Chapter Four

3249 Words
Ninas PoV Nina layed in a field under the stars, Nattie in her arms.
"You're amazing you know that." Nina whispered, stroking the girls blonde hair.
"I could say the same." Nattie said cuddling deeper into Ninas chest.
"Shhh my love, just let me hold the perfection in my arms." Nina said, Nattie thumped her forehead, giggling.
The clouds overhead the moved away from the moon showing it was full. When the moonlight hit Nina she convulsed, a growl tearing through her throat startling the blonde.
Realization hit Nina so she moved away from Nattie she yelled in a demonic voice "Run." 
"Why." She asked fearfully.
"Run Natalya. Just f*****g run. I don't want to hurt you." Nina yelled her eyes glowing a bright jade, Nattie ran as Nina shifted into a huge black wolf, howling. Nina caught Nattie's scent, chasing after, Nattie screamed as Nina snapped her jaws at her...
Nina woke up gasping for air, sweating profusely. Kelly laying right next her sleeping soundly.
Nina looked at her alarm clock it read: 1:47am.
Might as well go for a run. Nina thought, she looked down at her sweatpants and t-shirt, and shrugged. It'll do she mentally said.
She slipped on some converse, then quietly exited her room minding her sleeping sister.
Nina padded quietly throught the house, walking to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water. Then walking out the door.
Nina started off slow, building speed until her lungs hurt. She turned around then heading back home.
Once she reached her house she slowly walked in, rushing to her room to get her a new pair of sweatpants and a tshirt, then hopped in the shower.
Nina went about her usual showering routine, Shave, Wash her hair, and body, then get out. Quickly getting ready, then throwing her dirty clithes in a hamper.
Nina went back in her room pulling her Nike Gym bag out of her closet then setting a pair of Black skinny jeans, a Black tank top and a leather motorcycle jacket. She spritzed her favorite cologne on: Polo Blue (Cause perfume irritated her nose.) before setting it in her bag. Then put on some Old Spice deorderant, putting it in too.

She looked on her bed and saw her sister was gone and her bed made, Nina smiled at that knowing her sister took her OCD into consideration. Then slipped on a pair of Army issued combat boots, then ran a brush through her untameably wavy hair, setting off to the kitchen.
Nina passed the bathroom as her sister was singing along to Blank Space by Taylor Swift who Nina dislike when she first start but now enjoyed as she becomes a psychopath.
"Your off key Kells." Nina called out jokingly.
"Shut up Misses 'I'm-a-wanna-be bad-ass-who's-secretly-a-teddy bear.'" She yelled at Nina who only chuckled.
"Yeah Kelly I'm secretly a teddy bear who wants to cuddle." Nina muttered to herself, as she entered the kitchen.
"Or maybe I'm just..." She said arguing with herself but unable to come up with a vaild answer.
"...Going crazy. Yup that's it. I'm going crazy." Nina said shaking her head, with a grin.
She then dismissed the state of her mental health looking at the time on the stove it read: 5:23am. Setting her gym bag on the kitchen table she pulled three protein bars out of a cabinet, and two water bottles out of the fridge putting them in her bag. She pulled her phone out turning it on, her lock screen appeared at picture of Kelly, Nattie, and herself, sitting on the bleachers, Nina hiding behind a book, as the girls poked her grinning. Camilla took the picture and sent it to her. Nina smiled, and played Somthin' Bad by Carrie Underwood and Miranda Lambert singing along, as she made sure her homework and such was in her bag.
"Drinks keep coming, throw my head back laughing
Wake up in the morning’ don’t know what happe-"
"Yá Nina i love me some Carrie and Mary but dang not at five in the morning." Kelly said walking in startling Nina.
"Well the song builds." Nina said as if that explained everything.
"You said that about Titanium." Kelly said seriously.
"No i quoted Chole Beale from Pitch Perfect." Nina explained.
"Ahh yes the sacried Lady Jam. Whats yours?" Kelly asked.
"My what?" Nina asked feinting confusion.
"Your girl time music." Kelly said getting aggravated.
"What?" Nina asked laughing, Kelly slapped her forehead playfully, and Nina said "Fine, it's Apocalyptic by Halestorm You know it goes somethin' like: '

