Chapter Eight

1176 Words
Nina's PoV Stark and Nina stood outside of Natties bed room window, watching Nattie and Kelly, it was Seven'so'clock,but it was dark outside. Kelly was on Natties laptop while Nattie watched True Blood on her tv. "You realize this is a form of stocking right?" Stark asked Nina. "No, this is a form of watc... Yep I'm stocking my sister, and Girlfriend." Nina said watching Nattie closely, while Stark picked at his nails. "Kelly grew up to be hot." Stark told Nina who looked at him like he is crazy. "As did your sister." Nina countered. "How about we stop this conversation?" Stark asked. "Fine with me...Listen." "...Going to the bookstore...won't be long." Nina heard Nattie say to Kelly. "Be careful." Kelly told her. "Always am." She replied. "I will follow Nattie, you watch  Kelly." Nina said, Stark nodded showing his approval of the plan. Nina remained hidden, and waited for Nattie to walk out the door. Once she did Nina followed her as she walked to the local bookstoreCoffee shop, and yes Nina could admit freely that she was checking out the blonde girl. She walked inside the bookstore, and Nina kept a safe distance watching her, she wanted to be at Nattie's side not watching her like some kind of creep, but Nina knew she would have to settle for watching her from a far. A black and yellow Mustang pulled up. Tom and Ben exited it, entering the book store and Nina frowned. Why would those imbecilic apes be at a bookstore when the only thing they probalay read is the adults only warning on there favorite website. I should watch them. Nina thought confounded. Nattie's PoV Kelly decided that she wanted to hang out, so Nattie being the good friend agreed, and sometime through she felt like she was being watch, but was not concerned. "Hey Kells you mind if run to the bookstore?" "Nah go ahead, I'm checking out that web series you and my sister go on about Carmilla. I have to admit it is good." "Yeah, well I will be back in half an hour at most. If you rumage through the fridge don't eat the Ice Cream thats for my pity parties." "'My girlfriend is missing so I'm going to eat ice cream, watch Buffy,and cry.'" Kelly said, and Nattie ignored the comment, walking out of her house. She felt like she was being watched again, so she sped up looking around. Once she reached the cozy looking bookstore and coffee shop, she sighed in relief, the tingly feeling in the back of her neck made the relief short lived. She browsed throught the Horror section, until she reached Twilight thinking Wrong section. When she caught the book she wanted she Whispered "Eureka!" The bell dinged from the front of the store and Natties instincts told her to run. She partly did that she speed walked to the cash register smiling meekly at the elderly woman manning the register. "Good evening dearie will that be all?" The woman 'Gladis' as her tag read asked brightly. "Yes, ma'am."Nattie replied polite, her father and mother were rasied in Georgia, and their parent drilled the southern hospitality spield into them, then Nattie. "$9.79 is your total, and tell your Father I am waiting for his next book, there's a rumor going around that your Daddy and the Fairfield child were suppose to collaborate on a new book. Before the poor girl was taken." The woman said and Nattie took out a ten dollar bill, handing over to the woman wanting to get out as fast as possible. Once the woman gave her the change and book, she booked it, reaching the front of the store, bumping into Tom and Ben. Her only thought was I'm f****d. "Natalya Whittmore we've been looking for you." Tom said ominously, she tried running past them, only to be held back. "What do you want?" Nattie said trying, but failing to sound impassive. "Me...I want revenge on Baby Fairfield, the b***h is gone so you'll have to do, but Benny here wants you." Tom said malicious, both boys gave sickening evil grins, as they dragged her away. "I'll scream." Nattie warned, as she struggled. "No one will come to help." Tom said, dragging her into the alley. "Now, I wouldn't say no lets make this simple why don't you lackwitted apes leave her alone, before i get angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." A deep feminine voice rang out. They all looked and saw a cloaked girl. Tom scoffed and Ben looked nervous, Nattie felt relieved, but terrified for the girl. "Really run along little girl, you wouldn't want to get hurt." Tom said, and the girl let out a growl. "You're arrogant, so lets settle this like woman, cause you are a bitch." It was inappropriate, but Nattie let out a giggle at the girls wit. "Ben hold this b***h, while i deal with that one." Tom said, lunging at the girl, she simply stepped away kicking at the back of his knee. He staggered, and Nattie's savior punched him in the throat, he choked holding his throat. The girl turned to Ben who let Nattie go, and ran off. She walked up to Nattie with the grace of a tiger, holding out a tan hand. Nattie looked past the hood seeing glowing green eyes. Nattie took the girls hand feeling an electric current through her body, she gasped, The girl growled and Nattie thought she heard the word 'mate'. "Go home Nattie, you're safe now. I won't let no one bring harm to you or yours." Nattie despite better judgement felt safe knowing the girl would protect her. "But him an-" She was cut off by the girl saying "I will take care of them, go back to Kelly and pretend none of this happened." "Wait! Who are you?" Nattie asked. "A friend. Now go." Nattie turned to leave but the girl said "Wait you forgot your book. Jane Austen is brillant" She handed Pride and Prejudice to Nattie. How turned back to go home, but looked back saying "Thank yo-" Stopping when she saw both Tom and The girl gone. Thinking it was coincidental she shrugged walking back home with a warm feeling in her stomach, and a ton of questions such as How did she know my name? Why the hell do i get the same feelings i get when i touch Nina when i touch her. And many other but those two stood out the most. When Nina got back she caught Kelly in her fridge eating cookie dough. "Kelly!" She ran to Kelly tackling her into a hug. "What's wrong did you get mugged?" Kelly asked looking over Nattie. Nattie explained everything, while Nattie stared at her nodding. "So nothing happened, count it as a win, that some random girl wants to protect you that's not a bad thing. But you need some rest." Nattie nodded in agreement and they both went to Natties room falling asleep.
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