Chapter 11

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It’s been three months since I started living with Dylan and everyday has been eventful. Dylan helped me enroll at the University of Havana where I majored in international business for management. Class seemed very easy as everything the professors taught I somehow already knew.  "Eres, con mucho, uno de los estudiantes más inteligentes que he tenido en toda mi carrera docente.” (You are by far one of the smartest student I have had in my entire career of teaching) "Gracias Profesor Perez” (Thank you Professor Perez) I thanked as I left his class. Economics 101 was too easy and thanks to Dylan’s connections I was able to bypass the first four classes and ended up in Professor Perez’s Econ 305 class.  “Señorita Kira, Señor Harrison le espera en el Palacio.”  “Gracias Alvero.” Alvero was my personal chauffeur Dylan assigned to me. He took me wherever I wanted to go but mainly from home to school or to meet up with Dylan. I didn’t really make friends yet as I still felt a bit out of place and uncomfortable speaking to people I don’t know.  “How’s class today?” Dylan asked as I walked into his office.  “It was good. Professor Perez thought my presentation on the Hilton’s current progression and plans really well. He says I may just be the smartest student he’s ever taught.” I gave Dylan a big smile as he got up from behind his desk leaving his paper work behind and giving me a big hug and a kiss on my forehead. I felt so comfortable and safe with Dylan that I can’t imagine not being with him.  He helped me get use to life here and even though he has adopted me as his sister, he’s still on the lookout for my real family. That is, if I have one.  “Next week is winter break, where would you like to go?” He asked as Alvero brought in some sandwiches and drinks for us to snack on.  “I want to go to Miami! I heard that they have awesome clubs there and I want to go!” I remember reading about the biggest and new in coming club in Miami and somehow I was drawn by it.  “Alright, we can go.”  “Yes!” I fist pumped the air and jumped up hugging Dylan. “You are the BEST big brother ever!” He smiled and hugged me back while messing with my hair. He always liked to do that.  “Stop!” I whined and pushed him away fixing my now bird’s nest hair because of his aggressive petting.  “I’m going to go and buy some stuff for the trip then, is that okay?” I turned back around from the door to find Dylan immersed in the paperwork in front of him.  “Yeah, buy whatever you want.” He looked up, gave me a quick smile, and went back to his paperwork.  Honestly, he’s been a great mental and emotional support. In these past three months I have learned of his sister’s passing and how close they use to be.  Dylan was the caretaker of Katia Harrison, his younger sister, because his parents died when he was only sixteen leaving him with the entire family business. His parents died due to a drunk driver driving into them while they were headed to work one morning. Ever since then it’s been Dylan and his sister. Sadly when Katia went to the beach one day she got swept away by the waves and four days later they found her body. Apparently the day Dylan found me drifting was the day Katia died, which was why he was out in the ocean to begin with. Every year on that day he’d go and bring flowers and throw it in the ocean to offer to his beloved sister who passed and because I showed up the same day and looked so much like Katia he accepted me as his sister’s replacement right away without any precaution.  I didn’t mind being her replacement because Dylan gave me a home when I had no home. I wouldn’t know what do if someone else picked me up. He’s been an absolute gentleman and made sure my days were comfortable with no trouble. For all I know, I could have been picked up by a stranger who could physically and emotionally hurt me, but not Dylan. He gave me a shelter and food and comfort, like a real big brother would. "¿A dónde le gustaría ir señorita?” (Where would you like to go Ms?) “Plaza de Carlos” (Carlos Mall) I ordered as Alvero started the engine of the car.  If I was going on vacation, and to America, I want to look the part and look nice. Who knows who I’ll meet there after all.  Dylan Mile’s POV It’s been three restless and endless months and still no news of Kiara. I’ve search high and low everywhere all over Florida and along the entire cost of the US but no news of her, not even a strand of her hair, clothes, nothing.  My heart is empty and so is my soul.  The one good thing is Luis is now awake for the past month now but extremely heartbroken due to the news of Kiara. Because of Jesse and the pain he caused me, I made sure to murder anyone related or close to him as revenge and seized everything under his name under our control. Even though I did all that it wasn’t enough to fill in the void in my heart.  “Kiara...” I murmured to myself as I downed my fourth glass of whiskey. “Dylan...” Henry reached over and I shrugged him off. I know it’s not his fault that Kiara got kidnapped by Jesse in the first place but I couldn’t stand the thought of her being in an unknown place right now so everything and anything anyone did pissed me off beyond belief.  “Unless it’s news about her, f**k off.” I threw a pen at him and he nodded and left. I didn’t want to be like this, like a total ass to him but what was I suppose to do? Kiara is gone and I have no idea where she is.  “Sir, do you have a minute?” I looked up to find Gino. “What Gino. This better be good.”  “I wanted to talk to you about the new clubs we are opening up.”  As much as I cared about our business and well being of the gang, I honestly have not been paying attention to anything other than finding Kiara and the efforts of locating Kiara.  “Look, you handle it and you take care of it. Take Henry if you need. Do not bother me unless it’s about Kiara.” I glared at him and he nodded. I know we are planning to open up some new clubs downtown, it’s been on the planning board since Kiara’s disappearance but I care less. I am in no mood to do anything other than spending my time and effort locating the love of my life. Without her I’m lost.  “Fuck...” I’m just pissed thinking about how she slipped through my hands and unconsciously broke the glass in my hand cutting myself in the process.  “I swear, no matter how long and how much time and effort it takes, I swear it upon my life I will find you Kiara. I will find you and make sure to never lose you again, even if it mean losing my own life to make sure that happens...” 
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