Chapter 6

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I got out of the car after our driver stopped at the hotel for Dylan and I to attend the event.  “Ready?” Dylan asked as I hesitated in getting out of the car.  “Yeah.” I pressed my lips tight as I took a deep breath. It was my first time at such an event and I don’t really know many people. Dad has introduced me to only a few people but most of my life I was pretty much sheltered in. I learned to fight because it was necessary but I have yet to learn about the company and taking over, Dylan handled everything so far so it was unnecessary for me to learn just yet. “Stick close to me. Always.” He smiled reassuring me everything would be alright and took my hand into his leading me into the hotel.  As we walked by many people were bowing their heads as Dylan passed by. I knew Dylan was powerful as he was dad’s second in command but I didn’t expect all this. I am so used to using Dylan to my advantage I sometimes forget how high up in the food chain he is also in our group.  “Dylan!” An older man called as we entered the hall.  “Hello Uncle Thomas.” Dylan released my hand for a moment and went to shake his hand.  “Who is this lovely lady next to you tonight?” Uncle Thomas said looking at me and giving me a smile while offering his hand out.  “I’m Kiara,” I smiled, taking his hand in mine.  “She’s Luis’s daughter.” Dylan added before Uncle Thomas nodded and took my hands in his holding it tight.  “Wow Kiara, the last time I recalled seeing you, you were only three years old. Look at how beautiful you have become!” I smiled and thanked him before Dylan and I walked away to greet a few more people. For some he introduced me as dad’s daughter, and for some he didn’t add that detail. I figured the ones he told are the people we can trust and work with and the ones he didn’t are the ones we have yet to understand and figure out.  “I’m going to use the restroom real quick” I whispered in Dylan’s ears as he was speaking with another man and I was already losing all interest.  “Be quick. If you’re not back in five minutes I’m coming for you.”  I nodded and quietly excused myself and headed to the restroom.  I quickly entered a stall, did my business and proceeded to wash my hands when a girl came up next to me and just stood there looking at me intensely.  “Can I help you?” I looked over after washing my hands and grabbing a paper towel to dry them.  “You’re just temporary you know that?” She pointed her finger at me and crossed her arms.  “What?” I was so confused, what is she talking about?  “You are only temporary. I’ll get him back, Dylan always comes back to me.” She smirked and smacked her lips together turning to the mirror to reapply her lipstick.  “Just who are you?” I crossed my arms and leaned against the wall looking at her.  “Tracey, I’m Dylan’s girlfriend. He has a lot of side pieces like you because he’s just so hot, I don’t mind but do know he always comes back to me.” I scoffed at her comments. Just where does she get all this confidence from.  “Oh really?” I raised an eyebrow while watching her finish with her lipstick and putting it back in her clutch.  “Look, you’re just a pastime for him. Don’t get too attached.” She warned and turned around to walk out.  As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom I found Tracey holding onto a very irritated Dylan. I knew why Dylan was waiting here, I spent a little too long in the bathroom due to the sudden appearance of Tracey.  “Dylan I don’t mind you playing around but make some time for me too” she whined as she leaned onto Dylan. I found this amusing and decided to just watch while leaning against the wall.  “Tracey stop.” Dylan sighed looking very annoyed now but she doesn’t seem to notice at all.  “Dylan, baby, how about me and you, we skip this and go you know play somewhere else?” She grabbed his collar and tried to unbutton his shirt. That was the last straw as I grabbed her hand and flung her to the wall stepping in front of Dylan and glaring at him.  “You little b***h!” Tracey hissed as she got up from the floor and grabbed her shoulders.  “Look at her! How violent she is! Such a savage! Dylan you shouldn’t be with someone like that!” She pointed at me and I just stood there and laughed.  “You close with this?” I pointed at Tracey while looking at Dylan. “Of course we are we’re dat-”  “No. Not at all.” Dylan interrupted and gave Tracey a glare.  “What?!” Her eyes widened as she tried to come closer.  “Stop. I’m done. Kick her out now or it’ll annoy me.” I looked at Dylan and walked away back into the halls. Before I completely disappeared I heard Tracey screaming something along the lines of ‘let me go’ and ‘Dylan pease’.  A few minutes later Dylan joined me back in the hall with two glasses of champagne in his hands.  “Sorry, she’s a little crazy.” I nodded. “I expected more but honestly, every woman you’ve been with is just weak. What did you ever see in them?” I grabbed a glass from his hands and took a sip.  “Nothing. They’re just pastimes to me to release some stress. They were only with me for the money and the fame.”  “Well just so you know, I don’t care about your past. I will take them all down if they bother us. But from now on, do make yourself clear with them. I’d rather not see another woman cling onto you.”  I smiled but he knew that my smile isn’t one of love right now but a warning. Nobody touches what’s mine, my man included.  “Of course my love. My apologies.” I grabbed his hand and guided us to our table. We sat with Uncle Thomas and a few more other people who knew me as dad’s daughter and began the dinner.  Halfway through dinner Dylan was called to the stage to give a speech. I watched as he gathered himself and walked up the stage to speak. To many people right now, he seemed intimidating, overflowing with confidence, and poise, but to me he’s just Dylan. He may be threatening to others but with me he’s just a sweet soft mush that’ll bend at my will.  “Thank you all for coming out today to our annual banquet. Mr. Young isn’t able to join us today as he has other matters to attend to but I am very thankful for everyone in attendance today. As you know, we are continuing to grow as a group and every year we outdo the year before.” The speech went on to Dylan thanking a few people and called out a few more names before returning to my side.  “Have a safe flight dad.” I waved as dad got into the car and left for the airport. The previous night after the banquet we got home late so I didn’t get to help dad pack, I usually do it as I liked helping him with the little things.  “Be good love. Dylan makes sure she stays out of trouble.” Dylan laughed and I pouted. “I don’t cause trouble!” I protested and stuck my tongue out only to see dad and Dylan chuckling more.  “Sure.” Dad gave me a quick kiss on the cheeks before getting into the car.  Dylan and I returned inside to have lunch. I wanted to cook today and Dylan offered to help, well more of I helped as he did more of the work and I only did the chopping of vegetables and washing the rice as we made curry for lunch.  “This is delicious!” I gave him a thumbs up as I ate a spoonful of curry.  “Slow down, there’s a whole pot more!” He wiped some curry off the corner of my mouth.  “I was saving that” I rolled my eyes and laughed. Suddenly we were interrupted with a phone call. 
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