Chapter ten

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Two Weeks Later Third Person PoV Stark sat at the kitchen table with Martin Nina's grandpa, eating pizza rolls. "So how is Juanita fairing with combat training?" Martin asked the boy, who looked pained. "Honestly she is kicking my ass, and my pride is dwindling." Stark replied subconsciously rubbing his shoulder. Martin smiled at the teenage boy in sympathy. "Well Stark, go get her so we can prepare for the full moon. If she complains tell her there is only so much brooding one person can do, before they are considered a recluse. My God sometimes I think she would make a better vampire, than werewolf." Stark gave Tony (His pet platypus) the rest of his pizza rolls, and slowly walked to Nina's  room in the attic. When he reached the stairs, he saw that there was no light period, he got a ominous feeling, as he reached Nina's room. Stark turned on the lights, and jumped Nina sat on a desk chair clawing into it with her nails, her gold eyes glowing green, her Superman haircut in her face(She decided to get a haircut a week ago) her eyebrows furrowed the pieces of metal  standing out against her pale skin(She also decided to get four eyebrow piercings on each eyebrow around the same time.. "Neens you ok." He asked her, she low a growl which could of passed as a roar. "So no." She let out a whimper and Stark move to her side. "I thought th-this was only suppose to hurt the first time." Nina said hating herself for being weak, but she couldn't help herself, she felt like there was someone else in her body, doing the opposite of what she was doing tugging and pushing against her. "It was, dammit Nina if you were in pain you should said something. This isn't like you spraining your ankle you can't  just shake it off." Stark yelled at her, not in anger though, more along the lines of fear, he just got his best friend back and no matter how much of a pain in the ass she is, Nina's still his bro. He lifted her up bridal style dispute her protest and trust him there was alot in both Spanish and English, both appropriate  and inappropriate, and some anatomicaly impossible. Nina who often referred herself as a 'strong independent mixed woman who doesn't need no man' strongly believed that Stark dispite him being her best friend was going to end up in a body bag if he kept stressing about Her. But she had to admit, if he didn't worry she would probably  have a gaping wound on her, pretending she was fine. Stark set Nina on the couch in the living room, and ran off to get Martin. He found Martin reading a newspaper, and blurted out "Nina's hurt, I think." That's all he had to say for the old man to dart from his seat to find  his granddaughter sweating, and violently shaking. "Are you ok." He examined her, his eyes landing on the mark on her arm. "Do you perhaps have a mark given to you by the Goddesses?" Martin asked Nina. "Yeah. Please tell me what's going on." Nina pleaded with them, she was having trouble keeping in the gasps, groans,and moans of pain, and if Nina was being g honest with herself she wanted to go to her room and cry, she'd  never say that out loud though. "I don't know what's going on it could be your body overreacting to the effects of the full moon,  or  it could be something else entirely. We need to talk to your mother, she's a doctor." Her grandpa said, and she groaned. Martin took no notice, and picked up the landline dialing his daughters number. "Holà Padrè." "You need to get here now your daughter needs you." He said urgently into the phone. "I will be there in ten minutes, five if I say f**k traffic laws." She replied, and Martin went back to his granddaughter's side. "Alpha what's wrong with her?" Stark asked him. "I may have an idea but I need my daughter to verify my theory." Martin said, and five minutes later Esperanza busted into the house. "Where is my daughter?" She demands and Stark is reminded of where Nina gets her terrifying nature from. Stark points  to the general area she was in. The worried mother, raced to her daughters side. Esperanza assessed Nina and looked at her father frowning. "She needs her mate. Her wolf is new but it reconizes the need for her mate. So her wolf is depressed which is having a dour effect on her body." "Nattie." Nina managed to say, they all looked at her, then each other in realization. "I will call Kelly and have her bring Nattie." Esperanza said, pulling out her cell phone, calling her oldest daughter.   