Chapter Six

1424 Words
Nattie's PoV Two Weeks Later Nattie and Nina stood on Natties porch, both girls staring at the door.
"Do we have to do this, your Dad is going to chase me around town with a shotgun." Nina asked Nattie, who was also sharing similar thoughts.
"Yes we do. You said only certain people can know, and these are Certain People that needs to know, futhermore my Dad will not shoot you...unless i ask him to." Natties said trying to inspire confidence, apparently baseing off of Ninas face it wasn't helping all.
"Remember we have to pick and choose our battles, plus you said we should tell them." Adding the last part as an afterthought.
"Yeah, but if your father kills me i am going to be very upset." Nina said over enthusiastic, proving she was just being sarcastic. Nattie elbowed her in her good side.
"It's my Mother you have to worry about if there was to be anything you should worry about." Nattie said reassuring Nina.
"You kind of suck at the whole assuring thing." Nina commented, and Nattie had a feeling she was overdramatic.
Nattie patted Ninas cheek, and opened her front door dragging her in.
"Mom, and Dad where are you?"Nattie called out and her mother a short blonde woman with hazel eyes, along with her father a tall man with brown hair and blue eyes came in and looked at Nattie and Nina curious.
"Nattie i didn't know we where having guests otherwise i would have set out another place at the table." Natties mom asked, Natties father however asked "Where's Kelly?"
"Well we kind of have to tell you something." Nina provided awkwardly.
"Your not pregnant are you?" Nattie Father asked and Nattie could her the nervous tone in his voice, and she smiled.
"No Daddy I'm not pregnant, my situation doesn't make it possible." Nattie replied vaguely, and her parents gave them an impatient look.
"Nina would yo-" Nattie was cut off by Nina giving her chaste kiss, quickly pulling away making Nattie pout.
"Ohh I understand now." Natties Mom Nicole said.
"I'm still confused." Anthony said.
"That means they are finally together." Nicole informed him
"You realize we both owe Kelly thirty dollars now?" Anthony whispered to her, but Narrue caught it.
"You guys were betting on getting together?" Nattie demanded but not angrily.
Both of her parents gave noncommittal shrugs.
"Sweetie, it was inevitable, it was only a matter of when, not IF." Natties Mom said, Nattie felt herself blush, while Nina raised an eyebrow.
"Well i had my daily dose of awkward, but I must run along, my parents want to have a 'Family' Dinner." Nina finally said, and Nattie could hear the regret in her voice.
"Essh, my condolences. If you murder your Father I'll pick up from jail, just don't become someones b***h till i get there." Nattie said jokingly trying to ease the obvious tension around Nina.
"I will be sure to tell big Bertha I'm already someones bitch." Nina said winking at Nattie.
"You do that." Nattie replied grinning like an idiot.
Nina kissed Natties cheek whispering "Good-bye, My love i will text you later." She placed another kiss on her forehead, hugging her then leaving, bit not before giving Natties Dad a bro hug (basically a side hug), and Natties an hug.
Once the door shut Natties parents look at Nattie.
"She's one of the good one's, Keep her around. I like her better than the guys you brought home." Natties father said.
"Anthony we don't have to worry about that Juanita isn't going to leave her, any time so... Or Not at all."
"How did this happen anyway?" Her Dad asked.
"You saw the brace on Ninas hand right?" They nodded "Well the story has something to do with that." Nattie then began explaining every detail.

An Hour later 
Nina's PoV
Nina's mom Espranza wore a fake smile, trying to keep the conversations going, ignoring the obvious tension.
Ninas Dad sat uncomfortably looking between Nina, and Kelly, trying to speak.
Kelly glared at her Dad, making a point of ignoring him, while Nina had her fore and middle fingers resting on both temples, an eyebrow raised and her face scrunched in irritation, basically ignoring everyone.
Her entire body ached, and the presences of all the nuisances make her agitated, and hostile, it really didn't help that her father was bashing the LGBT community, boasting how he would put all homosexuals on dishonorable discharge.
When he got to the part about him not knowing what do if his own children were gay, when Nina finally snapped.
"Shut up!" She yelled at him, making his eyes widen in surprise. While Kelly and Ninas Mom gave her a look of warning.
"What?" He said enraged.
"I said, SHUT.UP! They are people, who are actually good people. At least they don't harshly judge." Nina said 
"So now your a sympathizer for the damn gays." He yelled his face turning red.
"More than that father, I'm one of them, and I'm dating Kellys best friend, you remember Nattie don't you." Nina said deathly calm, Kelly looked at Nina her eyes pleadingly.
"I will not have a dyke for a daughter!" He yelled, and Nina in a shrill tone laughed.
"Do you think I chose this, this is who I am. And I'm meant to be a f*****g LESBIAN." Nina yelled spitefully.
"God hates fags." He shouted at her, banging his fist on the table. Nina narrowed her eyes at him.
"Satan loves bigots." Nina countered with distain.
Kelly put a hand on Ninas shouder only to have her twist it, making Kelly cry out in pain. Nina let her go.
"Kelly oh my God! I'm so sorry." Nina said her voice breaking, and her heart broke when her sister looked at her in fear.
"Right, whatever." Nina said walking out of her house slamming the front door.
Nina knew she should have felt sad that her own family had pretty much given up on her but all she felt was a burning rage, the kind that would turn any person evil or just plain wrong.
You hurt your sister, she was trying to keep you from hurting someone and you hurt her. Nina thought. She got in her car pulling out her key. Nina inhaled deeply, unleashing the tears she has held in for a long time, then drove away speeding.

Nina had no clue where she was going or what she was doing she only knew that she needed time alone.
Once she reached a red light she beat the steering swearing in every language she knew, (English,Spanish, and French).
"Ok, calm down. Just calm do-" Nina stopped when she realized that it wasn't helping at all. She wiped the tears out of her eyes, and tried another method to calm herself down.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and Nina pulled over, taking her phone out.
She saw a message from Nattie, and she grew slightly calmer, she read the message.
Forgot to tell you that I love you.
Nina looked at the message for a long time, a hint of a smile showing.
Nina began a text explaining what just happened but Nina didn't want to bother Nattie with her problems so she deleted it staring at the text box on her phone.
You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say that. I want to tell you something that may sound cliché: You are the Light to my Darkness, you balance me out. You make me want to be a better person just to be worthy of your attention, not mention your love and affection. So i want to say I love you as well. Nina texted back, tossing her phone 
Hey just because my home life is down the shitter doesn't mean I can't make my girfriend feel loved and valued. Nina thought to herself. 
Something made the passenger side of the car sink lower, so Nina got out of her car, scanning her surroundings. Nina check the back tire first, and it looked like claws penetrated the rubber, (Mentally kicking self for that imagery.) Nina being the proud mixed, Virgin brunette didn't call out but slowly backed into her car. 
That is until someone snuck behind her knocking her out with blunt force, she saw her attacker a boy her age with blue eyes much like her loves, and blonde hair, before darkness blinded her, forcing her into a wave of unconsciousness.
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