Chapter Thirteen

1176 Words
Nina's PoV Nina sniffed the air in her wolf form looking for her charge in annoyance and amusement. Nina was forced to teach her blonde werewolf how to shift, how to control the shift, and when not shift, Nattie had troubles with the last two, she was so excited about being werewolf that after a couple of sessions Kelly and Stark gave up claiming she was a glorified golden retriever puppy. Nina couldn't argue but she found the blonde annoying in a endearing way which she made sure she clarified on, Nina would then get tackled followed by tickling. Anyway Nina searched for her mate, as an unspoken match of Hide and seek took place much to Nina's displeasure. After a good ten minutes of more fruitless searching a body crashed into Ninas, knocking her off-balance, she snapped her head to the source of the attack catching a smaller solid white wolf giving her...well as wolfish grin,their tounge hanging out. Nina gave threatening growl, the white wolf i.e Nattie bowed her head, then shifting back to her human form,patting Nina's muzzle. "Come on Neens you did say to sneak up, and attack. It's not my fault you couldn't sense me." Nattie told Nina condescending. I swear she is getting cocky. Nina thought rolling her eyes. She then shifted back to her human form, slapping Natties butt. She yelped, and glared at her, she didn't intimidate Nina who gave a slight tilt of her head looking concerned. "Are you ok?" "I'm gonna kill you!" Nattie yelled, running after Nina, who laughed as she ran through the woods Nattie behind her, yelling obscenities at her. Once they reached the Pack House, Nina realized they drew quite a crowd. Nearly the entire pack was watching Nattie chase Nina, who ducked and dodged her. "Nina you're doing it wrong!" Stark yelled, joining Nattie in her 'game' of Catch Nina, and reprimand her. "Yeah, you are not suppose to run away from your girlfriend, only your ex." Kelly commented from her spot next to hers and Nina's grandpa. "I have no ex's!" Nina yelled narrowly avoiding Nattie but she rammed Stark down, then tripped over Tony, who looked at Nina like she was in the wrong, making a gurgling like noise. "Good boy." Stark praised Tony, who looked at Stark like he was Harry Potter or something. "Really. Really a platypus? A platypus is my downfall." Nina whined, as she tried getting up, only to be tackled by Nattie, she let out an 'omph' as she hit the ground. "Damn you." Nina managed to say. "Well Neens did you learn your lesson?" Nattie's asked leering at her, She saw many people went back onto the house. "Maybe." Nina said pretending to consider it. "Bitch." "Thats Queen b***h sweetie." Nina said sweetly. Nina heard a howl an grew serious jumping up knocking Nattie off her. "What was that?" Nattie asked Nina. "A wolf patrolling the land. I must investigate this, you all stay here an guard the house and farmhouse." Nina ordered. "Alone?" Nattie asked, and Nina knew by her tone, she was going to argue. "Yes." Was all Nina said before shifting and running off. "You stupid bitch." Nina heard Nattie say, and Nina mentally agreed. She carefully searched the woods for the wolf patrolling, when she heard the sound of someone moaning in pain. She rushed to the source without thinking. She shifted back to her human form. On the forest floor was a beautiful redhead about eighteen years old, she looked at Nina pain and terror in her icy blue eyes, as she held her bloody side. Nina's wolf instincts told her to run while her human ones said help the girl. "Are you hurt?" Nina asked and cursed herself for being dumb. The girl said nothing she just loomed at Nina in fear. "I will not hurt you if that's why you're afraid. I will help you just tell me; Are you hurt. "Yeah." The girl said crying out, and wincing in pain. "What happened?" Nina asked her crouching down to eyelevel. "I was walking in the woods and this guy came out of no where and stabbed me." Nina ripped a her shirt turning it into a tourniquet, and lifting the girls shirt, tying the shirt, to stop the bleeding. "By the way Juanita Fairfield you should be so trusting." The redheaded girl said smirking maliciously. "What? Why?" She got her her answer when she heard the gunshot, and felt the bullet penetrate her left shoulder. "That's why." Said a familiar male voice. "I swear you mutts are getting stupider...and just because I'm feeling generous I'm going to inform you that, what my friend shot you with was a silver and wolfsbane laced bullet. You may live, you may die, either we have plans for you the big bad Alpha." The redhead told her, petting her cheek as she held Nina up. "f**k you." Nina said groggily, her eyes feeling heavy. "Awww how sweet,the mutt is throwing herself at me." Was the last thing Nina heard.   Third Person PoV   The redheaded girl loom to the dark haired guy, and said "Phase one of the plan done." The redhead locked her lips and moaned "For a dog her blood smells delectable. If the master doesn't want her I do, the last toy I had lost their mind and took their life. What a pity too." "Something tells me that you'll get to keep her Elizabeth, try not to break this one though." "Brother It's not my fault the girls are too innocent and prudent." She said coyly, searching the Werewolf for anything to leave behind. "Aha." She said when she found a necklace indicating her allegance with the Fairfield pack. "Now we put some of her blood on the necklace and leave it her so the mutts will find it." She said putting a finger in the brunettes shoulder scoping out some of her blood smearing it on the necklace. The brunette in question let out a whimper still in her comatosed state, making both Vampires laugh at her pain. "Come on, let's take the Were-b***h to our master." The male vampire nodded in agreement while Elizabeth took the werewolf running.   The wolves back at the pack house heard the gunshot, and Nina's friends, and sister wanted to find her. Once Martin gave the ok they followed her scent, and found bloody leaves, and a piece of shiny metal which Nattie picked up, they being Martin, Kelly, and Stark gasped the last two cursing. "It's her blood." Kelly said, her face hardening into one of anger. "Dammit!" Nattie growled "I knew someone should have went with her. I should have went with with her, you know she attracts trouble." Nattie punched a tree, taking a chunk out of it, her knuckles bleeding. "Don't blame yourself, joven lobo. We will find her, or vise versa." Martin said clasping Natties shoulder in a comforting manner. "Till then let's go to the house and figure out how to get her back."
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