Kelly sat in her fourth hour Chemistry class, when her phone rang belting out Before He Cheats by Carrier Underwood. The substitute teacher glared at Kelly over the James Patterson book she was reading. She grabbed her stuff, and left the room, answering her phone. "Hey Mom you kind of interpret my Chem class-" "Bring Natalya to your grandfather's house, now. Not in an hour or fourty-five minutes now, your sister needs her." Kelly would have argued but her mother's tone suggested an argument would not have been appreciated. "Ok. Bye." She hung up and ran to her locker throwing her stuff in there, then she ran to the other side of the building, busting into Natties AP Biology class. She looked up at Kelly, as did her entire class. She pointed to Nattie  "I need her. It is an emergency." "Miss.Fairfield Lucifer himself could take control of the principals body, and demand Miss.Whittmore as a human  sacrifice and I would still say I don't care." Mr.Burt said in his monotonous voice. "They need her in the office." Kelly rephrased, not caring she was lying to that ass hole of a teacher. "Go Miss.Whittmore, bring your things as well." Nattie did as told meeting up Kelly at the door. "What's going on?" She questioned Kelly. "It's hard to explain, so please wait till we get to my car, then I will explain on the way. But be quite for a minute." They snuck out the back entrance to Kellys white Impala, getting in. "Now explain why you pulled me out of class without an explanation." Nattie commanded Kelly, who rolled her eyes at the blonde barking orders. "When I tell you this remember  this is something you shouldn't know...Two months ago Nina started showing signs of lycanthropy, so we decide it would be a good thing go stage a kidnapping do she could disappear for a while to control her wolf." "Your freaking crazy." Nattie yelled at her. "Nattie werewolves exist and my Mom, Nina, and I are werewolves." "No I mean you're fricking crazy  for not telling me that to begin with. You can't begin to imagine the senerios that ran through my head these last few months...did-did she know about this?" Nattie exploded in anger. "No, if she did she never would have agreed to it." Kelly replied kind of sad considering she broke her best friends trust. Nattie didn't say anything. "I am sorry, but I was following orders." She paused and said "Um...I have no clue how to say this but your Brother Stark will be there too. But here's some info to cushion that blow: That night you were attacked it was Nina who saved you. She shouldn't have been there but I'm glad she was." "Wait if she was following me why didn't she say anything to me?" "It's a pack rule, you can't be around anyone but pack for three full moons, they don't  want anyone getting hurt." "Tonight is the full moon." "I know that's why we need to hurry." Kelly said stepping on the gas. They reached the farmhouse, and Kelly turned the car off, both girls busting into the living room. "Here they are." Kelly hears her mom say, as she looked around. She saw her Grandpa sitting on a recliner a worried frown on hos face , Her mother kneeling by Nina her mother bear mode on, Stark in the corner a scowl on his face, and Nina layed down on the couch her face sweaty and pale. Nattie despite Kellys protest ran to Ninas side, she was stopped by Nina and Kellys Mom, who sighed and nodded her forward, stepping away. Nattie approached Nina, looking her in the eyes. Nina gave her a faint smile and said "Hey-Oww." She protested when Nattie slapped her, across her face. She didn't get to mual it over cause Nattie kissed her, making Nina even more confused. Everyone else was confused as well, by her actions. "You are a b***h sometimes, Fairfield." Nattie said when she pulled away, Nina chuckled her skin flushed,but back to it's original color. Tony came bounding in jumping on Nina's chest warbling kind of like Perry from Phineas and Ferb "So you guys are werewolves. Can anyone tell me what's going on...or how it's going on?" Nattie asked them trying to remain calm but everyone could tell she was close to freaking out. "Yeah we...I will explain since it's my responsibility to prepare you for your future duties." Nina finally said after exchanging looks will everyone, cuddling Tony. "Um what duties?" Nattie asked, Catching Nina and her Grandpa trading looks she couldn't decipher. "Your duties as a Luna, and my mate." Nina said, setting Nattie down on the couch, as she had her mouth open, her blue eyes widen in shock.
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