Chapter 5 Eileen Married Chris

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"No way!" Katherine exploded, glaring at her mother. "Vivian, are you Eileen's mom or mine? How could you give my man to her?!" "Don't be ridiculous!" Vivian slapped her hand away. "You are my daughter! I'm trying to use Eileen to protect your dirty secrets from getting out. Don't you get it? We're out of time! The wedding is in less than a week. The only way to fool whoever is blackmailing you is to have Eileen marry Chris. They'll think you gave up on him! Do you want Chris to find out about all this and take us all down?" "No way!" Katherine screamed, pulling at her hair, her eyes bloodshot, almost driven crazy by her unwillingness! She was so close to becoming Chris's wife. How could she let Eileen take everything away from her? "She doesn't deserve Chris! She should marry some filthy bum on the street! And besides, Chris isn't stupid. He'll notice the switch immediately!" Katherine roared. Vivian smirked. "That's not a problem. We'll drug Eileen and quietly switch her in. It'll be a private wedding, with no media and no guests watching closely. So, it won't be that difficult. Chris will be furious when he realizes, and you can play the victim. Tell him it was Eileen's scheme to replace you as the Kenney bride. Chris will handle her for us..." Vivian finally managed to calm Katherine down and produced a vial from the safe. "This will make her obedient and erase her memory for a while. She won't know what happened and can't even explain herself!" Seeing her mother's confidence, Katherine regained her composure. "Fine. Chris hates being manipulated by women. Once Eileen is out of the way, I'll continue as Mrs. Kenney." "Yes, just act innocent the whole time," Vivian instructed. "Now, get rid of all your flings and find out who sent the blackmail letter. Pay whatever it takes to eliminate them." "Got it." "And you should drink some of this too. Tell Chris Eileen drugged you to marry him." Katherine took the vial, frowning. "But Mom, why would Eileen drink it? I've been giving her a hard time. She'll be suspicious." "Have your father give it to her. She'll drink it then." A week later, the private wedding at Beverly Hills was set to take place. Eight hundred security personnel surrounded the estate early in the morning. Curious onlookers had heard of the upcoming wedding of the Kenny family's head, so they all came closer to take a look. However, they were kept at bay. For someone of Chris' status, this wedding should have been a global event, like a royal wedding. But Chris insisted on privacy, hiring top security to ensure it. Yet the Kenny family's elders weren't quite satisfied with his decision. Despite the tight security, Katherine had managed to bribe a couple of guards at the garage gate. Using the title of Chris' wife and offering enough money, she got them to turn a blind eye with a rather shabby excuse. A few hours before the wedding, the Jones family put their plan into action. Eileen's father, Mr. Jonathan Jones, feigned illness, demanding to see Eileen. Not wanting to reveal her address or Ryan's existence, Eileen reluctantly returned to the Jones Estate. Jonathan sounded so weak on the phone, panting like he was on his deathbed. Katherine and Vivian were nowhere to be seen, which didn't strike Eileen as odd, considering it was Katherine's wedding day. As the wedding planner, she also needed to go to the venue later. She was in a hurry to check on Jonathan's condition and leave, so she took the drink he offered without suspicion. After that, the drugged drink made her pass out within minutes. Katherine instantly came out from another room, smeared Eileen's face with all kinds of paints, dressed her in a wedding gown, and loaded her into a car. The bribed security guards at the wedding venue recognized the license plate and let the car through without questions. Upon arrival at the estate, the staff noted that the unconscious bride seemed ill and reported to Chris. However, Chris didn't check on Katherine because this wedding was merely a promise kept. She wanted to be his wife, and he made it happen. As for Katherine's bad luck of falling ill on their wedding day, it was not his concern. He had no intention of rescheduling because his time was too precious to waste on this meaningless event. Almost instantly, Chris made a decision. He announced to the guests that the bride was unwell and wouldn't appear, so he would go through the ceremony himself. No one minded since they were there for Chris, not for the bride. At 10 PM, the guests finally left. Under the dazzling chandelier, Chris sat alone, elegantly sipping whiskey. He had drunk quite a bit, his face slightly flushed. Coupled with his muscular figure, he seemed even more attractive. However, as the groom, he had no interest in satisfying his wife tonight. Their marriage was merely fulfilling an obligation. Katherine had saved his life by sleeping with him and had stayed by his side for four years, so it was only right to give her a title. "Mr. Kenny!" Chris' assistant, Owen, hurried over. He warily glanced around and whispered next to his ear, "Sir, Katherine called." "She's awake?" Chris downed his drink and slightly closed his eyes, looking somewhat forlorn. "It's been four years. Do I have to do my duty tonight? Get me something to help, or I won't manage." Owen hesitated. "Sir, you don't need to tonight. The bride was swapped."
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