Chapter five

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Third Person PoV Esperanza Fairfield was not amused when her Sixteen and Seventeen year old daughters came into the ER, with Nattie trailing behind her youngest daughter looking like she went a couple rounds with Mike Tyson.
"Qué la chingao pasà aquí?" (What the hell is going on here?) She demanded examining Nina.
Kelly and Nattie traded panicked looks both afraid that the short woman would kick some ass herself.
"I ran into wall?" Nina offered with a weak laugh.
"Are you asking or telling me Juanita?" Espranza asked putting a hand on her hip. Nina flinched at the use of her real name and said "It fought back." 
"Lets get you looked at and you can tell me why your face looks like it went through a cheese shredder." The nurse sighed, shaking her head at her daughter.
"Well Kelly decided that she wanted a cheese dish but the demon i summon possessd it and shredded my face, telling me in a demonic voice that the cheese will not be cut." Nina said sarcasticlly.
"Who beat you up, and why?" Esperanza asked her snarky daughter, leading her in an empty examination room making her sit on the gurney Hospital bed, Nina sat silently glaring holes into the beige colored wallpaper.
"I will be right back, Kelly come will me I'll be need some help." The Doctor told her daughter murtering crudely in spanish, the eldest Fairfield daughter followed leaving Nina and Nattie awkwardly looking at each other, Nina looking away blushing, and Nattie sighed in frustration, finally saying "I have no clue why this is awkward, we are as we always been just a little more." 
Nina didn't answer, she just looked anywhere but the blonde, fighting an internal battle with herself. Did she she continue keeping the walls she built up or level them,letting her in. Every instinct in her body said Yes, you don't want to get hurt.
But her heart and soul said No take a chance, and show her the real you, not the front you put on.
Nina made a decision right there knowing it would change everything.
While Nattie watched Nina as she fought herself, her mind making up scenarios both good and bad. Come on Nina give me some semblance of hope. She thought pleadingly, and if the Fates were on her side Nina looked up at her, her amber colored eyes open and readable. Nina didn't glare, smirk, or frown, all expressions she donned frequently, a solemn expression on her face.
"We need to talk." Nina said serious, Nattie gave a panicked look, and Nina cursed herself for giving Nattie the starting sentence of a break-up line. "I'm not going to say it's not you it's me or vise versa but i am going to tell you i don't regret anything...No that's a lie the only thing I regret is not doing it sooner." She said this in a soothing voice looking into Natties eyes, she trying showing all of her feeling via eye contact since she didn't have the courage to tell her that she's the reason for her waking up in the morning or that she is the only person she's ever invested in romantically.
"You said I make you feel things. What did you mean?" Nattie asked piecing everything together still drawing a blank.
Nina looked at her in shock "You can be naive at times, and here i thought it was obvious. I like you." 
"Like...?" Nattie asked, Nina sighed grabbing Natties hand with her good one-her bad one was turning purple, and yellow- pulling her towards her so they were chest to chest, or face to chest in Nattie's case.
Nina kissed her forehead, hugging the blonde to her body, dispite the pain in her side, Nina felt the pain in ribs and stomach was nothing compared to losing the short blonde.
Nina realized she was admitting to what everyone knew, but could care less, but after todays events knew she would have to tread carefully especially if Tom went after her, to hurt Nina. If he did Nina knew she wouldn't be able told back this time, and she'd start blacking out again. Nina hated not being control. She may have been a pothead head but it was only for tranquility.

Nattie was feeling completely blissful in Ninas embrace, she wanted to hug her tighter but figured it wouldn't be good for her body at the moment, she kept wondering what this all meant and would it still be like this tomorrow, Nattie didn't really care if they had to hid their relationship-if it was going that way- considering what Tom did to Nina. 
Which led Nattie to another thought Why am i so drawn to her, it is weird, not bad, just weird. I've never resorted to violence, but seeing her hurt it made me forget that I am pasfist. God why is it so hard being teenager.
It could be worse, you could be a sarcastic, anti-social-but somehow people still like you- and moody. Nattie looked at Nina smiling as she just described the moody teen.Nattie was also think that they needed to talk sometime soon.

