Chapter 7

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“What!?” Dylan stood up from his seat dropping his spoon on the table.  “I’ll be right there. Update me the entire time.”  “What's wrong?” “Your father, he was ambushed on his way to the airport and he is now being transferred to the hospital.” My heart dropped to my stomach upon hearing this.  “How’s dad?” I managed to squeeze out of me as Dylan pulled me up from my seat and helped me put a light pink sweater and shoes on my feet.  “He’s hurt bad. We need to go now Kiara.” I nodded and followed him to the car as we sped to the hospital speeding through all the lights. It was dangerous but nothing was more important to us than getting to dad as quickly as we can.  Thirty minutes later and what seemed to be a million red lights, that we ran past we arrived at the hospital, we quickly made our way towards the surgery room to be greeted with a bunch of our men.  “Miss Kiara. Dylan.” They bowed as we walked towards the doors.  All I felt were tears streaming down my face as Dylan helped me take a seat by the doors waiting for the doctors to come out.  “He’ll be okay. He’s strong.” Dylan held my hand as I slumped in my seat unable to speak or do anything.  After what seemed like another million years, in actuality it was only five hours, the doctors finally came out of the surgery room.  “Dr. Shirley!” I got up and quickly ran towards the doctor almost stumbling along the way if it weren’t for Dylan catching me.  “Mr. Young suffered a major head injury which led to a buildup of a blood clot in his brain. We drained as much as we could but we don’t know when he will wake up. He also fractured four ribs and broke his left leg entirely. Those injuries will heal, he may need a cane in the future, but we cannot guarantee when he will wake up even though he is currently out of danger. We will keep him in the ICU for a few more days before transferring him to the regular ward.”  “Okay…” was all I was able to muster out of me before Dr. Shirley placed a hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me as she walked away back into the surgery room. Dr. Shirley was our private doctor, one of the most famous in our state for being the best surgeon around.  “He’ll be okay. The doctor said he’s out of danger right now so we just need to wait for him to wake up.” I nodded and followed Dylan to the room the doctors assigned for me dad. We weren’t even allowed to be in the room with dad as we had a glass separating us while I watched dad lie on the hospital bed with tons of tubes hooked up to him.  “I will find who did this and tear him to pieces.” My hands balled into a fist remembering that this was an ambush.  “Dylan do you have any clue?” I wiped my tear stained face with the back of my hand and turned around to look at him in the eyes. I am serious. I will tear whoever is behind this apart and make sure when I’m done with him that no one would be able to recognize who they once were.  “No, not yet. But we’re looking.” I nodded.  “What about the driver?” Dylan shook his head indicating that he mostly suffered a worse fate than my dad. I nodded. “Make sure to do as much as we can to send our condolences to his family. Get whatever is needed to help them gather themselves and we shall pay for the entire funeral expenses from now on. Work out a number and give them monthly support from now on.”  “Yes, as usual.” He nodded and signaled one of the guys outside to do what I just told him.  Although we are one of the most powerful mafia groups, we aren’t heartless. Everyone has a family and those that unfortunately lost their lives because of us or on the job for us, we swore to do whatever we can in our power to support their loved ones after they die. This is what got us so far, we are humans not just some ruthless gangsters around, although we can be ruthless, it just comes with the job.  “I constantly want four men here watching over Boss. Anyone that goes in, you follow. Never leave Boss alone with anyone. The only one you can trust is Dr. Shirley. If you did not hear her directly order it, and tell you it herself, trust no one and let no one in. Everyone must be watched at all times.” Dylan ordered as he pulled me away from the glass separating dad and I. I watched as dad laid on the hospital bed with tons of wires just hooked up to him, motionless.  “Come on, let’s get some rest and come back tomorrow. It’s getting late and you look terrible love.” He took his hand and brushed some of the hair in my face behind my ears and cupped my cheeks in his big and warm hands.  “Thank you Dylan, I really wouldn't know what to do if you weren't here...” I cracked a small smile across my face as best as I could as he buckled me up in the car and placed a kiss on my forehead after practically dragging me away from dad's ward.  “Of course. You know I would go to the end of the universe and back for only you. Now rest, I’ll get us home.” I nodded and before I knew it, the stress that was weighing down on my shoulders so heavily quickly put me to sleep.  I didn’t realize we were home until I felt Dylan carrying me up the stairs princess style.  “You should have woken me up.” I buried my head in his chest as he opened my door and carefully placed me on the bed.  “I wanted you to rest more.” He smiled while fixing my hair again pulling it away from my face.  “Hey…” I pulled onto his shirt keeping him on my bed stopping his attempt of getting up.  “Can you… sleep with me... just tonight?” I moved aside a bit giving him space in my Queen sized bed.  “Kiara…” he looked at me lovingly but also slowly pulling away. “Please?” I sat up and he let out a small sigh before giving me his handsome smile and nodded. I watched as he peeled his light jacket off, then his socks and his pants leaving him only in his his white v-neck t-shirt and blue checkered boxers.  Once he got into the bed he quickly pulled me into his arms using his chest as my pillow and holding me close to him. As a reply, I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled close, breathing in his comforting scent in his warm embrace. It’s only been two days since we started dating but knowing Dylan for all theses years makes me lose all my defenses around him accepting him completely. I know for a fact that Dylan will never take advantage of me.  “Sleep, I’ll be here the whole time.” He whispered while stroking my hair with one hand as the other held onto my waist keeping me close. I nodded and quickly drifted to sleep in his warm and safe embrace. 
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