Chapter 8

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**Warning this chapter contains violence, skip if you do not want to read it!** “Four days. Four days and you still have no clue!?” I threw the stack of papers on my desk at the two men in front of me.  “Boss has been in the hospital for four days and for four days you have no clue who possibly did this. You are useless. Get out!” I yelled and threw the cup on my desk onto the floor breaking it into pieces.  I sent Kiara to school today with my third in command, Henry, because I wanted to take care of things here. Boss has been in the hospital for four days and people around us are quickly moving. Just yesterday we had a surprise attack at one of our ports in an attempt to steal the new ammunition we bought in from Italy but thankfully we didn’t lose anyone or anything as we easily outnumbered them.  “f**k…” I sighed as I went through the second pile of files on my desk. We narrowed down the attack to two opposing groups. The Banks group and the Fullers.  “Dylan!” Julio ran into the office with his laptop. Julio is our best hacker. I picked him up three years ago from the slums when we tracked down his skills. He was doing only odd jobs from people hacking and laundering money, a waste of his skills.  “Tell me something good” I sighed as he propped his laptop in front of me.  “It’s the Fullers.” I squinted my eyes as I read watched the files Julio showed me.  “Fuckers…”I whispered and got up from my seat.  “Get everyone here in 5 minutes. We’re going to greet Jesse Fuller.” I smirked and took the gun I kept in my drawer and placed it in my holster in my suit.  “Henry,”  “Yes Dylan.” He picked up from the other end.  “Watch Kiara. I’m going in today. Make sure she’s safe and do not tell her what I’m doing. No matter what.” Henry replied and I hung up the phone. As I left the office and watched below in the warehouse, I caught sight of the entire gang.  “Today, we will go and give Jesse Fuller a nice surprise as he gave our boss such a wonderful welcome.” I yelled and watched me men nod and head to their cars.  I headed to mine and took my phone out. I looked at Kiara, she was the background of my phone, and started my car heading to the Fuller’s estate.  Once we arrived at the Fuller’s estate we busted open the gates and shot down everyone in the way. In terms of fire power no one in the states can beat us.  “I want Jesse Fuller in front of me alive.” I ordered as all of our men rampaged the entire estate killing everyone in the way.  “Where is he?” I grabbed the hair of one of his underlings that I shot in the leg and hand.  “I won’t tell you!” he screamed. I smirked, he must want to have some fun.  “I’ll give you a count of three.” I grabbed my gun and motioned for my men to grab him.  “Three”  “f**k you!” he spat at me and I just shook my head. I motioned my men to spread his legs open as he sat there on the ground.  “Two.”  “No f*****g chance.” He laughed and attempted to shake my men off.  “One.” I sighed got up and shot him.  “AGH!” He screamed in pain. I didn’t kill him but instead I shot him where it hurts. He will never have kids or have s*x again, that is, if he even lives.  I waved my hands at my men and they dragged him out knowing that I don’t want him screaming in front of me again. Ten minutes later one of my men came back with a woman he found.  “Look what we have here, Tania Fuller.” I smiled and tugged on her chin making her look at me. “Let me go. He won’t let you go for this.” She yelled and I laughed.  “You think he’ll really come to save you? His daughter? You’re just a tool.” I laughed and pulled out a chair for her.  “Look. Tell me where you father is and I might just let you live.” I picked up my gun and started cleaning it with a tissue one of my men handed to me.  “I don’t know where he is, let me go Dylan!” She begged and started to cry.  “Oh princess hush. Just tell me where daddy is and you can be on your way.” I stood from my seat and picked her chin up again but this time with my gun.  “I-”  “Dylan!” One of my men called and I turned around to see him holding out a phone. “What?” I hissed to hear Henry on the other line. “He got her!”  “What?!” I raised my voice and looked at Tania.  “Jesse got her while Kiara went to the bathroom. I was watching outside but after five minutes she still didn’t come out and I found her stuff all over the floor. I ran and saw Jesse grabbing her into the car. He must have drugged her as she put up a fight.”  “f**k!” I threw the phone on the ground and grabbed Tania’s hair pulling her up. She hissed in pain and discomfort.  “You better f*****g hope your rat-ass of a father comes to save you or I’ll tare you apart limb by limb for every hair Kiara loses.” I shoved her on the ground and motioned my men to hold her in place.  “Call him.” She nodded and called Jesse. “Dad!” She screamed and I took the phone right away. “I’ll give you your daughter if you give me Kiara back. I swear if you so as much lay one finger on Kiara I will cut one off your daughter.” I threatened while kicking Tania in the stomach. “Meet at the ports in 30 minutes. No men, just you and my daughter or I’ll kill myself with your precious Kiara.”  “Don’t be late.” I gritted as I pulled Tania up yanking off a handful of hair.  “Get up.” I ordered and dragged her out and got into our car parked outside.  “Get me a boat” I ordered one of my men as we got to the ports.  “Follow behind slowly and out of sight. Shoot him down once you have clear range.” I ordered our snipers.  I pulled Tania onto the boat and tied her down to a seat.  “Sit tight. You’ll be reunited quick with your precious father.” I slapped her as she let out a whimper between her gag.  “Dylan Miles.” Jesse shouted after 20 minutes of us driving into the open water.  “Give me Kiara Jesse” I yelled while pulling up Tania.  “You fucker!” Jesse yelled while pointed at Tania and noticing how beat up and disheveled she looked. Her clothes were torn and hiding only a little bit of her figure, if one didn’t know they would have thought she was raped but I did not allow my men to do so. Rape is the one thing I am against. I don’t mind killing, hurting people and being violent but I was absolutely against rape and my men knew that.  “Give me Kiara” I ordered as our boats parked next to one another in between the waves and rocking of the ocean.  “I will kill you.” Jesse angrily sighed as he grabbed Kiara.  Kiara looked weak and limped as she fluttered her eyes open, barely able to support her weight.  “Give. Her. To. Me.” I raised my voice again as Jesse held her close and smirked.  “If you want her, go get her.” Within a second he flung Kiara into the waters behind him. I didn’t react in time and lunged at Jesse knocking him to the ground and putting a bullet in his head before reaching Kiara.  I dove right in only minutes after Kiara was shoved into the waters but the waves were quick today and I lost sight of Kiara right away.  I quickly grabbed the flare gun we prepared beforehand and fired it. Within ten minutes three boats with our men showed up.  "Round up all the ships and manpower we have, we have to find her!" I yelled as I directed my men for a search and find party for Kiara.  "Get me all the helicopters we have, we're not stopping until we find her!"  With Kiara now missing and Luis still in a coma in the hospital, things were getting messy.  "We'll find her." Henry said putting a hand on my shoulder and I just shook him away.  "It's my f*****g fault. I couldn't even protect her, the one woman I cared about in my life." I grabbed the phone in my hand tighter to the point where I cracked my screen. "Dylan, it's not your fault. I'm sure Kiara is okay. We'll find her. I'm sure of it."  "We won't stop until we do." I sighed and walked towards one of our helicopters that just landed.  "Call me as soon as any news about her comes up." I looked back at Henry who nodded his head as I hopped onto the helicopter.  "I promise I'll find you. And when I do, I swear I'll never let you out of my sight again." 
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