Chapter Seven

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Kellys PoV Three days later   Kelly looked at Natties blank look, and patted Natties shoulder. "What do you mean by 'She ran off, and now she's missing?'" Nattie asked Kelly in a strained voice. Kelly should go back ten minutes and explain: Kelly came in Natties room and saw Nattie reading a book. When she saw Kelly she set the book down, and said "My father is a brillant author, I've been curious so i read a few of his books. Oh speaking of author and books do you know why Nina hasn't returned any of my calls or texts?" "Heh yeah about that my sister kind of took off, the cops found her car, both her cellphone, and wallet was in there. Plus her tires were slashed." Kelly explained as gently as possible. "So what you saying is your sister. My girlfriend has been kidnapped." Nattie didn't phrase it as question but Kelly answered it as if it was. "Yes, and I'll explain everything." Kelly said, and she did. That brings you up to speed. "I already explained, your just in denial." "Did you call the cops...Nevermind the cops found her car." "Nattie I'm sure she's fine this is Nina my stubborn sister, and your loving Girlfriend. She's bound to come home eventually, she has the strength and intelligence to escape." Kelly told her, hugging her tightly. "You don't sound too worried about her." Nattie commented and Kelly thought Well if you knew just how much I know about her 'kidnapping' you would 'murder' me. Kelly settled by saying "I'm worried about her, she ran off because she thought she hurt me. She lost her temper, the last time she lost her temper like that she became closed off, and angry. You remember last year how she was snappy and impatient." "She told Ben if he ever came near me she would stab him with a rusty butterknife." Nattie told Kelly couldn't help but laugh at that. Nattie gave her a disapproving frown, and Kelly said "I'm sorry but that sounds so painful considering it would tear the skin not actually do any stabbing. It would also insinuate that she finally snapped." "How do you know this?" Nattie asked. "Sometimes Nina and I talk about how we would murder someone." Kelly said dismissively. "Have you murdered someone?" "No but i was told cotton candy is an excellent murder weapon, just stuff large quantities down the persons throat. It will disolve and voliá no trace of a murder weapon." Kelly told her. "Well then." Nattie said. "Well then, indeed." Kelly agreed with Nattie. Nina's PoV (Dream or apifany) One day later Nina was kneeling on the woodsy terrian, looking confused. "Hello." She called out. "Is anyone there?" A rustling through the woods, starled Nina. "If your a serial killer i offer free hugs." Nina said with a nervous chuckle. A black wolf came barreling out tackling Nina then began licking her face. "Hey there, your a nice wolf aren't." the wolf barked in response. "So why is a wolf in what ever this is." "Because, I'm you in wolf form." A voice said and Nina looked around. "Who said that?" "The only living thing here besides yourself." Nina looked at the wolf, and it gave the Dog equivalence of a nod. "What do you want me to do?" Nina asked. "You must admit what you have always known and it is that you've always known you are a Werewolf, and that your mother and sister are too. You have to accept it, and us as one. I've always been here guiding you but now it's time for us to led it's in our blood." "What if I choose not to accept you or this life?" Nina asked "You will always feel like a piece of you is missing, Its an important piece." "I accept you." Nina said, and the wolf her, bowed her head. "I must bite you now." "Ok" Nina said, and held out her right arm, the wolf bit her arm, and Nina grunted in pain. "There it is done. Everything will be explained later, and when you wake, try to shift as soon as possible, the longer you delay the more pain you be in when you do. Also we must protect the blonde girl, I'm very attached to her." "Me too, and will do." Nina assured the wolf. She nodded then began to fade, as reality kicked in... Nina woke up gasping, looking around when her eyes landed on a guy her age with blonde hair and blue eyes, who was the guy that knocked her out. She gave an animalistic growl, thinking Wow that's cool... focus Nina. "Woah Neens, it's me Stark." The guy said trying to calm Nina down. She growled again. "Stark has been missing for four years, who are you really?" "I'm Stark." He insisted, and Nina growled at him, her rage rising, till she lost control, and her body began to burn, her bones cracking, and breaking, shifting into the body of a wolf. She stalked toward him growling and snapping her jaws at him. "Wait Nina, let me explain. Shift back and I will explain everything." He said, and Nina snorted, and bared her canines at him. "Right this is your first shift, so think about you as a human and take some calming breaths." He explained, turing around. Nina c****d her head to the side wondering why he turned around. Chalking it up to weirdness, she did as instructed, understanding why the guy turned around when she was back to her human form naked, hateing him a little less for that show of respect. "So...clothes?" Nina asked. "In the dresser I got all the essentials a growing teenage girl such as yourself would need." He replied without turning around. Nina looked through the top drawer lifting up a black lacey bra in her exact size, and a matching thong. Nina scrutinised the offensive garment, and said "This is one secret Victoria should have kept a secret." With distaste. "What?" "This is something my sister or her best friend would wear, just give me some boxer shorts, and I'm good. Not to sound ungrateful or anything." Nina said awkwardly. "Oh, just put it on." the Guy said obviously annoyed. "It sounds like-" Nina began but the Blonde guy said "Don't finish that." "Fineee Mr.Grumpy." Nina said putting the obscene piece of undergarment on, along with a bra, then found some black and blue basketball shorts and a black muscle shirt putting those on. "Alright I'm decent." Nina said, as she finished pulling her shirt down the guy turned around saying "You work out." "Yeah, so?" Nina demanded. "Nothing just suprised is all. No woman could achieve a six pack like that without working out." "Moving on as to who the hell you are? Please tell me you're not some kind of serial killer rapist." "No. I'm Stark for the third time." He said his voice sounding exasperated. "Prove it." Nina said stubbornly, crossing her arms. "Remember our secret handshake?" He asked, and Nina nod, hope blossoming that this was her best friend. He began, and Nina smiled knowing that he was her best friend. "What happen? Where are we?" Nina asked him. "I'll let your Grandpa explain." Stark said whistling, and Nina's Grandfather, a tall, frail looking Cuban man, came in and Nina hugged him. "Abuelo!" "Juanita, I trust that Stark has filled you in?" Martian Fairfield asked Stark. "She has been difficult, Alpha." Stark said looking around the room. "She is my Granddaughter after all." He replied smiling at Nina. "So can you explain why I'm here?" "Nina your apart of my bloodline, so that means that since you carry the strongest genes between you and Kelly, meaning you will be the next Alpha. So I'm going to give you a crash course on Lycanthropy." "Yaaay!" Nina said not sound very enthusiastic about it.
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