Chapter Three

1585 Words
Ninas PoV “So your telling me you guys almost kissed and you ran out like a bat from Hell...instead of, i don't know. Talking about it?" Camila voice of disbelief asked as she watched Nina run on the treadmill.
"Yes, that sounds about right, good guess." Nina managed to say slowing down the speed so she could walk briskly.
"Your the biggest oblivious dumbass I've ever met, Fairfield." Camila said dryly, Nina allowed herself, a hoarse laugh then agreed with her.
"I swear to God though, why wouldn't you talk about it?"
"I wear dark scary clothes she wears a cheerleading uniform, She co-cheer captain and I'm under the bleachers, She is perky and nice, I'm broody and scary... I can go on, would you like me to?" Nina asked laughing to herself. The guy next her gave her a dirty look.
"What I'm having female issues can a girl talk about possible girlfriend problems." Nina snapped making the guy leave talking about gays bring down the place.
"You have two options my friend." Camila said giggling, drinking her soda.
"They are?" Nina asked bluntly.
"Number one: You talk to her!" She said, Nina gave her a blank look. "Number Two: You just pretend nothing happened."
"Whats behind door Number Three?" She asked, Running faster.
"What?" Camila asked confused.
"Whats option three, creampuff?" Nina asked then stopped the treadmill in horror.
"You change your name and move to Canada." Camila said playing along.
"Hopefull i get a sexy vampire roommate,who turns into a black panther, and a freakishly tall redhead friend, and join an Amazonian type sorority." Nina said brightly.
"Your Carmilla obssesion is getting worse. Do you Ship Hollence or Hollstein?" Camila asked smirking.
"Hollence. Leave Larua with Danny, Carmilla come be with me instead...In my head Natasha Negovanlis has my children, and we're married." Nina said giving a lopsided smile.
"Nice your methods of deflections are getting good. But seriously my soon-to-be-Lesbro grow a pair of balls, and be Carmilla, and get your Laura."
"But i don't think i want to be a Vampire, Werewolves are alot more kick-ass. Plus I'm not short, nor do i have the sexy accent."
"You are broody." Camila said making Nina give her a broody glare.
"Ok so the plan is to get mudered during a ball, and turn into a vampire." Nina asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes.
"Hey girls love broody vampires look at Carmilla, Angel, Stefan Salvatore, Edward Culle-" Nina made gagging noises, when she said Edward.
(the Twilight fandom is going to hate me.)
"Edward is a sparkly fairy, who on my opinion should have been killed, and Bella should have dated...anyone else. Robert Pattinson ruin Cedric Diggory for me, cause if you think about it in the mind of a fandom Voldey-shorts killed Diggory and he turned into a vampire, aka Edward Cullen." 
"You need help." Camila said trying to act serious, as she patting her thigh. "And to stop changing subjects, God your defense mechanisms are cliché. You could write a story as you being a vampire. Listen*ahem* 'She walked down the dark rode awaiting her next meal, when she caught sight of one of weathiest merchants only daughter, gracefully walking down the ride, unbeknownst to her a hungry, tantalizing creature watched from the shadows. When the creature figured it would be safe to consume her meal she attacked. Looking into the girls blue eyes she forced her fangs back into her mouth as she stroked the girls blonde hair whispering 'It would be a pleasure to eat more than your flesh. The young womans innocent mind could not comprehend the alluring Vampires words. 'What are you talking about' she whispers to the vampire 'You have been a foolish girl to roam unsupervised, one may want to take advatage of tha-"'
"..Pl..please stop. Your starting to sound like the plot of a smutty movie." Nina stuttered, her face burning.
"You've got it bad, so embrace that rainbow, your far from are a creampuff for f***s sake. Now embrace your Buffy, Xena, Sookie, Carmilla, Laura...ok maybe not Laura, and your Jane Rizzoli, and talk to her, just try not get defense cause your brash when confronted." Camila said trying to inspire confidence, when her cellphone buzzed.
Get home now.
"I guess, I've got to go my mom texted."
"Remember what i said." Camila said.
"I will, bye." Nina said running out. Leaving Camila smiling solemnly.
