Chapter nine

1999 Words
Nattie's PoV Nattie stood in the alley she was attacked in, the cloaked girl leaning against brick wall. "What am I doing here?" Nattie demanded, the girl shrugged then walked towards Nattie. "Who are you?" She asked, but got no reply. "You know her Natalya, just as she knows you." A voice told her, and she turned seeing two woman, one was short  with brown hair, and eyes like the moon, donning a mischievous smirk, and her companion was a tall, and pale with black hair and eyes with a serious expression. "Just like you know who she is dispite the lack of physical identity." The brown haired woman said, she then pointed to the hooded girl "You. I have a special interest in you." "Lady Artemis." The girl said with a bow, her voice letting out a nonthreatining growl. "Look at that Nyxy she knows me." Artemis said elbowing Nyx. "Shh my love we still need to address important matters." Nyx said sparing Artemis an affectionate smile. "Your right." Artemis said, she looked at the hooded girl "Kneel wolf." The girl did as she was told. Weird Nattie thought "I choose you as my champion." She pulled back the hood, revealing Nina. Nattie gasped, and Nina lowered her head. The Goddess ignored it and continued "You and your beta will stop the Vampires from attacking your town. In return I'm blessing you with all my abilities the moon will not affect you like other wolves, your hunting skills will be impeccable, and you must stay away from the company of men." "My lady that last one won't be a problem." Nina said winking at Nattie, who still couldn't comprend all of this. "Good. You remind me much of myself, that's a good thing, don't let that spark extinguish."  Artemis said, and Nyx turned to  Nattie "You are to be the Luna. You will know more of your abilities when your mate decides to complete the process." "Wait what?" Nattie questioned, but agin she was ignored. "Now we need to bind you two together till Wolfie decides to grow a pair and bite you blondie." Artemis said grinning at the two girls. "I still have no clue whats going on." Nattie mused. "Sweetie you won't truely know whats going on for a while." Nyx assured her, while she took Artemis hand in hers saying "ενώνουν" In unison. Nattie felt her arm burning and she saw a full moon mark forming on the inside of her wrist with a crescent moon on the left and right side, both looked like bows. "What is this?" Nina asked  wrinkling her forehead, and quirking her eyebrow. "You are both under our protection." Nyx told the girls. Nattie woke up with a start,looking around, waking Kelly who was cuddling with Nattie. "You ok Nats?" Kelly asks Nattie. " its just that I had a weird dream." She answered honestly. "Wanna talk about it?" Kelly questions Nattie concerned. "Nah, it wasn't bad just weird. Thanks anyway." "Are you sure?" "Positive. Now I'm going back to sleep, its..." She trailed off looking at her phone. "1:29 A.M. Errgghh so early." Kelly laughed at Nattle, patting her head. "Get you beauty rest my Lesbro." "Where the Hell did you get that?" Nattie asked laughing. "I overheard Camilla calling Nina that once." Kelly replied. "Yeah let's not use that pet name." Nattie said, as she stared at the ceiling. Starks PoV Stark woke up around four in the morning, ready to go for a run. He got ready and headed down to the kitchen. He turned on the light jumping when he saw Nina sitting at the table looking like she was both irritated and in pain. "Dude um...are you ok you look like someone keeps stabbing you with a fork, and forcing you to watch Keeping up with the Kardashians." Stark commented unsure how to approach her. Nina let out a laugh, and shook her head. "I'm ok man just thinking." "Or..or just bare with me overthinking i noticed you do that alot. It's understandable you were thrown in the middle of a world you had no clue about because your Mom hid this world to ensure you had a normal life but now you're a Werewolf, but not just any kind of Werewolf an Alpha, but you have been a moody mess... More so then usual, since last night. Why?" Stark asked genuinely trying to figure his Alpha out. "I'm fine ok." She snapped snapped and Stark frowned, his feelings hurt. "Really tell your voice that. And your face." Stark tried joking but that earned him a growl, and a death glare. This girl is scary, like serial killer scary. Stark thought "I'm leaving, otherwise I will end up ripping your throat out with my teeth." Nina grumbled, standing up. "Neens sit your ass down. Now." Stark told her unfazed by her tactics. She sighed dramatically rolling her amber eyes "Finee." She plopped down, crossing her arms over her chest, looking at Stark with defiance. "Now tell me what happened last night." Stark said rubbing his temples in aggravation. "There is nothing to tell" she said gravelly. "Must we do this run around game of you denying and me trying to get you to talk?" He asked her exasperated. "No." She said smirking darkly. "God, you are the single most infuriating person I've ever met." He said raising his voice. She met his eyes still wearing that annoyingly smug expression. "Thank you." She replied. "Grrrrrghh. Please stop being stubborn for one second, and just talk to me, stop being so damn closed off." Stark closed him mouth gouging her expression which remained amused. "Fine. Last night I followed Nattie." She began, Stark cut her off "I know you told me to watch your sister-" He stopped talking when he