Human Mate 2

1482 Words
Chris (A week ago) He's here. Nila kept wagging her tail, unable to contain her joy. "Will you calm down", I yelled at her. Her excitement was way too contagious and I couldn't help but wonder what he looked like. Go find him and lets find out, she whined. I was too drunk to argue but as I stepped out of the crowd on the dance floor, the most beautiful face I had ever seen was standing on the other side of the bar by the entrance. It was so hard to not look at him. His eyes were very deep and dark that almost looked like portals to his soul. His long black hair was slicked backed into a bun. He had broad shoulders, lean arms and I bet he has a six pack, I thought to myself. I had gotten so lost in admiring the handsome stranger that I did not notice his eyes looking in my direction. As soon as we made eye contact, a tiny shiver went through my back. MATE! Nila howled loudly. He is so beautiful!. * * * Sébastien I have been in this bar many times but tonight was different. I felt drawn to it for reasons I could not understand. Something told me to be here and as soon as I saw her I knew why. She was obviously drunk but still more stunning than any woman I had ever seen. Her grey eyes looked sad but full of curiosity, the short dark curls framed her beautiful face perfectly and her lips looked so supple I wished to taste them. Before I could stop myself, I started walking towards her. What are you doing? My inner voice yelled out to me. I don't know, I can't control myself. I have to meet her. We don't know her. Inner voice replied. I want to know her. I stood transfixed before her, wishing to touch her. Her eyes searched my face as if trying to find something. Seeming to have satisfied her curiosity her eyes focused back on me, I stretched my hand out to introduce myself to her. "Hi, I'm Sébastien." I said, trying to sound less excited than I felt. She looked down at my hands and finally returned the handshake. Unbelievable tingles and sparks went up my arm and through my body. I jerked my hand away right when she did realizing she felt the tingles too. She looked back at me, the most brilliant smile appeared on her face and it was as if I heard a subtle growl come from her. "Mate". * * * Chris "I'm Christine" I said as he stared at me. The warm feeling of his hand and sparks still lingered. So that’s what the hype is about. I thought. He's perfect, Chris. Nila said, still wagging her tail excitedly. Can I meet him too? Nila asked Not yet, I responded. She howls loudly expressing her annoyance with my choice. He is a human, Ni. We need to be careful! Fine, she huffed. We were standing before our true mate and he was more gorgeous up close than from afar. Still lost in his eyes, I barely hear what he was saying. "Would you like to dance?" Sébastien said as the song changed to a slow tune. I nodded and took his hand again, this time relishing the feel of the sparks. "You feel it too, don't you" he asked, as he put his hands on my waist. I leaned into him putting my hands around his neck. "Yeah, I feel it too." He smiled and swayed me to the music. For the first time since I had arrived in Mexico, I wasn't thinking about Jake or his whores or my divorce. All I wanted to do was hide in Sébastien arms forever, I had never felt so safe and secure with anyone even Jake. I sighed as I relaxed into him, following his lead. "Let's get out of here." I whispered after a while, my lips brushing his ears. I felt a slight shiver run through him and he smirked. "Sure." He guided me out of the bar into the open air, even though there was a slight chill in the night air but the heat between us made me sweat. "Where am I taking you?" he said, still holding on to my hand. The rush of the sparks making me ache with need. "The hotel across the street." I respond, suddenly realizing what we might be about to do. "Don't I deserve a dinner first?" He replied with a smirk on his lips. God this man is gorgeous, I thought. "Well, good thing the hotel has an amazing restaurant." I winked and let go of his hand walking ahead of him. He stood watching me walk away and a sudden twinge of regret and longing hit me. What if he doesn't follow me? Before I knew it, a hand snaked around my arm and spun me around. I crashed unto his chest, feeling this hard ridges of his pecs beneath his shirt. He lifts my chin with his fingers, the sparks feeling even more amazing on my face. "Who are you, Christine?" he asked, searching my eyes for answers. My name sounded so nice coming from someone who didn't betray me. "You can follow me and find out." I said boldly, stepping out of his grasp. I continued my walk into the hotel and all the way to my room hoping he'd chase after me but once my room door closed behind me, it felt as if it wasn't meant to be. * * * Sébastien I knocked on the hotel door before I lost my nerve. I can't believe you're doing this, my inner voice chimed in. I have to know her, I don't know why but she means something to me. You only feel that way because you're horny dude. My inner voice said teasingly. It's more than that this time, I said. I've never felt like that with anyone. The door swung open before I could talk myself out of it and there she was again. She was just as beautiful as in the bar but now, her curls were tied in a messy bun, a few tendrils framed her face. Her face makeup free as her skin glowed in the dim hallway light and her lips were just as supple as before. Her nightgown hugged her curves so perfectly, I could see her n*****s through it. I wanted to kiss her so much but I wasn't sure if she would let me. Her expression didn't show excitement to see me again and disappointment started to creep in. Before I could say anything, she grabbed my hand, the sparks bursting all over my arm and up my body. She pulled me in and shut the door, I stood in the middle of a huge penthouse suite. The room had a balcony overlooking the city, a mini-kitchen and a huge king-size bed on the otherside. She came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. "I didn't think you'd follow me." She said, as I turned to face her. "Me neither." I respond, cupping her cheeks in my hands, the soft tingles crept up my arms. I lowered my head to her lips, stopping just before I kissed her, her breath ghosting over my cheek. "Why does it feel like I've known you my whole life?" And with that, she closed the distance between us, her lips crashed unto mine with a passion I had never felt before. Her tongue coaxed its way into my mouth drawing out moan, she smiled again, making my heart race and a certain need grew between my legs. I lost track of everything around me as I relished the taste of her lips, my hands grabbing at her nightgown. We pull apart, gasping for air. Her face was flushed and her eyes were filled with lust but I wasn't in any rush. A woman like her needs to be savoured and cherished and I planned to spend the whole night doing just that. Taking her by the hand, I pulled her towards the bed and set her on the edge. I knelt before her, looking to see doubt or hesitation but all I saw was excitement and lust and as much I as I wanted her, it didn't feel like just lust, I felt the need to take care of her needs more than mine and even though I wanted to devour her, I also wanted to protect her and keep her safe. "Are you sure you want this?" I asked her, wishing she'd say no. She lifts my chin and kissed me with more passion that I felt would explode through me. "Yes." With her confirmation, I was gonna make her mine.
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