What the girls didn't know was both mother and sister Fairfield stood outside eavesdropping, as if it was a soap opera.
"Told ya so." Kelly told her Mom, who smiled.
"I had a sneaking suspicion. But if Natalya makes her happy so be it. I have a feeling your father won't be a gracious as I am." 
"f**k him!" Kelly said bluntly, Espranza nodded in agreement.
"Yeah we should probaly go in now or co-worker will start asking questions about me not doing my job. Plus we should make sure she doesn't have brain damage, and as much as this has a General Hospital feel ." 
"Mother we both know that she can sustain it. She almost lost control, you should talk to Grandpa about it." Kelly told her Mom, and shook her head in agreement. They walked in and the two girls jumped apart as if they were caught doing something obscene, when in reality they were hugging.
"So let's pretend there is no Nattina moment happening and get Ninas face fix up, crossing it off the list?" Kelly said tactlessly.
"As much as that could have been better phrased she's right we need to make sure your hand isn't broken, or you haven't cracked any ribs, I'll have one of my Radiologists do it. I'm going to check out your hand and wrist." Espranza explains, Nina nods understanding.
"Alright roll your wrist and tell me if that hurts" She commanded and Nina did as ordered, gasping in pain as she did.
"On a scale of one to ten-ten being extremely painful and one being Not that much how would you rate it?" She asked getting in her Doctor zone as she calls it. Nina clenched her jaw saying.
"How about it feels Like the damn Abominal Snowman stepped on it."
"So an eight and a half." Espranza asked ignoring her daughters snarky remark. "Now clench your fist."
Nina tried to clench her fist but her fingers barely moved a centimeter before the feeling of a millions of spikes being jammed in her hand forcing tears to her eyes, and a pained cry.
"Are you ok mija?" Espranza asked worried her professional demeanor replaced with her motherly instincts.
"Sí mamá me duele tanto, por favor arreglarlo." (Yes mom it hurts so much, please fix it.) Nina said, and Espranza gave Nina a look of pity, and said "It's not compartment syndrome which you know that i know is a good thing, my guess a really bad sprain, so I'll be back i need to attend to other patients, and Darlene will do the X-ray, she can handle you, since neither John or Tim can.She will be in in twenty minutes so Kelly stich her up, you know how to." She finish and walked out.
Kelly got the needle and set it on the counter, picking up a paper cup filling it up with water from the sink, giving Nina a vicodin and the cup. She put the pill in her mouth swolling it with the water, thanking her sister.
Kelly threaded the stiching into the needle working on the gash on Ninas forehead, after cleaning out the wound, while Nina winced cursing in spanish.
"I know it hurts, but stop swearing Elvira." 
Nina ignored the Elvira comment, but stopped swearing.
"There, I'm done." Kelly told her, cutting the thread.
"Finally." Nina said in relief.
"I'll see if Darlene is ready for you." Kelly walked out, and Nina took out her cellphone, motioning for Nattie to sit with her, Nattie did as told, and Nina went on Youtube and asked Nattie "Have you ever seen this online series called Carmilla?"
"Yes, i have. I love it, too." Nattie answered, not at all suprised that Nina watched it too.
"Good so Carmilla it is. I think i count for two hundred of the views for Season one Episode thirty-six." Nina admited sheepishly.
"Four times, they kissed four times."
"I know."
"Nina come on." Kelly said coming in with a middle aged African American woman named Darlene.
"Actually She needs to get a hospital gown on, you should know this Kelly." Darlene said going through one of thr cabinets pulling out a gown with giraffes that was obviously to small.
"I don't think that will fit." Nina pointed out, and Nattie flicked her giving Nina a 'stop-being-a-sarcastic-bitch.' look.
"I grabbed the wrong one, here about this?" She asked pulling out one five times bigger than her actual body.
"I see you still have your sense of humor, and i missed you too." Nina said chuckling, grabbing her side when a spike of pain hit her.
"Come on." She said, helping Nina out.
Two hours later 
Kelly sat on a chair reading a philosophy she found in Nina's backpack, while Nattie watched Carmilla on Ninas phone, and Nina slept on the bed the pain medicine kicked in an hour and a half ago.
"I don wan ta go to 'ogwarts usin the TARDIS. I wan to use the Impala." Nina said sleep talking.
Kelly and Nattie exchanged glances, both trying to hold her laughter.
"Did she just make a refrence to Harry Potter, Doctor Who, and Supernatural?"
"I think so."Kelly answered giggling.
"Hey girls, wake up Juanita." Espranza said coming into the room.
Nattie nodded and poked Nina on her forehead, cheeks, nose, and her neck, while smirking at Nina.
"No i don't want to dance with the pink narwhals, no matter what Ellen says." Nina groaned as she slowly woke up, and Nattie poked her chin just to make sure she was up.
Nina jerked up barely giving Nattie enough time to move looking around dazed, her voice was low and horse from the medicine.
Ninas mother cleared her throat and said "I looked at your X-ray and it looks like there is just alot of brusing in your ribs, I'll wrap that up, and you have a sprained wrist, which you'll need a brace. Other than that I'll prescribe some 1000mg of ibuprofen for the pain." 
Nina nodded along.
"And i need you to rest even if Kelly and Nattie has to sit on you, which is likely considering how stubborn you are."
"Nah I'm not fighting, I want to go home watch Underworld, and eat some pizza." Nina said airily.
"We will watch her, and make sure she doesn't keel over and die." Kelly said joking.
"Ok, I'll grab the supplies, have a nurse send the prescription to the pharmacy, you'll be out in ten or fiveteen minutes." 