Kelly's PoV
Kelly walked in her house, seeing every light on in the living room
"Mami, I'm home."
"Mija como estes?" (how are you daughter?) Kellys Mom asked.
"Estoy bien Madré, Que Paso?" (I'm good mom what's wrong?)
"Nothings wrong to say, I'm just here while I'm on leave visiting " Said Kellys Absentee father.
"Dad what are you doing here?" Kelly asked looking at her father then mother asking facial why she was allowing him in the house.
"I want to be with my family." He said in his Military voice.
"We don't want you here." A deep voice said startling all of them. They turned and saw Nina glaring at their father with unveiled hatred.
"I though you were at the gym." Kelly asked breaking the tension, as Nina gave their Dad a withering glare, while their Dad looked anywhere but at Nina, with their Mom looked worrily between father and daughter. She felt extremely awkward. She ignored Kelly, While Kelly didn't take offence to this it angered her.
Their father finally looked Nina in the eyes, then flinched. "You need your father in your life." He told them dully as if he could care less and that irritated Kelly more, Nina was thinking the same cause she snorted as she laughed bitterly, then spat venomously "Tell me when you find him." storming off to her room followed by a vicious slam. Their Dad fumed, and their mom saud "David she has the right to be angry."
"What about you Kelly are you mad too?"
"Yes, you basically disowned this family cause we wouldn't move into the base with you. Then suddenly you decide to pop back into our lives like it was nothing. Did you know your youngest daughter has trust issues and is so independent she can't even tell someone she hurt cause she doesn't want to be weak...cause in the end Thats who you really trust is yourself. I'm going to my room." Kelly said running to Ninas room, she was blasting The Pretty Reckless's song Make Me Wanna Die. 
Kelly turned the doorknob finding it locked.
The one time she locks her door. Kelly thought annoyed. Banging the secret knock on the door Nina opened her door with a scowl as she had her pocket knife in her hand.
"What's wrong?" She asked gently, hugging Kelly.
"I need my little sister." Kelly said her voice, Nina pulled her in her neatly organized room, locking the door. She set Kelly on her bed, then walked to her stero turning down the music till it was in the background. Nina cuddled with Kelly singing along with the music softly, soothing the older girl, Kelly let the tears flow, Nina muttering assurances that it would be alright.
After awhile when Kelly calmed down she said "It's sad my little sister is making sure I'm alright, when i should be protecting you."
"Shhh Kel it doesn't matter, your in pain, its is my duty as your sister to make you feel better. And you could be twenty, and I'd still do my best to make you feel better." Nina said, Kelly felt as though Nina was taking an oath as she said it.
"Your a good sister Neens." Kelly said hugging her tighter.
"I'm doing what any good sibling would do." Nina said modestly, looking at one of her bandposters.
"Not just that you let me and Nattie drag you around town on our shopping escapades" Nina flinched at the word shopping. "Our sort-of quests, you come to Natties house even though it pains you that Stark is gone. You come to our practices, you complain even though you enjoy some of these things."
"Kel I'm going to be honest with you. Yes i may complain about it but i'm happy you and your best want to include me I've been depressed and angry since Stark got kidnapped Four years ago. But I'm happy that an author whos work i admire wants to mentor me, and see potential that i don't."Nina said her amber eyes shining with tears she wouldn't shed.
Kelly thought i was no or never to voice her approval. "You're happy because your sister approves of the girl you like." Kelly felt Nina tense under her embrace, and she told Kelly deflecting "I'm straight."
"Neens you may not have come to terms with your sexuality yet, but I can see the way you look at Nattie it's beyond friendship. You don't have to deny it, i accept it, and The Nattina Ship has sailed."
"I have no clue what you are talking about."
"You can't play that card forever, especially when you're bluffing." Kelly argued, Nina continued to look oblivious and Kelly quickly said "Nevermind." When she saw that Nina wouldd just put up her walls, and get defensive winning the argument. When Nina sighed in relief Kelly deflated. Was it possible she misread the signs her sister broadcasted toward her blonde friend, or was Nina being stubborn puta.
Soon the fell asleep as if they were ten and Eleven again.
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