christine froze at Ryan's words. "He did what?" she asked, feeling her anger trickle in. "Jason and I went over to talk after we found out you left and we caught them in the house. You should've stayed in Mexico, sweetie." Christine could not believe what she was hearing. It had only been a week and he was turning my house into his love nest. "I need to see this for myself, Ry." I responded in a low tone. "Okay then, let's go home. You can stay with Jason and I until you figure everything out. "I was planning to stay with my parents if that's okay." "Of course it is. You need your family now more than ever." "Thanks," I say. "How's Jason and my little godson, by the way. Given him a name yet?" "Not yet. Can't seem to find the right one." Ryan answered. "How about Charlie?" I suggested "Charlie...... I like it. My little Charlie! See, barely back and you're already solving my problems." I laughed as Ryan took my bags and led me out of the airport. We packed everything into the car and headed off towards Silvermount. Ryan kept staring at me the entire ride, picking up the fact that I seemed different than when I left. "Uh, so did something happen in Mexico?" she asked, eyeing me from the corner of her eye. "Oh not much, went to a few bars, went to the beach and found my mate." I answered, avoiding her gaze. The car slightly swerved as Ryan turned to me. "You....what?"Ryan yelled slamming on the brakes. Luckily no cars were behind us. "Hey, watch the road!" I yelled, as my heart sunk into my stomach. "Nuh-uh. I'm not moving this car until you tell me everything." Ryan said practically screaming. "What is he like? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?" "There's nothing to tell okay." I responded. "He's human by the way and I don't want to involve him in my messy life." "No one gives a f**k if he's human, Chris" Ryan said. "You kiss Jason with that mouth?" I teased, as Ryan smacked my arm. "Okay, I know but I left him for a reason. I need to fix things at home before I decide my next moves and include him too." "Mmhmmm" Ryan said. "So what's his name?" "Sébastien." "He sounds handsome."Ry teased. "He is' I say, facing the window. Ryan finally moved the car, satisfied with my answers. I closed my eyes hoping to see Sébastien in my dreams. * * * A few weeks pass since I had returned. Jake had signed the papers but we were working on fixing, our marriage and because of this the council had decided to spare him but the twins were exiled and moved from the family home. I never wanted anything to happen to my cousins but the council and their parents did not take what the twins did lightly. Using magic wasn't against the rules at Silvermount but it was the manipulation of the most sacred bond given to werewolves by the Moon Goddess that made it worse. Once that came out, they were immediately shunned by the council even Jake was stripped of his duties as the heir of the Henderson clan since he also was involved in the lie. He accepted his punishment gracefully but the twins did not. "What are we going to do now?." Jackie cried as she begged before the council. "You should’ve thought that before making your decision." my father replied. "If you hadn't faked the bond and kept it a secret you wouldn't be in this position. You made your bed now enjoy sleeping in it." "Christine, please." Nadia pleaded, her eyes filled with sadness "I'm sorry," I said feeling pity for them. "I tried to stop it but the decision was unanimous. There's nothing I can do." "How dare you ask for her help?" My mother, Rosa's anger showed as dark cloud formed above her.( her wolf powers were weather manipulation. She could create any form of weather on a whim.) My dad rubbed circles on her back to calm her down as the clouds disappeared. "You have no right to ask for help after trying to steal her husband." The council members nodded in agreement. The twin stood up and wiped their faces and looked at everyone with disdain. "We will be gone before morning but this decision will not be forgotten." Nadia said with a new found determination to her voice. "Don't try something you will regret." I said to them. "Then we will leave you and your precious husband with a parting gift." Nadia said with daggers in her eyes." "I guess you don't know the full story because you want another chance but I'll tell you." "Shut up, Nadia" Jake roared "Why, you don't want you precious Christine to know that you've been f*****g anything in a skirt even before you got married." The revelation hit me like a ton of bricks. My suspicions had been confirmed and the look on Jake's face made me believe it even more. The twins stormed out of the house and into town. I collapsed on my chair, emotionally drained and physically sick to my stomach. I rushed out of the office and into the bathroom, throwing up my breakfast. I can't believe I was that blind, for as long as we had been together he was unfaithful and for what. s*x! I continued throwing up till there was nothing left. My mother who followed me waited outside till I came out. "Sweetie, is everything okay?" she asked me with concern in her eyes. "Yeah, I think." I say. "Maybe you should go to the hospital and make sure." "I will, mom." She kissed me and lead me back to the room. Jake stood there waiting for me, his face filled with nothing but shame. "Are you alright?" he asked. "No thanks to you." I spat back at him. "I can explain." "I gave you the opportunity but you still lied to me." "I didn't want you to think any worse of me." "Too late now." I settled on my chair as the meeting continued. Jake was dismissed since he lost his position which made me feel a bit better. "So we need to discuss the next steps now that Jake is no longer next in line to head the council in my stead." His father, James said. I could see he was hurt by this decision but tried to put on a brave face. "The twins should be perfect for the role." I said. "With some training, they should be ready when you step down, James." "I guess that's settled." My father called an end to the meeting and the council dispersed. I head straight for the hospital just to make sure everything was okay. I needed to be level-headed over the next few days as the transfer of power needs to be finalized and Jake taken out of the hierarchy, there was going to be a lot of work to do. * * * A week later, I got a call from Dr. Sanchez. He's been our family's doctor for the longest time and I trusted him completely but him asking me to come into the office only made me worry that something was seriously wrong. I rushed over to the hospital, almost sprinting into his office. "Doctor, is everything okay?" "Yes Chris, you're okay. Please sit." He gestured towards the empty chair in front of his desk. "Then why did you ask me to come in" I asked. "Because, I don't know if the news will be a happy one or sad one considering the circumstances." Dr. Sanchez replied. "What news, doctor?" "It seems you are pregnant, Chris." "I'm what?"
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