Give me a red hand print right across my ass 

I'm leaving scratches up and down your back

Throw me against the wall, bite me on my nec-"

"Never heard it." She replied cutting Nina off. Probalay afraid she'd get more graphic.
"Geez Kell i wonder why. Oh i know its cause you listen to Hip hop and R&B, and country." Nina said sarcasticly.
"You obviously didn't get a good nights sleep. What's wrong, I woke up, and you were gone."
"I had a bad dream." Nina said embarrassed.
"What about?" Kelly asked her demoner showing nothing but concern.
"Basically I turned into a huge black Wolf and tried to kill Nattie." Nina said bluntly, making a broody face.
"Ohhh." Was all she said.
"Ohhh, is that you have to say about this?" Nina demanded.
"What can i say? 'Oh you turned into a werewolf, and tried to kill my best friend.'"
"Your right sorry." Nina concided
"Nina I'm just going to say this: you're losing your mind, and you need a good lay." Kelly replied unceremoniously, Nina gawked at her.
"You...I...Don't...what?" Nina was at loss for words.
"I didn't say anything." Kelly told her rolling her eyes.
Nina not in the mood to argue left it alone, instead she took her phone out, going on deciding on Avengers FanFiction. 
Five minutes later she felt someone pinch her cheeks. 
"Awww your cheeks are still pinchable." Nina slapped Kellys hand away glaring at her, while Kelly grinned at her.
"What!" Nina growled at her.
"Whatcha reading?" Kelly asked brightly.
"A story about Black WidowNatasha Romanoff and an OFC."Nina explained, and Kelly smiled blankly, bouncing on her feet. "And you have no clue what i am talking about."
"OFC means 'Original Female Character,' and if you don't know who Black Widow is then your hopeless." Nina said joking with her.
"What ever you say little sister. Ready to go?" 
"My car or yours." Nina asked.
"Yours, i do not feel like driving." 
"You never feel like driving I feel like your cauffer."Nina complained, grabbing her keys and bags.
"Well little sister you're rewarded by seeing the love of your life." Kelly retorted, Nina froze in place.
"Don't." Nina warned, walking out to her car, Kelly following behind silently. She unlocked her trunk throwing her bags in, then threw Kellys bag inside, she closed the trunk.
Nina got in the drivers side of her black Prius, starting it up she took off to school.
"I didn't mean it like that Nina." Kelly began, Nina remained silent watching the road with a glare painted on her face. Kelly continued "I just want you to be happy, not be the broody Avenging fallen Angel vibe you play."
Nina continued to remain silent.
"Come on Nina talk the cold shoulder is killing me." Kelly begged giving Nina the puppy dog eyes she couldn't resist.
"I'm happy, ok." Nina spit out annoyed.
"Need some midol?" Kelly asked unhelpfully, Nina tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "Pick Nattie up, Please. I told her we would." 
"Greeaat." Nina said drawing out the word to emphasise her degree of irritation and sarcasm.
"So your swinging by." Kelly asked and Nina had a feeling there was double meaning but let it go.
"Yeah,I guess i am." Nina sighed resigned.
They stopped at Nattie's house, and Nina honked the horn. Nattie came running out in some black skinny jeans, and a grey v-neck, with a jean jacket, and a pair of fashionable combat boots. Her blue eyes looked almost sapphire with the kolh eye make up, and she wore nude lipstick. Nina understandably sat there slackjawed probably drooling as well over the blonde in dark clothes.
"Neens i realize Nats looks hot, but girl you're going to make her spontaneously combust with the intensity." Kelly said laughing as Nattie got in, she looked at Nina's embaressed face and Kellys laughing one and asked "What did i miss?"
"Nothing." Nina said as Kelly said "Everything."
"Ugh you two let's go." Nattie replied.
A few minutes later she spoke again "So i had a really weird dream last night making me wake up around two'o'clock so I was so tired i three this on and did my make-up hoping for the best."
Nina smiled and said "If it makes any consolation you look very ravishing. You should stop wearing all the gunk on your face though it clogs the natural beauty, and trust me you have a lot of it." Nina heard a sharp intake of breath from the girls, but put in a In This Moment cd playing her favorite song Big Bad Wolf. So they couldn't say anything, Nina blasted her music with her awesome sound system.

