Chapter 5

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Dylan still had me wrapped around his arms tightly unwilling to let me go.  “Maybe we should head home and rest.” I suggested before he got up and picked me up in his arms, princess style.  “Dylan!” I yelped in surprise and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck for more support.  “You must be tired. I’ll do the walking, you just stay in my arms and look pretty as you always do.” He kissed my forehead and walked out of the club. On our way out Natalie and Sammy saw us and I gave them a thumbs up notifying them the success of their plan and they fist pumped the air while mouthing to me, ‘use protection’ before turning around and partying more.  Thankfully it was dark or Dylan would have seen the deep shade of red on my face. I was a virgin and they all knew it. I never dated before and now I know why, Dylan made sure no guys would be able to approach me, hence inadvertently keeping me a virgin. I had my first kiss when I was 16 but other than kissing I never went further. The closest thing I’ve seen in terms of a male’s body is through porn. I accidentally stumbled on some porn files Natalie had when I borrowed her computer four years ago for a project since mine was out for repair.  The ride home today was different than our normal drive home. Dylan had his hand intertwined with mine the whole time while he drove and every now and then he’d bring my hand up to his lips giving it a kiss before smiling and continuing our drive home.  “So what does this make us?” I asked as he opened my door and held my hand helping me out.  “Well I’m all yours so whatever you want my love.” Dylan replied, closing the door and looking at me straight in the eyes awaiting my answer.  “Then from now on we’re dating.” As soon as I finished the sentence Dylan swooped down and stole a quick kiss before pulling me into his embrace again.  “I never thought this day would come” he whispered into the crook of my neck before pulling away and staring down at me passionately.  “Why not?” I tilted my head and watched as he smiled and looked at me ever so lovingly.  “Because you’re too perfect.” I laughed and started walking to the house before looking back at Dylan who was grabbing my backpack from the back seat.  “Let’s keep this from dad for a little. I want to make sure we'll know, last, before telling dad.”  “We definitely will last Kiara. I have no intention of ever letting you go.” Dylan made his way next to me, kissed me on the forehead before opening the door and helping the both of us inside the house.  Morning came around quickly as I had the best sleep I could ever have. I dreamt about Dylan and I together, celebrating our wedding anniversary together with our children around. It’s only day one since we started dating and I can’t help but think about our forever.  Honestly, I didn’t think that I would fall in love with anyone at all given the responsibilities I have on my shoulders in terms of our group. I never expected to have a regular romance and fall in love at all, that is until Dylan changed my mind recently. It definitely is due to the influence of Sammy and Natalie that I started looking at Dylan as a man and not just someone under my dad. They kept brainwashing me and making me super self conscious around him that I couldn’t help but fantasize about him.  “Good Morning my love” Dylan came around the kitchen table giving me a quick kiss on the lips before heading back to the stove continuing to make some pancakes.  “You know you can leave the breakfast making to the maids. We have them here for a reason.” I sat on the counter and propped my elbows on the counter with my head on top of my hands watching as Dylan cooked.  “Yeah but I’m used to making your breakfast. It makes me happy when you eat what I make.”  If he turned around right now he would see how much of an i***t I looked like smiling at his broad back.  “So what do we have planned today?”  “Luis will be heading to Hawaii for a deal tomorrow and so he won’t be attending the annual banquet amongst the tirads so we’ll go.” I quickly got up and rushed upstairs upon hearing what Dylan just said. “Where are you going?” He yelled from downstairs, I quickly spun around and answered.  “I need to see if I have an outfit! You should have told me earlier! I have nothing to wear!” I threw my hands up then I pointed at him with my eyes narrowed and ran into my room digging though my closet.  “Love, I planned on bringing you to the mall to pick something out. No worries.” He came behind me and pulled me into his arms.  “Thank god!” I sighed in relief and removed myself from his arms grabbing my purse on the table.  “Let’s go!” I grabbed Dylan’s hand and headed out the door. Shopping was my favorite thing to do all the time which was why two years ago, dad helped me renovate my room and make the adjacent room part of my room as my walk in closet. Yes, I owed that much clothing.  The event today was a formal event so I needed some formal clothing, thinking more of a long gown tonight.  “So tell me again why we do this gathering?” I looked over at Dylan who was sorting through the dresses with me picking out a few and handing it to the sales girl who was helping us.  “Nowadays just running the mafia won’t get us anywhere. Your father established the Young Group two decades ago because he knew that other than the whole mafia business we needed a legit business, also a place to funnel money and all if needed. So when we picked up speed other groups joined us in the business field and now we run the biggest import export business in Florida while others took ground in the food and entertainment industry. We have this gathering annually to reconnect and reestablish relationships to make sure we’re all in a tight knit group so we can help each other. This year it’ll be a little different though.”  “Why so?”  “We have a few new up and coming groups joining us tonight and let’s just say some of them need to learn the ropes and stop being so reckless so tonight is the night to show them.” I nodded and headed towards the fitting room with the sales girl in tow.  “Make sure you let me see each piece.” Dylan smiled closing the curtain behind me and waiting outside.  I first tried the pink satin gown with a mermaid style. It was simple and cute but just didn’t seem right. Dylan seemed to agree when he just smiled and didn’t say much. I went back into the fitting room and changed into the next outfit. On the sixth dress I finally felt happy and satisfied.  This piece I’m now wearing is a deep burgundy with a sweetheart neckline with a slit on the right leg but also tightly hugging my shape. There was just a small cleavage enough to see a little bit of boobs but not too much leaving it to one’s imagination still.  “This is the one.” Dylan smiled while getting up from his seat and passing his black card to the sales girl. The girl froze seeing the card and I can’t blame her, only the very top 1% of the world can own a black card and well, we did.  “I need shoes now!” I dragged Dylan to the next store next after we finished paying for the dress at Dior. To match my new gown I wanted some simple but cute nude heels. I did have a pair of nude Louboutins but I wanted this new pair of Jimmy Choos that just released a few days ago.  Once we got to the store, before I even said anything Dylan went up to a sales rep telling them something and came back to me.  “What did you tell her?” I peered over my shoulders as I looked through the options in the store. I didn’t see the heels that I wanted.  “You’ll see” I nodded and took a seat and within two minutes she returned with a box in her hands and handed it to me. I opened the box and there it was, the new release pair of Jimmy Choos, nude with a few crystals on the heels.  “How did?” I was at a loss of words looking at Dylan as he just smiled and crouched down in front of me helping me take my shoes off.  “I knew you had your eyes on them. I made sure to order and get you a pair since we’re going for a party tonight. Figured you’d want to use this as an excuse for another pair of heels to add to your collection of a million pairs of shoes.” He slipped the heels on and helped me up. I walked to the mirror and just loved it.  “Thank you Dylan!” I turned around and ran to him, as quick as I could with these heels on, and tackled him to the chair. We caused a small commotion making everyone look our way but I was so focused on how sweet this was that I ignored all the staring and planted a big kiss on his lips. 
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