Chapter 10

1382 Words
"President Harrison" the hostess I presume greeted us at the doors and led us upstairs into a private room.  "What would you like to have?" Dylan asked holding out a seat for me motioning me to take a seat. I thanked him with a small nod and he quickly took the seat across from me after pushing in my chair.  "Anything is fine Mr. Harrison" I smiled and looked around. "Dylan, call me Dylan little one." I nodded. "Anything is alright with my Dylan. I'm not sure if I can repay you for this..." I leaned closer motioning for him to lean closer for me to talk to him "This place looks very expensive..." I whispered and fidgeted in my seat. The room we were in looked out into the city with ceiling to floor glass and the chairs looked hand carved from wood itself decorated with fancy carvings along with red velvet cushion seats. The table alone had three forks and knives on each end and two spoons on top of the plate. Each plate, there were two, were lined with golden finishes.  "Don't worry about it little one, order what you like." He laughed watching me study the fine china in front of me.  "Then, just a salad is fine..." I mumbled but he quickly interrupted me.  "Get her a 8oz dry aged wagyu steak with some truffle fries, Cesar salad and Italian wedding soup." He waved at the waiter who nodded and walked away closing the doors behind him.  "But..." "No buts little one. You just woke up from being unconscious for two days from drifting in the ocean. You have no recollection of who you are at all. I found you so I'll take care of you." He smiled and took a sip of the wine on the table.  "You want some?" He held his glass up to me and I shook my head.  "No..." I wasn't staring at his glass of wine I was actually studying him the whole time. Why would he, a stranger, who doesn't know me at all, take care of me? "If you're wondering why I'm doing all of this, it's because you remind me of someone..." He studied my face and got up from his seat taking a place next to the windows with his back facing me.  "Five years ago I lost someone really precious to me. She was my whole world. I loved her with every once of blood in me but I lost her. She looked a lot like you, believe it or not, the clothes you are now wearing actually belonged to her. She was seven years younger than me, I watched her grow up into a beautiful young lady onto have her taken away from me due to a very unfortunate accident. When I found you a few days ago I was shocked by how much you resemble her. From the facial structure to the hair, the body size and even the eye color. If I were told you were the reincarnation of her, I'd believe it." He turned around and walked towards me pulling out his phone and showed me a photo.  The girl in the photo had long brown and wavy hair like mine, she had the same deep green eyes like I do and her nose was equally as small and high just like mine.  "Wow you girlfriend really did look like me..." I unconsciously whispered while studying the photo. "My sister." He corrected and gave me a small smile, a forced one.  "I'm sorry. She must have been a lovely and beautiful sister." I smiled as he nodded and took his seat across from me again. Just then the waiter knocked and came in with my course of food laying it out in front of me.  "Dig in." He smiled while motioning for me to eat. "What about you?" I took the knife and fork and stated to cut a piece of the steak.  "I'm not hungry." He shook his head and took out his phone. He's always on his phone. I wonder what does he actually do.  "Is it good little one?" He asked looking at me as I took down the entire dry aged wagyu steak and started on my salad and soup.  "It's delicious!" I smiled while finishing the food in my mouth.  "Slowly little one." He laughed and handed me a napkin for my mouth. I shyly took the napkin and quickly wiped my mouth before resuming my meal.  "Hey, why don't you give me name?" I said finishing the last bit of soup and putting my spoon down. "Me?" He stared at me and I nodded. "Yeah, since I don't know anything about myself and well you're the closest person I have right now, why don't you give me a name?"  He sat there silently for a minute and nodded his head.  "How about Kira?" Kira I liked that, it sounds familiar, maybe I knew a Kira but for now I like it.  "I like it." I smiled while repeating the name out loud to myself. "Kira, Kira, Kira..." I trailed off before he interrupted me. "Kira Harrison." He announced and I looked at him confused.  "From now on, you'll be my little sister. I found you and I'll take care of you until you can remember your family. For now we'll keep looking around Havana for your family. I have already sent out word and if anyone is looking for you here in all of Cuba, we'll find your family though you might not be from around here." I nodded.  "Where do you think I'm from?" I sighed thinking about how much my family might miss me, that is if I even have one. "It sounds like you're from America, but honestly I don't know. Many people move around these days and you could be from anywhere. Like me, my family is originally from Australia and we moved here to Cuba when I was five for business."  "What business do you run?"  "Restaurants, like this one, I own it along with a few more." My jaw dropped upon hearing this.  "What?! You're this rich?" He laughed and I quickly composed myself embarrassed at my own actions.  "I suppose. I live a comfortable life."  After my fancy meal we headed to the mall. He said since I would be here for an indefinite amount of time, I should go get some clothes that I liked while he sends someone to the police to see if my identifications came up.  "¡Señor Harrison! ¿Que te trae aquí hoy?" (Mr. Harrison, what brings you here today?) "Mi hermana quiere comprar ropa nueva, sacar la colección más nueva para que ella la vea." (My sister here wants to buy some new clothes, bring out the newest collection for her to look at.) "¡Sí, por supuesto!" (Yes, of course.)  "Sin vestidos por favor, me gustan los pantalones." (No dresses please, I like pants). I interjected before the sales associate went to grab some clothes for me to try on.  "Maybe you are from here after all..." Dylan looked at me a little surprised at my ability to speak Spanish. Truthfully I was too, I didn't know I could speak Spanish until it just came out of me.  "Esta es nuestra colección más nueva, échale un vistazo." (This is our newest collection, take a look) I nodded and headed into the dressing room. Every piece I tried on I adored and Dylan can see it just from my expression.  "Are you sure we should buy all of this?" I looked at the register as they run up the outfits.  "Yeah why not?" He nodded as he watched the girl carefully pack each and every item in a box individually. I watched as the numbers increased from hundreds to now thousands.  "Dylan this is a lot of money, that's eight thousand and three hundred pesos!" I grabbed his arm as he reached for his credit card.  "Yeah so? It's not a lot little one." He patted my head and handed his black card to the cashier who graciously took it and swiped it.  "Envía estos a mi casa." (Send these to my house) Dylan ordered as the sales rep nodded and thanked us for our patronage on the way out.  "Dylan... you really didn't have to." I followed slowly behind him.  "You're my little sister from now on, you'll only have the best." He smiled while grabbing him shoulders and giving me a small squeeze before we headed to another store for more necessities as he calls it. 
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