She saw the other girls flinching from the corner of her eye when Maria Brink started screaming. She chuckled and drove alittle faster.
Kelly was making wild hand gestures, trying to yell over the music, as Nattie nodded along gingerly. Kelly turned the volume down making both girls complain.
"Kells why? I was getting into this." Nattie asked and Nina swore to the greater powers that she looked like a puppy right there. Kelly ignored her, and told Nina "You are corrupting my best friend. It is bad i guess, but I'm starting to realize how different, and the same both of you are." 
"So yeah, nice heart to heart but we are here...Hel- I mean school. Bye Kiddies." Nina joked parking in her usual parking spot, jumping out opening the doors for both girls.
Nina popped her trunk open and took out her bags, and Kelly's handing Kelly her bag, she slammed the trunk close, before taking off to the gym barely reaching the gymnasium hallway only to run into Kellys tool of a boyfriend and his gorilla friends.
"Greaaat. Can this day get any better " Nina asked with a groan.
"Well Fairfield since you asked so nicely maybe." Tom told her, smirking with a predatoral look in his eye. "We'll keep the comments to a minimum.

Kelly's PoV
"So i didn't think you owned any dark colors." Kelly said after her sister pretty much just ran.
"Well of course i do i kind of like dark colors." Nattie argued.
"So tell me about this dream you had since you were hesitant to say in front if my sister."
"Well it started off with Nina and I in a field looking at the stars as a couple. Then Nina starts growling, as the clouds clear and the full moon is in view. Then she yells at me screaming for me to run, as she turns into a Werewolf, trying to kill me." 
Kelly gasped, clapping her hands together. "Nina had the same dream...What do you think it means?"
"I do no-" Nattie started to say when Tanya ran up out of breath.
"Kelly your sister-" She wheezed.
"What did she trip over this time?" Kelly asked not that concerned.
"Nina and Tom are having a fist fight in the middle of the gyms hallway. Nina is pretty hurt." Kelly took off to find her, pushing people out of the way.
She found a crowd, and began pushing past them, they let her pass, and she let out a horrified gasp, in front of her her sister was on her back trying to get Tom to loosen his grip on her neck, her face was bloody, and there was a gash on her forehead, while Tom only had a broken jaw at worst.
Kelly rushed forward to stop then only to be held back by one of Tom's friends, Nattie also tried helping only to be held back by Ben another one of Tom's friends.
Tom picked Nina up by her throat slamming her face into a locker. She grunted in pain but remained silent. He growled in frustration, shouting "Hit me back b***h, or scream." Before slamming a fist into her side, dropping her, She coughed up blood trying to stand, and he kicked in the rib. She fell on her back, cradling her side. 
"Tom stop, your hurting her!" Kelly yelled tears streaming down her face.
"Yeah you f*****g coward, what did she do to you?" Nattie yelled her voice breaking, Kelly looked into Natties eyes and knew she cared for Nina as in more than friends.
"More like the dykes existance bothers me, she acts like she's straight, but we all know she's a raging lesbian, plus the fact that she is a sarcastic bitch." He stomped on Nina's Right hand she jerked up holding her hand to her chest, Kelly could she her sister was severely injured.
"So your saying you're a homophobe?" Someone asked.
"Yes, gays deserve to burn in Hell for their sin. Who's with me!?" No one agreed with him, and it probalay had something to do with them being open-minded, Nina getting attacked, considering many people liked Nina.
When no one replied he kicked her in the stomach.
Nattie broke free and tackled him to the floor, then punched him. 
Nina got up, and she looked like she was in a lot of pain, she touched Natties shoulder, and Nattie spun around, and Nina caught her fist, crying out in pain.
"Nina, are you ok?" Natties asked not seeing Tom stand up ready to launch a punch, Nina pushed Nattie behind her, then superman punched him in the jaw, he fell to the floor unconscious. Nina stumbled falling to her knees. The guy that was holding Kelly let her go as she rushed to her sisters side lifting her onto her shoulder.
"Come on Nats help me." Nattie helped her with the other side, and they dragged her to the girls lockerroom setting her on one of the benches, Kelly examined her, seeing that Nina was close to passing out.
"Your an i***t for not fighting back."
"He's an asshole who was talking crap about our family. I did hit him once, if i would have hit him the second time i would have black out and put him in the hospital and i don't want to drive down that street so I let him kick my ass." Nina said coughing, and Kelly flared in anger.
"I've got to do something. Nattie clean her up." Kelly demanded, and Nattie nodded.
Kelly walked out, looking for Tom, who was sitting on the floor, his friends fussing over him. When he saw Kelly he smirked.
"Hey honey come to thank me for kick your little sisters ass?" Kelly decked him in the nose then slapped him.
"I'm breaking up with you so die in a hole you ignoramus." Then walked back to the locker room, gasping when she walked in.