Ten minutes later
The two cheerleaders pulled a loopy Nina out of the ER, entering the hospitals pharmacy.
A short brunette woman, greeted them and Kelly asked to pick a prescription up.
"Name?" The pharmacist asked bored.
"Juanita Luna Rosa Fairfield." Kelly said.
"Date of Birth?" 
"Ok. Here it is." The pharmacist handed Kelly a white paper bag.
"Thanks. Have a nice day." Kelly said being polite.
"Your welcome." 

Nattie sat in the back with Nina laying on her, fast asleep again. Nina looked at Nina, she look younger, and innocent to Nattie, and seeing the younger girl looking so vulnerable made Natties heart ache.
"She is adorable when she is sleeping, no sarcasm is used." Nattie mused outloud.
"Yeah, i guess."
"Dude *Yawns* I'm tired." Nattie said feeling drowsy.
"When we get home, we can go to Nina's room and watch Netflix." 
"Do you think she'll mind?" Nattie asked Kelly.
"Nah she's use to finding me in her room. She won't mind you being in there, and if we have pizza she'll die and go to heaven." Kelly explained with a crooked grin.
"Alrighty then."
They finally reached the Fairfield household, and Nattie shook Nina awake. She didn't respond the only indication she make to prove she still alive was She rested her face on Natties bosom.
"It is weird how ok I am with this." Nattie mused, running a hand through the younger girls ebony curls.
"Be ok with in the house." Kelly said opening the door.
Nattie and Kelly dragged Nina in the house and it was understandable that David Rivers the two girls father stopped them, considering the fact that to anyone else it would look like they were dragging a dead body in.
"Is there any good reason why your not in school?" He asked them.
"Yes, call Mom and she will tell you." Kelly said rudely, motioning for Nattie to continue upstairs.
"You really hate him." Nattie pointed out, as they got up the stairs, and walked into Nina's unusually clean room. Setting her on her bed.
"I do, and before you asked Ninas a little OCD so everything is always in a place that makes sense to her. Oi Nina wakey wakey you bum." Kelly said poking her.
"I got Pizza." Nattie said, and Nina jumped up looking around.
"You're mean for that." Nina whined, Nattie patted her head, and said "If it makes you feel better I'll let you use my boobs as a pillow again."
"Again?" Nina questioned, raising an inquiring eyebrow.
"In the car." Natte answered smirking and Nina flashed back to Kellys words about Nina corrupting her friend. 
Yep Nina thought I created a not as sarcastic monster.
"Oh my God I'm sorry." Nina said apologetic.
"' Is it weird how ok i am with this?'" Kelly repeated Natties earlier words.
Nattie shot Kelly a dirty look.
"It's ok." Nattie told Nina.
"So I'll order a couple of pizzas any requests?"
"Cheese." Both girls said at the same time from their spot on the bed, Nina was sitting up with Natties head on her lap.
"Ok." Kelly said calling place their order, then sat on Ninas bed, next to her sister, watching the two girls interact as if it was Animal Planet.
They may have avoided talking about everything but one thing is certain: everything has changed. Kelly thought with a smile.

Back at the hospital
Espranza took out her cellphone, and pressed #3 on her speed dial. It rang for a minute then a voice on the other end said "Daughter long time no speak."
"Father, we may a new addition soon. She's showing the signs."
"That's good soon our new leader will be among our ranks. Thank you for the information my daughter, You and Kellison watch her, and we'll extract her when the time comes." Then the line cut off, leaving a beeping sound.
"Soon my daughter you shall lead our race into prosperity."
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