saw Nina glaring at him. "Continue." He said gulping. "Anyway I followed Nattie to the book store and kept in the shadows, it is kind of weird i know. But i saw these two guys I hate both of them, anyway they dragged Nattie into an alley, one of them wanted to get back at me so apparently they were going to rape her, I couldn't let that happen so I let my wolf take control, and beat one of them up. The other one ran off like a b***h. I helped her out but when i touched her, it was indescribable. Like her touch made nothing and No one else in the world mattered, except for her. Like all i wanted was for her to be safe, i wanted to be her protecter...and-and in my arms. I never wanted to let her go and then my wolf said 'mate' and everthing made sense to me." She said, not taking a breath, saying all of this happier then Stark has ever seen. "I knew it! Tamina owes me twenty dollars." Stark said pumping his fist. "Why is every one betting on my love life." Nina mused. "No it's just Tamina thinks your hot. So I told her she'd never have a chance with you, she disagreed so we made a bet, and i won." Stark said trying to explain. "Wait! Why would she think she would have a chance with me? Did you explain I have a girlfriend who I love?" She asked not realizing what she just said. "Yes, and it's sweet that you would say that you love Nattie." Stark said, smiling maniacally "Wait what?" Nina questioned her eyebrow raised. "You said 'Did explain I have a girlfriend that I love.'" Stark said helpfully. "I love her. I actually love her, and I can't live without her." Nina said but Stark had a feeling she was talking to herself, more than him. "That's great but before you write a love song Taylor-not-so Swift, you have almost three months before you can go crawling back to her. And Neens you can't keep following around like a serial killer rapist, I mean the first full moon is in two weeks and no matter how much self control you have you're going to want to kill andor screw someone." Stark said, making the Soon to be Alpha gawk at her. "Um...why?" Nina asked him. "Are you a virgin?" He asked her, and Nina's face turned a deep shade of red. "If you want to sleep with me all you have to do is ask, I will brutally reject you, its still asking nonetheless, but it's direct." She said and Stark could see how uncomfortable she was. "I know it's every guys dream to sleep with a lesbian, but I'm waiting for my mate. I asked due to the fact that Someone who isn't a virgin is prone to being more...hormonal their first full moon...but I'm starting to see that you are a virgin by your scent, its pure." Stark said matter of fact. "Jeez thanks." Nina replied sarcastically. "Have you ever thought about sleeping with my sister?" He asked hell bent on screwing with her. Nina sputtered at that her face redder than before. "Yes...I mean no...I mean maybe when the time is right." Stark laughed her then "Dude I'm kidding. What did you do with that guy by the way?" "I think I might of killed him." Nina said her face blank. Stark gave a panicked laugh. "You are joking right? Screwing with me for asking that? Please tell me that it isn't true." When Nina said nothing refusing to look at him, he groaned in frustration. "Explain." He demanded. Nina took a deep breath and said "When I left I took him with me, ever instinct in my body screaming at me to destroy him for trying to hurt whats mine. I dragged him to quarry beating continuously, then he got up a swung at me, so I kicked his knee, and punched him, he fell in. I came to my senses and returned back to you. Then last night i had this really weird dream. I think Artemis and Nxy appeared, along with Nattie. Then I wake up with a mark i should have gotten only in my dream." Nina lifted the sleeve of her sweater, revealing a fullmoon with two crescent on each side, the crescent moons looked like bows. "No, that's not...NO!" Stark said panicking again. "Why do I feel like me having a really cool dream tattoo is a bad omen?" Nina asked sounding sarcastic, as usual. "This is something I can't tell you without help. Maybe you should talk to your Grandpa about this...with the help of your mom, too." Stark said avoiding the fuming glare on Nina's face, he could practically feel her anger. "Maybe a bottle of Xanax, and ecstasy to top it off, afterwords, and is anything ever simple with you people. Oh I'm having dreams about Goddesses. Witchcraft! I'm sexually frustrated. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. I have the insistent urge to rip your throat out. ITS f*****g THURSDAY!" She replied loudly. Stark unsure how to approach this carefully said "Neens need some Midol or Snickers, or both?" Apparently that was the srong thing to say cause she began lecturing Stark. "Why it Everytime a woman is angry or moody it is because of periods? Can't I just be a raging b***h all by myself?" Nina raved as she walked around making hand motions that Stark took as her wanting to strangle him. "Sorry I'm going to go back to my room regretfully confused and ready to curl up in my bed and die." Stark said conflicted, backing of the kitchen slowly as Nina watched him with predatoral eyes and a self-satisfied smirk. I regret getting up all it did was confuse the f**k out of me, and give me a headache. And how the Hell can she put up with girls, they are difficult as f**k. He mentally argued as he went back to bed.
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