Nattie's PoV
When Kelly left nattie instantly knew where she was going and smiled, she really hated Tom and it wasn't because he beat the hell out of Nina, he was a homophobic womanizer, and he was just an asshole.
"So...take off your clothes." Nattie told Nina, who looked at her as if she grew two heads.
"Shouldn't we at least wait till the second date?" Nina asked Nattie grinning.
"Shhhh, your covered in blood, and you really need to shower. I'll help you."
"In the shower?" Nina asked, Nattie was amused with her tactics.
"No I mean just... You have an extra pair of clothes on you right." Nina nodded "Well I'll help clean you up then you into those clothes and you wait till you get home to shower, we need to get you checked out." Nattie said sounding calmer then she actually felt.
"Ok, where's my bags?" Nina asked sounding tired.
"Right there. Here I'm going to grab a towel and clean you up, then we'll get you to the ER." Nattie got up and grabbed a white towel from the Sports team side of the locker room running it under the sink, wringing it out, then walking back to Nina who was falling asleep.
"Nina you need to stay awake." She whispered shaking the younger girl awake, Nina jerked up wincing. Nattie began wiping Ninas face looking in her eyes the entire time.
"You are an i***t for protecting me." Nina commented.
"He was hurting you. You honestly didn't expect me to stand by and let you get beat up did you?" Nattie asked angrily, swiping the tears gathering in her eyes away.
"He will go after you Nats." Nina argued, putting a hand over the hand Nattie was using to clean her face.
"That just means I'm going to be around you more." Nattie said trying to flirt with her.
"And why would you want to do that?" Nina asked a cocky half smile on her face as she moves herself closer to Nattie.
"Hmm, that's a tough one...but i guess it is due to the fact everything about you captivates me, especially your passion." Nattie whispers seductively pleased when Nina shivers slightly.
"Oh Natayla you have no idea what you do to me, or what you make me feel." Nina replies placing her good hand under Natties chin, leaning into Nattie, who eagerly met her lips with her own.
Nattie didn't feel butterflies or any other insects, but she felt an electric current and she knew what home was, as cliché as that sounds.
Nina broke the kiss and smiled reopening the wound on her lip.
Nattie felt herself beaming at the girl in front of her.
"Best first kiss." She said breathlessly. Nattie pleased with herself engaged the the next liplock, getting lost in Nina ever so often forgetting the other girl was injured, Nattie remembered Kelly should be back soon but couldn't stop and the other girl thought so to apparently.
If Kelly walks in she'll only see what she wanted to happen.
Speak of the devil they heard a suprised gasp but continued on like they didn't hear anything.
"Really this is what it took for That to happen." Kelly said, they broke apart ignoring Kelly. 
"You don't know how long I've waited to do that." Natties said.
"Nats you have a little blood...on your lips." Nina said pointing to the spot. Nattie licked off the blood shrugging.
"So the hospital...we should probalay go and get you checked out." Kelly said awkwardly.
"Yeah we probably should." Nina said.
Kelly grabbed Ninas bag.
"Can you walk?" Nattie asked her, Nina stood up stumbling like a baby deer but Nattie caught her. Nina flinched and Nattie was hurt, Nina seeing this said "Sorry I'm not use to being vulnerable." Nattie nodded understanding, Nina managed to walk, they walked through the hallways class has started so they didn't see many people in the halls.
They reached Nina's car, and Nattie helped her into the passenger seat. Then got in the back as Kelly started the car with Ninas key.
Kelly sped off and said nonchalantly "It's about time the s****l tension was getting uncomfortable.
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